Team Building: General affairs 2024

@Sarah : nothing to add. The update in the fiche factory is almost finished => can you allready update the necessary fields when you have send the mail?

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@Sarah Iā€™m about to put everything in place for moving the architects to Edgeryders. Can we maybe coordinate on Signal?

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Update: now done. See

@els can you please move your file on the calculation of the price of the options to Team Financeā€™s folder on estimations?

Itā€™s going to be more efficient if we save all financial estimates in the same place. This makes it also possible for everybody to easily retrieve them.

This is the link:

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Hello @reef-building,
Ping @anon78992831,

Just a quick reminder that for the sake of transparency and documentation, our working methods require that all emails that are sent have The Reef in cc, so that we can keep a copy for those who join later.

In terms of practicalities there also two little things that make things easier to retrieve:
1 - When sending an email from the Protonmail, it makes a difference if you write your name after the ā€œbest regardsā€ greeting, so that we can see who sent the email,
2 - When reporting about an email here on the forum, it really helps if you include a reference to the email (e.g. ā€œemail from XYZ on 29/04/2024ā€), because honestly the Protonmail search function is not the greatest

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Hello @els,

Could you please ask the architects about the number of units in JET-14, and what the proportions will be?

What I understood is that we are now talking about 25 units, and that the commune will insist on equal proportions between the sizes of the units. Can you ask for a confirmation on this, and also ask whether it can be - if itā€™s 25 units - eight studio / 1-bedroom units, nine 2-bedroom units, and eight units with 3 bedrooms or more?

This is something Team Recruitment & Onboarding would need to know relatively soon.

Another question would be whatā€™s the next step in terms of people individual units. More in particular: what information do they need, and what is their preferred format (Word or Excel)?

The way I picture it, we are now doing another round on ā€œle programmeā€, but this time with maximum precision: budget, (total + finishing 750-1000), number of square meters, number of bedrooms, preferences on where you would like to be (specific building and/or specific floor), ā€¦

Can you please ask?


@Lee ,from what i understood from the post below, they donā€™t yet have a subdivision in apartments, they have more or less 25 units foreseen (but not an exact number). Does this answer your question?
I can ask if the commune will insist on equal proportions ā€¦ (and your other questions)

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I would really like to get clarity about these questions. For the first one: if itā€™s 25 units, how many 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom units?

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I understood the same as you Els : I wanted to have clarity before meeting the commune of Jette, I had counted personnally 22 units but their slide mentionned 25.

Their answer was that for the moment they donā€™t have a clear number and they will sense with the Region / Commune how much they can accept. But at the same time when they presented at the group the last version of JET 14 they said ā€œwe donā€™t want to push too much right now bcz we have the trust of the Commune and we donā€™t want them to get the same reflexes that they have with pushy promoteursā€ (Aka they donā€™t want to make the Commune afraid).

So no idea if they feel like we can now count on a 22-23-34-25 scenario and I m not sure they know themselvesā€¦

Also, since they also reduce the size of the ā€œbigā€ apartments I think it does have an impact on the 1/3 ratio : for example in the 1st FS they had proposed 140m2 aparts for the 3-4 bedrooms. But now they said the 115 m2 count as 3 bedrooms aparts, even my own 95m2 might be shaped as a 3 bedroomsā€¦

I m thinking, since we also need to clarify with them what could fit in the commons (following team facilitationā€™s work on this topic) should we soon plan another workshop with them ?

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I would prefer to wait until we get their answers to our questions (should be tomorrow), and then also to go back to the bigger picture and see at group level where we want to put our energy. I hope that we can somehow maintain the Coordintion Group meeting of 13/05. Otherwise weā€™ll figure something out.

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Hello all,

Just a quick note to say that I discussed with Els whether I could temporarily get a ā€œkeyā€ so that I can directly ask questions to the architects. I donā€™t need it for long, but for now it doesnā€™t make much sense to pass on my questions to a middle man while Iā€™m reading everything all the time myself.


@reef-building : I cleaned up the list of remaining questions; can you please review and edit as you see fit, and give a heart when youā€™ve looked at the document so that we know itā€™s good to go?


switched on track changes and modified some thingsā€¦(feel free to undo/change)

Good morning Els,
I have added one question from the notary about testing the land (essai de sol). I did not follow the exchanges so this might have already been answered somewhere - just reject the changes in the document in that case.


Hi Lucia, the questions have net yet been send, this should happen one of these daysā€¦

@Sarah, Iā€™ve finally had a look, good to go for me :slight_smile: @els and @LuciaM, I donā€™t see any track changes or questions about the essai de sol - was I looking at the right document?

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@Sophie_B , thanks. The track changes have been accepted and I moved the question to the top of the list. I think your looked at the right document: Login ā€“ Nextcloud

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Hi @els,

I have not yet read all posts on Edgeryders, so itā€™s possible itā€™s been said already. Given the importance though, I figured Iā€™d bring it up nevertheless.

For the key, I would really insist that we get one permanently (itā€™s a condition in the offer), because we really need it. Once thatā€™s done, I think it would be really good if we find a solution that makes it easy for as many people as possible to access the site.

Solutions could include:

  • Invest money in a key box, to be attached somewhere to the wall

  • Make duplicates of the key, and distribute them widely

  • If the key canā€™t be duplicated: buy another lock (with keys that can be duplicated), and give a copy to the seller


your father just confirmed that getting a permanent key shouldnā€™t be a problem. (i indicated that we would like to visit it at the end of the month and the architects need).
He waits for the confirmation doc that the 25,000 is transfered on the notaryā€™s account and then heā€™ll contact himā€¦

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Not sure whether this is the best place to put this, but I would like to move the Jet-14 folder to a more obvious place now that it is not just another fiche (Yay again! :wink:).
Will do it soon, unless there is noise about it. Hope itā€™s ok for me to just make an executive decision on this (let me know if it wasnā€™t!).

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