The search engine that plants trees

There is a search engine that, apparently, plants one tree every 45 searches launched. A friend who I respect a lot says he has been using it for two years, and it’s quite OK (though not as good as You-Know-What). Anyone has any experience of using it?


This is amazing.
I’ve recently become a green bait so to speak - I go into any and all sustainability things… So i installed it and while it’s hard to process the 61.5 million trees they supposedly planted so far, it just looks like a good approach. Notwithstanding the carbon footprint of the Internet itself…

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this is great, @alberto. I had to do some little research before - “who are they” “how do they make money” etc etc. But it took me a few minutes of searching online for me to add it as my default browser.

Which reminds me, @nadia and others: we really should also quickly focus on our other online presence: why should people trust us? One thing that’s got to improve is our wikipedia page:



I also really love the idea, it was high time for me to part with google anyway. Thanks for this.

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61 million trees planted and we are just hearing about it now…I would have to take that as pretty good news. So much bad stuff going on that floods the news feeds and no mention of such projects, at least none that I have seen.

It looks like they take ad revenue and pay tree planters. Makes sense…I didn’t they went out and planted the trees themselves. I like the bits-to-atoms approach.

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