Want to play the Road to Civilization Game in Brussels?

Hello everybody!*

A friend of mine, Stef Kuypers, made a board game called ‘Road to Civilization’. Players manage a mini-society. In different rounds, different financial systems are imposed. You can find the game rules here, if you want to read more.

I found it to be very illustrative and confronting. I was somewhat aware of the meaning of debt and money before playing (thanks D.Graeber), but now I feel I much more profoundly understand the impact our finance system has on my and everyone’s behavior. Also, playing it is good fun.

Do you want to try playing this game together in Brussels? Stef will come over and facilitate.

Sometime in December of January?

Let me know :slight_smile:

*Yes this is actually a Crusty the Clown reference. Glad you wasted part of the '90s watching tv, too.


I like the idea a lot! We could make it into a Reef social event.

Only one question: what does the reference to “business licenses” in the rules mean?

Do you mean the ones on page 4 of the rules?

If we were playing together, than I might acquire a license to build a farm and you might acquire a licence to build a research facility. More or less like in the real world, there are limited amounts of licenses for farms and research facilities, so we need to think strategically about were we invest our (or the bank’s) money.


Understood. I must have read too quickly… :slight_smile:

is there something I can do to prompt more enthusiasm? :blush:

I know @winnieponcelet wants to come play!

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Super, I’m in!

Wondering how I could help?
Should we prepare invites and how tos for people in Bxl to join?
Obviously good to host at the Reef!

In! I love dreadfully long civilization building board games once in a while :slight_smile:

Second that. Pick a date, someone!

December 20?
January 10?
January 17?

The first two work for me. On the third one, most of Edgeryders is going to be in London. Maybe we could already declare December 20th? @noemi?

Second December 20th! @kiravde should we have a call to begin preps?

December 20th doesn’t work for me :-/ January 10 or 17 suit better, in the afternoon.

Not 17! We are all in London.

Of the three dates proposed by @kiravde so far January 10th seem to be the best one. Shall we set it in stone, @noemi?

Soz, not in Bxl on 10th, I’ll be on the road starting 8/9th that month…

Aha, OK. Let’s focus on December then. @kiravde, @winnieponcelet, can you find a date in the week 17-21 December that works for you both? For now, I am free for the whole week.

All work for me!

@winnieponcelet how about the 18th? or the 21st?

Would be good to do it in the evening, me thinks, so that people with a day job can join too.

Checking with Stef when he’s available.

Stef can make it any evening apart from the 20th, so that works well.

20 or 21st work for me. The 18th I can’t (General Assembly of ReaGent)

Is the 21st open for all? Not your average Friday evening activity, but hey :evergreen_tree:

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