Team Building: getting started

@matteomeschiari : don’t know if you have been following the common spaces chat, but we’ll meet on Wednesday the 18th at 7.30pm, if that works for you :slight_smile:

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Hi there!
A little message on the front of cohousing visits…
I am waiting for schoonship to come back to me on a potential date.
I was thinking we should also chase up other potential visits:

  • Brutopia : the architects agreed to organise a visit
  • Spiegel: they also said they would keep us posted about a visit they’re organising with the mayor of Jette
    Shall we chase them up on that?
    Happy to do it although I’m not already in direct contact with them… @Lee let me know if you would prefer to keep all contact with them with the same person…
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Thanks @Sarah for taking this up. I’ll send you the email address of the architects in a private message.

I actually got a reply from schoonship so I’ll make a post now!

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Hi there @reef-building !

I was wondering if we would have a chance to have a little check in before the coordination meeting on Monday? Otherwise, if we have a point to discuss before hand, do we just do it here?

Hi @Sarah,

Unfortunately I’m afraid I have a lot that requires my attention and so I prefer to prioritise other stuff. For the Coordination Group meeting I don’t think we need a lot of preparation though. What matters is to get together and exchange.

Maybe one info point: I contacted the architects about the individual interviews they mentioned, to talk about our individual units, and they said that now would be a good time to do that. I’ll create a more detailed post in the course of next week.

That being said, shall we maybe organise a meeting with the new Reeflings (they are not yet including in our Teams group tag)? If yes, would you be willing to take care of the Doodle?

On yet another topic: is there any news about the Schoonschip visit? I’ve seen the reply from the architects, but that’s about the last thing I’ve seen. Thanks!

Hi @Lee ,

Noted for the coordination meeting.
The good thing is I will be there anyway, so I can add things directly at the meeting.
For info, the thing I wanted to add is I think we could use formal input from team governance about the process of deciding on the common spaces.

Will get on it

Yes, I sent a response earlier this week… will check that it actually did get sent…

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Hello @reef-building,

Quick heads up that I updated the agenda (internal link). Not much to prepare, but a lot of background documents you may want to have a look at at some point. The first post in this thread also contains a good overview.

See you tomorrow!


Hi @all, thanks for the message. As I was saying in reply to other posts, I’m traveling in these days and unfortunately not able to attend in presence meetings. I will be back on the 9 of January more stable, sorry. Reading the document at least! Please let me know if I can contribute/ help some how

Hello @reef-building,

I’d like to plan the next meeting, which I propose we keep online. The main agenda point I think would be a discussion of the draft proposal on the common spaces.

Can you please fill in your availabilities in the poll that I created?


Hi there @reef-building

Sadly, I have to tell you I’m gonna have to withdraw from team building… Primarily because there is just too much going on at the moment, and I just cannot deal with being in two teams (I am supposed to be Team Gov leader, and I haven’t had time to put any thought into it lately).
I am really sorry about it, but I also feel that team building is now very well staffed and will be working super well :slight_smile:
Sorry, I should have realised that earlier, and flaged it before we decided on the team set up…
I will see with team governance whether that needs to be consented by the group or not…

Unless you would prefer otherwise, I can keep dealing with the cohousing visits (btw, I took the initiative to contact some extra groups, and we have another potential visit with casa nova in Scharbeek !)
Also happy to help with one or the other task should you need extra help!


Hi Sarah, sad to hear that you’ll be withdrawing for now, but I totally understand your situation! No need to feel sorry, it’s important to flag when things are getting too much for someone, and I’m sure we’ll manage with the fresh new team building composition :slight_smile:

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@Sarah: sorry to see you go! But I totally understand of course! Also nice to hear that we can visit Casa Nova. Great work!

For the visit to De Spiegel - after what we learned at Brutopia yesterday - I would prefer to organise this ASAP, because we need everybody to get an idea about their personal units ASAP. Can it be an option to fix the visit the earliest date in January?

@reef-building: it seems like the date that is convenient for most people is 11/01. Let’s meet online at 19:30?


Fine by me

Indeed… will email them today…

Hello @reef-building,

I created a draft agenda in the usual document. You can find in the Team Building folder > Meetings (I would post the link but we have a bug).

Would you by any chance be available at 19:00?

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Dear all, due to medical reasons I won’t be able to join the team building meeting this week. See you in the next one!

Hiya, yes I’m available at 19h!

hey lovely @reef-building peeps! We had a great meeting, the minutes, key points and actions are now available as always on Nextcloud. I’m pasting the key points and actions below since some people have been having trouble accessing nextcloud over the past few days.

We’ve got some important stuff to discuss at the next meeting so I’d like to plan our next meeting. Would it make sense to have it in two weeks, so in the last week of January? Since next meeting will be Lie’s last, meaning we’ll have to set up a new coordinator and new facilitators for this team, it’ll be important that everyone who is in this team is present. If the last week of Jan works for you @Lee I’ll set up a doodle for that week.

Key points of today’s meeting:

  • Lie would like to leave so we’d like to expand Team Building a bit more, since the next few months will be very important we’d like five or at least six people in the team
  • next meeting will be Lie’s last as coordinator of the team, there will be a selection process to get a new coordinator and new facilitators.
  • proposal for consent to bring the proposal about common spaces to the plenary meeting has been passed, Lie will put this on one of the next plenary meeting agendas.
  • Jolan will lead the Le Programme task force: tasks for this TF are: translate the french questionnaire to English, prepare the questionnaire, have a meeting with the architects to answer any questions arising from preparing the questionnaire, finalise the questionnaire, publish on edgeryders by 08/02 asking all reeflings to fill in the questionnaire, publish on edgeryders by 08/02 sending reeflings to the spreadsheet that allows them to calculate their space needs in sqm so they can fill in the questionnaire, process the data that comes out of the questionnaire, deliver the finalised data to the architects by the 01/03.
  • Maria Claudia will lead the scouting exercise task force,
  • We’ll expand these task forces with the rest of team building at the next meeting.
  • Maria Claudia and Jolan are happy to follow facilitation training to become facilitators for this team.

Action points:

  • Lie to bring the proposal for the common spaces to team coordination
  • Lie to launch the call to expand team building a bit more at team coordination.
  • finalise task forces at next team building meeting.
  • launch task forces at next team building meeting
  • organise next team building meeting

Thanks a lot @JolanWuyts!

For the next meeting: the last week of January I have Reef meetings about every evening, so the week after is going to be easier (I can’t on Tuesday or Wednesday though).

For the kick-off of the task forces I’m not sure I would wait until next meeting though, but it’s of course up to you to decide that. Until now what I’ve seen is that we lose quite some time by waiting to get things done at meetings, so if it were up to me I’d rather go in right away and look for partners-in-crime behind the scenes.

That being said: @MariaAM, would you be willing to team up with either Jolan or Maria Claudia to get started on one of the two main tasks?

Final point: we have received an Excel file from the architects that should help people to estimate the approximate surface of their units. I saved it in the folder “Documents received from the architects”. If you combine this with the first two pages of the “questionnaire on personal wishes” (saved in “Documents received from Mark”) I think your survey is almost 95% done. Yay!