🗨 Status Report II: What's Up With You?

Aw man, now David Graeber? Real shame. It feels like he had a lot more writing to do.


Don’t know if it’s a covid death, though clearly the virus is taking a great many people…especially over here.

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I was feeling very much the same @danohu and still am to some extent. At some point, perhaps it has to do with age or mental health, I was starting to feel a sense of unmooring from reality - unsure whether memories of things experienced were just figments of imagination or anchored in real events. It had been going on for a while, and then self-isolation hit. In a place where I am a foreigner and very far away from parents, siblings and old friends. Then I started spending more time in my hometown to care for an ill sibling. While in town I have been getting back in touch with friends, especially one person. Then another. Then another, moving further away from the core of people close to me, out to to people with whom there has been an affinity but no real depth built yet. Am spending a third of my time at “home” and it is really helping…


With Covid-19, smoke filling the air, a deranged President who reminds me of Hal in 2001 when he started talking gibberish and singing “Daisy”, a Republican Party in power with more than half of its members believing fully or partially that Qanon tells the truth, I admit that I find myself with levels of anxiety that are quite foreign to me. I realized yesterday that I carry a baseline of tension far beyond what is normal for me.

California from space this morning at 11 AM.

If you are interested, this page from The Atlantic shows the best photos of the fires burning up the west coast. I know this is very far from Europe, but all of us experience climate change in whatever local way nature chooses.

Thought I’d peek in and say hi again :smile:

Working as a election official these days, with the unmentioned elephant in the room, of the virus kind in play. This is the first Canadian election since pandemic, with controls in place to help alleviate any spread.

Bonus, I get to meet all of my neighbors :slight_smile:


Canada seems so civilized these days…

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@johncoate I have to be apolitical while being an official; so I can’t comment until the polls close Monday :laughing:

That said, three candidates were disowned for trans- or religio-phobic comments during the writ period.

As one twitterati mentioned:

If this election lets us pass the Rubicon where no serious political party will tolerate these sorts of comments, then something good has come out of this election.

In the midst of such massive worldwide turmoil is great opportunity. This time is a crucible.

My father fought in WWII and was wounded there in Germany. Because it looms so large over my own upbringing, I have often wondered what our version would be, since surely it was looming to anyone listening to client scientists and watching the rise of populism. I can’t help but think that what is happening these days with layer upon layer of planetary crises, is that this now is our WWII. This is our 1942. Climate, pandemic, surveillance, racism, democracy under threat by its own populations. The struggle is no less. Just different this time. And please let us turn away from violence as we try to overcome and make a better world.

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Take your vitamin D folks, and make sure your elderly relatives to the same.


I have been something of a climate refugee the past couple of weeks. As many of you know, this is a record-setting year for wildfires in the western USA and particularly California and Oregon. I live on the north coast about a 3 hour drive from San Francisco. I have an option of staying in this house, going south a couple of hours where my kids live or heading east into the mountains where my family owns a small cabin by a river.

How tolerable any of these places are depends mainly on the wind direction and strength. Last week the wind drove so much smoke up the coast that I retreated to the mountain place. A few days ago the wind shifted and reversed so that the air in the mountains became dangerous and the air on the coast is ok.

So yesterday I crossed the state and returned home. It was not until I got quite close to the coast that the air showed any blue at all.

These wildfires of epic proportions are now standard out here. This year already broke the record for total acreage burned by 50% and the largest fire in California history continues to burn on the other side of this county. If the wind shifts again, I will be out of here seeking better air.

What is different this year is how much better the Internet tools are in showing what is happening and what is likely to happen.

There are several websites that show the details of each big fire in visual and text form. The main one for the country is InciWeb (https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/). Not a new site, but one that continues to improve. And there is this newer site, WiFire (https://firemap.sdsc.edu/) that gives an excellent graphic visual of the various fire perimeters.

Air quality can be monitored by a marvelous citizen-science site, Purple Air (Real-Time Air Quality Map | PurpleAir). This is a cluster of air quality sensors that report constantly back to the site. It offers a range of indexes to check to see if large or small particulate matter is in the air. This site ought to win some sort of award.

And I can check wind direction and speed, with an ability to look at future wind prediction at WIndy.com (Windy: Wind map & weather forecast).

And I can look at satellite views of the air/smoke content at the NOAA government site, forecast.weather.gov (National Weather Service). Here is a satellite shot taken a few minutes ago:

You can see that the west is under a blanket of smoke but the coast has some blue areas. I monitor all of these sites during the day and night.

So, for all the talk about fake news, bad info, social media rotting our brains and all (and last night I watched “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix, which I highly recommend), it needs to be said that essential tools for citizens to know what is happening in the natural environment without waiting for the news to report it, continues to improve to where one now can have a useful toolkit for making crucial decisions.

Thus, I think a “Net Generation Internet” should put resources into making such tools better and more available. Obsessing about Facebook and Amazon and other monopolies is important and necessary, but it is still not the whole picture and hopefully never will be.


@johncoate —I was struck last night on how orange the sun was near sunset last night, and remembered the fires. I’m on the tail of the plume shown on the windy.com aerosol visualization.

I read this morning that some of the smoke made it all the way over to Europe…

Luckily for me I have the ability to move around the state to get myself into better air. And I have room air filters. That is not the norm at all. Also, in case you have not seen one, here is a photo of farm workers out there keeping us fed at great risk to their own health.



I know of several cases like that where my friends and my cousin got it but none in their households were positive or had any symptoms.

I’ve started reading Imperium, a historical fiction biography of Cicero. I’m really enjoying it. Cicero just arrived in Messina to dig up evidence for a corruption case he handled early on in his career. Looking forward to how this will develop!


Reading Huxley again. Seems he came to the same conclusions regarding human perception as some more modern researchers like Beau Lotto in his book “Deviate: The Science of seeing differently”.


And so there is now war in my neighborhood?

I was just saying how people not wearing masks ware making me feel unsafe and a little hopeless for the future of us all… well, maybe I spoke too soon. There are always worse reminders.

I just hope it doesn’t escalate to the point of having to grab that bug-out-bag sitting in our living room. It probably won’t, as I said many times before in similar situations (like when we were threatened with nuclear terrorism for example?), but I can only hope that this time won’t be different.

Interesting times.


Whoa. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile out here a new big fire and again large scale evacuations.

Thanks. Wish you luck too with the fires.

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