Talk to me about

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What Value did futurespotters give to you?

What comes next and how can UNDP help (we cannot make any promises)?

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Thank you all for feedback - please feel free to add to this…

After yesterday’s closing session, this is the summary on what value did people find in working with Edgeryders:

1. Contacts - meeting new people who are engaged in similar activity to theirs and can share experience

2. Feedback on the work they are already engaged in

3. High quality of presentations- expertise 

4. Turning conversations into mutually supportive follow up plans/commitment to follow up

On how organisations like UNDP could help engaging futurespotters, there were following suggestions put forward:

1. to increase the number of ‘incubator-type’ projects; 

2. issuing grants to be made by more representative panels

3. flexible arrangements for accessing funding

4. creating space for face to face interaction 

5. There was a very interesting idea on sharing social entrepreneurship models - if anyone can add to this, I would very much appreciate. 

Issues raised:

1. Social entrepreneurs are not always institutionalized to be eligible for funding;

2.Activities mostly reaching out to capitals,and it is important to reach out to regions;

3. Trust issues to be managed; 

4. Process sometimes being more important than results 

5. Language issues for the platform users /platform not very user friendly

There were suggestions on the format of sessions to make them more efficient:

1. Have a  blank space in the agenda - to allow for flexibility to exchange experience-make new contacts;

2. timing of individual speeches 

3. How to record the number of initiatives that were initiated through such events? ( I’ve also contracted quantitophrenia :)) 

4. parallel sessions didn’t allow to benefit from all of them - they were all interesting :slight_smile:  (loved this feedback :))

Thanks again for your discussion especially at the very end of the day 3! please add/correct/  elaborate …

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The glue that sticks…

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-Being an Edgeryder.

Innovative Approaches to Societal Challenges

Tell me what you do and let me support you to achieve your goals.

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… Edgeryders: Confused Newbie

I love the idea of edgeryders and not only the message on the front page makes me feel like having found a new home, but I have to tell you guys, that you are sometimes a little cryptic. Good examples are the messages above…:wink:


Good point from Alex

You are absolutely right, Alex, I am confused myself, and I founded the thing! :slight_smile: My best guess is they are just using the platform as a sort of scrapbook for the Futurespotters event, and neither of us is there! But then again, as @Vinay Gupta just tweeted “the edge is stormy and messy, and no one has a map”. I guess we’ll just have to live with some confusion.

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Can Edgeryders style of activism “scale” as part of…

…the global sustainable development development goals agenda?

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…alternative economics.

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Converging experiences and perception…

…to make a positive impact on the society.

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