Sociocracy Facilitation Course

Definitely up for meeting in person. Since I am already hosting the NVC workshop, I won’t offer to host. (Personally I wouldn’t mind, but I live with housemates and don’t want them to feel that I am squatting the common spaces.)

Thank you Sophie
Also up for meeting person - will be great to see you
Looking forward to see the proposed dates as many of my week ends are busy with my current training

Also up for meeting in person. I could possibly host at my place, but would have to check with my roomies first :slight_smile:

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Happy to offer my place whenever it is convenient for the group!


As this thread is now being enthusiastically used to organise the second group doing this training, I have created a new thread for the first group to organise meeting for sessions 2 and 3: Sociocracy Facilitation Course - first group

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Up for meeting in person, thank Sophie! I live in a small studio but if we want to alternate with @Lee (thanks) you just need to bring your chair :wink:


hiya, I’m up for meeting in person too! Similar to Matthieu, our calendars are getting pretty full so I hope we can find a time where we’re all available :slight_smile:

Great! Thank you for offering your place, Lie, Lena and Maria Claudia - maybe we could do the first session at Lie’s place (enough chairs and we won’t disturb anyone ;))? I’d be happy to have you all over at mine (if nobody is allergic to cats) for the next one(s).
Let’s try to find a first evening then :crossed_fingers: :muscle:

  • 23.1 7pm
  • 26.1 7pm
  • 27.1 7pm
  • 30.1 7pm
  • 9.2 7pm
  • 10.2 7pm
  • 11.2 7pm
  • 12.2 7pm
  • 15.2 7pm
  • 16.2 7pm
  • 20.2 7pm
  • 21.2 7pm

0 voters

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Thanks for organizing the poll @Sophie. I did not put any date for February down for now, as I am not sure yet about my availabilities for the month (I am planning to go on vacation, but haven’t fixed the dates yet). So feel free to just pick the date that is the most convenient for everyone, and if that is in February, I might end up joining spontaneously still. :slight_smile:

@MariaClaudia, @Lara and @Nic: when are you available? Thanks for voting :slight_smile:

voted @Sophie_Beese ! thanks

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Sorry for the late reply. Missed the tag somehow. I voted now!

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I pretty convinced that I’ve voted right after the poll came out ,but it seems/looks like I didn’t. And I can’t click on “vote now” anymore since then. No idea what happened.
In any case, @Sophie_Beese when will you communicate the final dates? :slight_smile:

Hi @Sophie and everyone!
The first group is finding it quite challenging to find a time that works for each of us to do session 2 and 3 of this course. Once the second group has completed the first session, perhaps we can mix the two groups back together to create more options for having the numbers for later sessions…


@Lara maybe you could be the “Zünglein an der Waage”? :wink: would the 27.1 or the 20.2 work for you?

@Sophie_Beese Actually both dates would work for me.

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@JolanWuyts, @Nic, @MariaClaudia and @Matthieu - are you all still available this Friday? @Lee would be happy to host us :slight_smile:
If we have our first session this week still, group 1 and 2 can indeed mix afterwards (and maybe even a third group could get started).
Sorry to the people who are not available on that date!

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Hi @Sophie_Beese, yes I’m available till 20.30/21. Also fine for me if you want to start earlier, e.g 18.30. Thanks

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Hi @Sophie_Beese
Friday 7pm is still OK -
I have a commitment until 6pm close to Janson station so 6:30 might be possible


I can still do Friday, I’ll check with Nic to see if he’s still available!