Summary of Community Call #6

On call July 26th: Auli, [Dorotea], Nadia, Alberto, Jonathan, Elena, Ksenya, Eimhin, Matthias

Social media

Dorotea has been keeping track on what happens in social media, and and might apply some apps following the traffic. Suggests collecting and publishing a document with interesting tweets.

Previously Edge-events have been followed with the help of Epilogger, a living event archive - see the logger for Strasbourg Lote »

It would be useful to get feedback about which links and shares worked better than others and in which channels.

A strategy called “One step a day” - consists of sending out an e-mail in the morning with 3 things to share, and using shortlinks to keep track of the performance. There are several interesting articles just imported from the old EdgeRyders site that we could use for that. Dorotea has set up a wiki to keep track of the daily posts: Social Media Calendar »

Reminder: we agreed to start the big social media push in August.

Priorities for following weeks

There is a lot of confusion about the information on different sites and difficulties in understanding what one should do, what is the difference between tracks, sessions etc. Therefore we need to simplify and clarify the info displayed, especially on the initial landing site.

In the long run, it is not sustainable to keep as a separate system (up to now as a wordpress minisite), so we decided  to create the minisite as a separate group on ER platform.

On Saturday we had an additional hangout and full day’s work to set up the LOTE3 minisite. There is still need for beautifying :slight_smile: Follow and comment on the minisite issues on the task page »

Questions and requests:

Are we going to do a crowdfunding campaign, and/or create it as a Lote session?

To simplify understanding, we could make an easily accessible glossary of Lote and ER terminology (explain track, session, etc.)

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great job!

things are looking up, i glanced through the minisite and is quite comprehensive, keeps details short and easy to read. you guys should be proud! i’m still amazed how many iterations, and try-and-fail exercises we need to test to finally get there, but it’s all for the better, so thanks!

curious: [Dorotea] what do you mean by creating a document with interesting tweets? is this prior to push out content - as in tweets suggestions-  or collecting them for retrospective analytics? I can help i think, but need a bit more details…

as for the crowdfunding, i think it would be great to have a session at Lote, and we could start like we

did so far: put up a proposal and invite more people to tell if they like it or would like to contribute to developing it. [K] would you be up for this? Justyna, or Petros could surely give us insights since they both have more experience with designing a campaign - Petros’s Expedition Freedom on is running just now!

yes CF session. I have few questions.

Does it mean “add a track” to tracks and proposals on making-lote3/tracks ?

We mentionned during the Community Call #6, if I understand it correctly, that add a track does not mean “to add a 4th track to the existing 3 described on participate page”, but rather means “add a session proposal, or a subtrack which fits one of the three”

So there are 3 tracks described on participate page, as far as understand the sessions we propose should fit one of those tracks. What about CF Learning by Doing/Doing by Learning Session - is it a part of upskilling track or the unconf track? To me it seems like it should fit the Upskilling track as it described on program page, because it involves learning skills of CF. At the same time the outcome of this session will be ready to start CF campaign for LOTE4.

So my 3 questions before I “add a track” to track proposals are:

  • Should the CF Session be added to track proposals or tasks first?

  • Which track of the 3 it fits the best?

  • Is description of tracks on participate page is the same thing as the description of tracks on the program page described in slightly different words or these are two completely different things.

After I “add a track” or rather “add a session proposal which fits one of the 3 tracks” I’ll ping Petros and Justyna. We’ve started discussing CF campaign with Justyna on CF#SC4SV and got to the point that we make CF4LOTE4 one of the sessions of LOTE3.

I need a “ER confused” badge.

… good thing we have the answers then!

Yes, K, the confusion between tracks and sessions remains in the workspace, though it seems to be gone from the minisite. Hopefully [Nadia], [Auli] and [Dorotea] want to go through the workspace, replacing the word “track” with the word “session” where appropriate. IMHO crowdfunding is a session, not a track: there are plenty of online resources on how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign, so the theory is there already. A session can be dedicated to crowdfunding in practice, i.e. how to implement a crowdfunding campaign for lote itself. Arguably, this is a skill, so I would put it in track 1 on upskilling.  The outcome of the session could be an action plan: who does what when so that, in time, a crowdfunding campaign for lote 2014 can happen. I think another outcome should be video footage: it’s almost impossible to shoot good video material when we are in 20 different countries, and I recommend you guys take advantage of this lote to shoot some high-quality video.

The tracks on the participate page are exactly the same as those on the program page. I now edited the titles so that they match exactly.

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ok, i think some confusion is gone from my head.

Thanks. I’m trying to make sure I get it all right. Added the thing to Tracks and Proposals in MakingLOTE3 group. Hope it’s the right place for it to be discussed and prepared.

Completely agree about the theory, so the focus of the session is on practical stuff/prod.