Want to contribute to a book on Collaborative Stewardship?

Hi everyone,

Lote4 is a no spectators event and this year we are stepping up our game. The idea is to produce a compilation of case studies to work on during the event that everyone studies before arriving. So by the time we are in the room, the process has already started. Case studies selected for the book recieve:

  1. A slot in Lote4 program and dedicated time in the Harmonious Hackathon.
  2. They are highlighted in the LOTE4 twitterstorm 
  3. Inclusion in high quality audiovisual material prepared before and during LOTE4.
  4. Eligibility for the 2014 Collaborative Stewardship Award.
  5. A dedicated post in the Edgeryders blog
  6. Inclusion in the e-book and the PR campaign for it
  7. Possibly: travel grant to the event (depends on how fundraising efforts go).

Here is the call.

Who do you think we should contact with an invitation to participate? Leave a comment below or go ahead and help spread the word!

If your organisation would like to be involved in the initiative, we offer a number of partnership opportunities. To learn more write to: nadia@edgeryders.eu