Agenda - Freelancing and Technology Event

#The good, the bad and the ugly of Freelancer Technology

Agenda for the event on the 22nd of October 2020, 17:00 CET:

3 panellists:

5 min intro

30 min Panellist presentation (10 min intro + specific questions per panellist):

  1. A technology for freelancing provider representative (Matthew Mottola)
  2. A “professional freelancer” representative (Dani Ifrim)
  3. A freelancing organisation representative ( Nicole Gray)

10-20 min General Discussion:

  • What have been your worst/best experiences with technology in freelancing?
  • Depending on points raise before and in chat

5-10 min closing question:

  • If you could wish a tool into existence that would make your life/work easier, what would it be?

Panellists post:

Event post:

For chat:

Feel free to put your comments and questions in the chat at any time. I will try to include them when possible.

We want to continue this conversation, this is just the start.

Please go to What freelancers really need - How can technology help freelancers to thrive and where do we desperately need to improve?, press reply and leave your comments to this conversation. (The panellists can also be reached through this way.)

All the questions:

  • Which tools have made “all the difference” for the work of freelancers?
  • What about the “monopoles” for certain software providers such as Adobe, Google or Microsoft that force freelancers to use and buy those tools to be able to work with their clients.
  • How are tools discussed at big player events such as Adobe MAX?
  • Which common problems, like for example easy workload tracking, still haven’t been properly solved? What improvements would freelancers desperately need?
  • Which tools are relevant for freelance knowledge workers?
  • How did you have your best experiences dealing with remote teamwork? What do tools need to help? How do you need to use them?
  • Which tools can help those who are new to freelancing?
  • Which role does open source play and what are opensource alternatives?
  • How do online brands of individuals get developed and what tools are used for it?
  • What are the best admin and collaboration suits?
  • How do companies are addressing iterations and new versions and when to put them in the marketplace.
  • Is Google your friend? How do you deal with clouds and copyright?

Questions for Mathew:

  • How do companies are addressing iterations and new versions and when to put them in the marketplace.
  • Which tools have made “all the difference” for the work of freelancers?
  • How did you have your best experiences dealing with remote teamwork? What do tools need to help? How do you need to use them?
  • Which role does open source play and what are opensource alternatives?
  • Which common problems, like for example easy workload tracking, still haven’t been properly solved? What improvements would freelancers desperately need?

Questions for Dani:

  • What about the “monopoles” for certain software providers such as Adobe, Google or Microsoft that force freelancers to use and buy those tools to be able to work with their clients.
  • How are tools discussed at big player events such as Adobe MAX?
  • Which role does open source play and what are opensource alternatives?
  • How do online brands of individuals get developed and what tools are used for it?
  • Is Google your friend? How do you deal with clouds and copyright?

Questions for Nicole:

  • Which tools have made “all the difference” for the work of freelancers? Nicole (I can highlight one that will be the same as the answer to the best admin and collaboration suit)
  • How did you have your best experiences dealing with remote teamwork? What do tools need to help? How do you need to use them? Nicole (what I’m currently using and will be doing going forward)
  • Which tools can help those who are new to freelancing? Nicole (will refer to access to a like-minded community as the most important aspect)
  • How do online brands of individuals get developed and what tools are used for it? Nicole (will spark discussion about social media including a documentary on “the social dilemma”)
  • What are the best admin and collaboration suits? Nicole (see the answer to 1st question)