Sci-Fi Economics Lab + Europarama: towards a season 2 of the podcast?

Earlier this week, Giuseppe @porcarorama and I got together to discuss a possible collaboration of the next season of Europarama, Giuseppe’s podcast. In 2021, he had the great idea to produce an entire Europarama season on Witness: @yudhanjaya, @hugi, @amelia and others accompanied Giuseppe on his travels throughout the Distrikts of Witness (episodes here).

We are exploring possible ways that we could continue to collaborate. One idea that has been floated is that of public discussions of important sci-fi or economic work, that would then serve as the preparatory material for our book club discussions. In Europarama, we would have one or two invitees, ideally including the author(s). Then, two weeks later, we would do a book club with an open discussion. Some works that were mentioned: Termination Shock, the upcoming Neal Stephenson on climate change (!); Another Now, Varoufakis’s novel; I would like Growth without economic growth, an unusual report published by the European Environmental Agency – discussed here.

I will keep you guys updated on whether Giuseppe and we decide to move on, and how.


Hi everyone,

Great Alberto to start this thread. and on the upcoming books, The Every of Dave Eggers is also on my list.

and we keep you updated about the possible europarama follow-up :slight_smile:

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