šŸ—Ø Status Report II: What's Up With You?

He usually checks in once in a while so I think chances are good he will be summoned. :slight_smile:

Cool cool. As for me @hugi I am quite fresh to metamodernism. Heh, my copy of ā€˜The Listening Societyā€™ just arrived yesterday. Itā€™s been a fast-paced journey since discovering Daniel Schmactenbergerā€™s work a month ago.
My aim is to shift more of my ā€˜doingā€™ to be in alignment with what Iā€™m now learning. This aim has me fanning out, connecting with others, and looking for projects where I can apply my generalist professional skills (product mgt, group facilitation).
What are you up to?

Being new to the community, I just discovered EarthOS. Iā€™m interested to learn more and see whether thereā€™s a fit for my contributions.
How would I do that?

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Hugi is on vacation. I suggest that you go into the EarthOS space and describe yourself and how you think you could contribute.

Over here in California, use of public transportation has dropped down so far that the commuter rail service that goes from San Jose and Silicon Valley into San Francisco is about to shut down permanently. As @alberto pointed out to me once, all public transportation is government subsidized to some extent and this is no exception. And with a huge drop in ridership, it falls on the local governments to increase subsidies to the train service. Since they refuse to do it, the line has no other option than to shut down completely. Similarly, rail and bus service nationwide has cratered. And car sales are up.

My wife works for a similar commuter rail service in the north SF bay area. It seems like just a matter of time before they too will shut down and she will be out of a job.

How is public transportation working in Europe? Ridership must also be way down I would think.


Just calling it anti lock down protest is already very wrong :slight_smile:
It was a response to holding elections with masses going to vote but then giving a speech about how they need to go back into lock down since itā€™s not safeā€¦next level trolling really.
Not to mention in the same speech he basically said he will and must do some other things, which are illegal.
Itā€™s a culmination, the last drop in a long line on dropsā€¦

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I got a nice notice in a local classical music website just now. I helped one of my former employees, author Beth Lisick, who is also an author, poet and generally brilliant artist, with background on a ā€œserial operaā€ she is writing with composer Lisa Mezzacappa, called ā€œThe Electronic Lover.ā€

Aside from her experience shaping stories of all shapes and sizes, Lisick had some direct contact with early internet pioneers covering music for SFGate , Chronicle Publishingā€™s innovative website that drew content from the San Francisco Chronicle and the Hearst-owned San Francisco Examiner , KRON-TV (Channel 4), and the siteā€™s own staff. Working for John Coate, who helped launch Larry Brilliant and Stewart Brandā€™s pioneering internet site The Well , she heard tales about how those early adopters first connected online, and in doing research for The Electronic Lover she revisited those stories with him.

ā€œWe talked to John a lot about what the relationships were like,ā€ Lisick said. ā€œThere was this idea that you cared about people on the other end you were talking to. The community would try to make things right. Iā€™m not a sentimental person at all and Iā€™m feeling pretty jaded these days, but meeting with him again and listening to him talk about the idealism of those early days, it felt very soulful.ā€


This thread is pretty interesting:


However, the author gets it wrong - itā€™s not that Sweden did nothing. There was in fact a huge decrease in mobility, especially between regions, that happened voluntarily. Likewise, work places shut down voluntarily and a lot of people stayed at home during the most critical weeks. However - compared to most countries, the voluntary actions were less drastic than the lockdowns.

By the way, we just had Covid at my house. My flat mate was positive but only had some very vague symptoms for a short time. Our other flat mate and I have been staying at home until we got our test results (tested a week after she get her results), and it turns out we are both negative. We are also both negative for antibodies.

Seeing that we took no safety precautions what so ever while she had the virus, apart from staying at home, it seems unlikely that we were not exposed. My guess is that me and my other flat mate probably either fought of the virus without needing antibodies or/and have already developed T-cell immunity.

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super happy to hear you guys are ok.

Re: Sweden - I am just back in Brussels from Stockholm. Guess which felt healthier?

My own very personal impression is that the political and intsitutional approach is not giving enough consideration to the mental/ social health issues of the total lockdown, mask, doomsday scenario mindset. Even with the light touch approach taken in sweden, friends are visibly affected by peopleā€™s self imposed social distancing, at least one person said to me ā€œI feel so very lonely, itā€™s been really hardā€.

Also, not sure it takes into account the relative baseline health of different populations. I donā€™t know what itā€™s like elsewhere in the country, but literally everywhere and anytime I look in any direction in the city you see at least one person either on their way to or from some kind of sports activity.

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Fire season has returned early to California this year. A freak lightning storm a few days ago started numerous fires in the SF Bay region and adjacent, now with thousands of people evacuating in various locations.

Last year they started evacuating people very early so that firefighters would not have to deal with that along with fighting the fire. It was a major improvement over 2017 when 5000 houses burned down in one night.

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And they have grown overnight some by a factor of ten in one night. Some of these Northern California counties once seemed like a paradise. Now I have to wonder about the viability of even living in some of those places. Fortunately where I live is much cooler and more damp. Big fires have never reached here. But not far away, entire towns evacuated last night.

Update: more than 694,000 acres have burned in Northern and Central California ā€” the equivalent of 1,085 square miles, more than twice the size of the city of Los Angeles. More than 60,000 people evacuated.

Saturday update: massive increase in fire size, 120,000 evacuated. My wife is close to being one of them, seeing as she works only a few miles from the evacuation zone. 3 out of the past 4 years this county has seen catastrophic fires. I wish my whole family could up and move away. But to where?



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And it is not just California. Global warming is here.


Meanwhile, Latino migrant workers, so reviled by Trump and his ilk, are out picking crops to feed those same people.


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Update: the weather brought some rain, not more lightning, which has allowed firefighters to make progress (compared to making no progress before). So it seems the worst has passed. But the real point is that this is now and annual occurrence in California.

Are there any fires heading your way?

The last few days I have been doing a lot of introspection about my life, identity, future plans and so on.

Iā€™ve been very aware of the lack of ritual or context for this activity. What I have physically been doing is taking walks, sitting in chairs, writing in a notebook.

It feels underwhelming, and also isolated. There are no social technologies to make it special, to mark a change or a commitment, to allow recognition by my community.


Not to my house. But there is a lot of smoke in the air.


This is definitely uncharted territory. I think we all feel a version of what you are going through.