LOTE4 shopping

Already bought:

48 rolls of toilet paper - 6,78

Bottle of everything-cleaning -detergent 5l - 3,29

2l of dishwashing soap - 2,59

5 sponges - 1 euro

hand soaps - 4,95

1 toothpaste (for unMonasterians) - 1 euro

liquid for the floor washing - 1,95 euro

soaps for the showers - 2,85 (5 pieces)

washing liquid - 2,85

2 pairs of gloves - 1,20 euro

(all together 30,11 euro, I might miss something I’ll check it again)

Ordered: Saveiro - 60 paninis, 30 vegetarian and 30 with meat + 30 foccacias of three different kinds - all together 235 euros, to be picked up on Saturday between 12-13

Panzerotti for Friday lunch, 60 pieces, 108 euro all together, to be picked up before. Paid 50 euros in advance.

2 kgs of white sugar / 4 euro

1 kg salt / 1 euro

1 box pepper / 2 euro

1-1-1 large container of oregano/basil/thyme / 10 euro

1 box of hot crushed chili / 5 euro

4 coffee / 15 euro tea - 20 euros

4 kg Orchiette /5 euro - @Natalia_Skoczylas, this does not look right, even the flour is more. Grano arso is not cheap. Can you check? There is a specialty flour shop next to Saverio’s. (Katalin)

20 large cans of chopped tomatoes / 40 euro

olive oil / 20 euro

10 kgs of spaghetti (20 half kilo packs) / 20 euro

4 kgs of risotto rice / 30 euro

1 large container of dry white wine for cooking (cheap) / 5 euro

2 kgs of normal white flour for cakes / 5 euro

Food orders: Lunch 3 times 120 euros

Breakfast 3times: bread - 15 euros for bread, carrots - 5 euros

This is a partial list of the shopping to be done in these days. Still some vegetables and fruits missing, probably also other ingredients.

@Katalin can you take a look and correct in case?

Amount of food

These are the informations I got from the cook of the clinic I work at. Hope they will be helpful:
Generally every mainmeal should have about 500 gram per person.
Pasta and rice should be 100 g to 150 g  p. p. when raw.
Sauce should be 150 g p. p.
Vegetables as side dish should be 150 g to 180 g p.p.
For sixty eaters, he recommends to take 8 kg of mushrooms for the mushroomsauce, 3 liters of cream, 3 liters of milk and two liters of water and to thicken the sauce with a bit of corn starch.
For the Minestrone he recommends about 12 kg vegetables and pasta (all included) and as much water as you need to have 19 l soup in the end. A sidenote: He believes that a Minestrone isn’t nutritious enough and recommends a stew, f.e. potatoe – chickpea or lentils.
I must say he was overwhelmingly helpful and interested given that I phoned him in the morning while his staff was in the process of preparing food for around 180 people. The only thing he’d like me to do is make photos of the food and tell him afterwards how it all worked. ;)

Bravo Anna

I suppose this implies plenty of large pots and a fully equipped kitchen. We must try to find the necessities somewhere - the unMon kitchen is drastically underequipped as it stands.

What about Cuccine del Fuoco

… or what are they called… the squatters across the street where we had lunch and went to jazz concert last year? Are they still there? I remember they were cooking for lots of people, can’t they lend us something?

Not sure why I’m jumping into this conversation as I obviously don’t know Matera as you, it just came to me. Ignore if irrelevant :expressionless:

Fucine dell’eco - they rather openly hate UnMon so hmm… I made already some quite impossible reconciliations but I’d rather try something else first :wink: