Team Building: General affairs 2024

hi, mentionned this to Lee as well a few weeks ago…, but she told to wait (cannot remember the reason…). I am ok with moving it…

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@Lee : any specific reason for not moving it? It seems it would make it easier for people to find it…

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How about this, in the Team Building folder …

… create a sub-folder at the next level “JET-14 site”

Within that folder we could have a list of sub-folders like this:

  • Feasibility study - final
  • Feasibility study - archive
  • Archive: for everything that is no longer relevant or accurate

(or something like that?)

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Yes, that works! It’s what I had in mind.

But somebody else will have to do it, because for now it is just a bit too risky doing it online, it often corrupts files…

(sorry, somehow I looked at this message but never answered…)

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Hi @reef-building,

Here are some completely unrelated things:

  • Moving the files on Nextcloud: I’ll try to do that tomorrow morning

  • Building planning: today Serge said to my father that we could move in in 2026. Could you please ask them some more details?

  • On the “marécageux” / swampy thingy (in the JET-14 architects thread, post 64): unless I get it wrong, the offer is binding and there is no more space for suspensive clauses.

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i think Sarah is going to make a report of the meeting with the architects… But here already the response to your question…

We checked with francois (serge came only later):

  • he thinks it will be at the soonest beginning of 2027.
  • It will take 18 months minimum once we have the permit, that’s finishing included.
  • 18 months finishing included would mean we would need to go with 1 entrepreneur who does everything. If we wouldn’t take that option (which also has its advantages on other levels) it will already take some extra months…
    => Francois said he would work on a high level planning that goes till the delivery… I don’t know if you saw allready the updated planning till the introduction of the permit, this time with a high level timing added. Please note that we have allready taking some delay as we only will deliver ‘Le programme’ input mid august… Login – Nextcloud