Team External: getting started

Works !

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@manuelpueyo what I remember from our conversation is that you would look into:

  • Adding information about The Reef on the site, perhaps by redoing the graffiti? This could also become a nice social, invite the children, we saw how well that worked last Saturday. We would need a graffiti artist though…
  • Curating the production of a flyer in French and Dutch (no English) to inform the neighbours and invite them to the infosession.
  • Curating the distribution of the flyers (door-to-door at least in Chaussée de Jette).

Is this correct?

Can you also get quotes? We already have a good idea of the cost of printing flyers, how about the spray paints? Or whatever material we need to put some kind of visual marker on the site?


Translation in Dutch and French edited. @SophieC please have a look at the French version! Maybe all should check whether their ‘bio’ is still acceptable in both languages?

@Alberto: Note the links to other pages were not edited. I am not convinced it’s necessary but could be done if needed.


Tine ! Great job, thanks a lot.
I did some changes…(it easier to come after). But I will continue tomorrow or wensday.
Maybe @AlinT could check it also - I have some doubt sometimes…

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Unfortunatly, I’m not in Belgium at that date - but I can help to prepare if someone is ready to go.
Also to adapt/update the brochure (I can think about later it this summer) - if someone wants to join.

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yes! i had a look at this mission and this is what i see as a cronography of actions. let me know what you think

  1. get a quote from artist to deliver a team painting day with grafiti on the wall
  2. write and approve a draft text for flyer in french. TEXT only
  3. Translate approved text to NL
  4. Do graphic layout of flyer
  5. print flyers
  6. Write and approve text for the wall. this is separate than painting action (no1)
  7. Graphic layout of text for the wall. with QR code pointing to event registration
  8. Print poster for the wall.
  9. create digital event registration page
  10. Post the poster on the wall.
  11. distribute flyers

i would estimate costs like
300 for printing
400 euros for graphic design
700 + 200 euros for the street artist to organise a team painting day.= 900


Will do it ASAP :wink:

I just printed this, I will look at this text and the brochure as the basis for the text of the flyer for the neighbours. my task 2 as listed here

text for the flyer in french. v1, feel free to make changes directly on the doc or suggest changes

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I can do it. It’s noted in my agenda.
I will complete their formulaire this WE at least.

Just to be aware: I have no car so I will go by train. Which means the quantity of materials I can bring will not be unlimited ^^ But I guess I will can carry enough stuff however to animate our stand.

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Just to be sure: @alberto this neighbourhood info session in September is a different event from the one we talked about to do at mid-August/at the end of August on the Jette site? Or should we merge them?

I would change some formulations in French sometimes, to be more “natural” in French.
But @alberto, in this case, it will be less “litteral translation” in some case. Is it OK for you?

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Yes, perfect Alin do it …I did correct only the main one’s.

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Yes. This one would be the usual one in Brutopia for joining.

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Thanks for the estimates, @manuelpueyo . But 400 EUR for the design of a flyer seems excessive, no?

Also, for the graffiti wall: 700 for what? 200 for what? I see that at Brico one can of spray paint goes for 16 EUR, and covers about 4 m2. We have, I think, about 20-30 m2 of wall to cover.

@joannes , shall we enter 100 EUR for organizing the infosession? Other than the flyer, we are going to need to rent a venue. Miro costs 50, Ten Weyngaert 80, 100 should be safe.

@reef-external here is a working spreadsheet for the budget. Can you please have a look? Is that realistic? Anything missing? Also for @ugne .

100 sounds right. Thanks. I’m in touch with Kim and the architects re time and venue for info sessions.


Hi there!

I’m so interested in what this team does, I can’t help myself reading everything!
I would like to be a able to contribute where I can. Is that ok? Could I maybe become a member?? Don’t hesitate to tell me to just f** off!

A few thing:

  • Brochure - I’m coming in a bit late on this but I just look at it (wow! It’s amazing btw) and I have a few comments.
    There is a word I dont quite understand: nous chouillerons. Is it maybe the verb choyer? Maybe “nous voulons choyer”?
    Also “appréciatrice de la diversité” I think I would say “pronant la diversité” maybe? But that one doesn’t matter too much
    And “l’accession à la propriété à Bruxelles est inaccessible aux ménages les plus modestes.” to “l’accès à la proprété est impossible pour les ménages…”
    “cohousings” I would change to habitat groupé (maybe abbreviating it to HG?) ou cohabitat
    “Pour la même raison, nous sommes ouverts à construire The Reef sur la base d’un bail à long terme du terrain, plutôt que de sa propriété, dans la logique des fiducies foncières communautaires (emphytéose” → hasn’t that ship sailed?
    “Nous souhaitons atteindre une 20aine de foyers et trois ou quatre investisseurs sociaux.” → une 20aine de foyers dont …


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i don’t think so, also some context to better understand. collin our graphic designer has been designing our flyers for free since day 1 and we haven’t pay him anything yet. it’s fair we pay him something and 400 is peanuts for what he has done so far

also we need to take into account that there are 2 items to graphically design and print. the flyer and the poster with QR code to put on the wall.

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i calculated 700 for artist time and 200 for materials. i foresee will be something like this but we are waiting for the budget proposals from the artists. i have requested 2 quotes to 2 different artists.