Co-producing printed materials for #lote3!

Less is more

Noemi, I absolutely agree that we should only print the amounts that we will use and have an online support mode e.g. mobile notifications for the sessions (like calendar invitations to be accepted…) or feedback documents to fill in online etc. Let’s collect more ideas that are easy to use and to set up… I don’t know the space - would it be possible to have a huge black board where people can check what is going on when, where changes could be announced, where a network map could be drawn, and information that concern everybody could be displayed? Then we could have one “campfire” point and little “lights” that every person is carring on/with themselves (the circles) plus the cards for the facilitators (that are handed out and collect right away after each session). Important to us is - that the printed material is supporting the process and fun to deal with. What do you think?

‘Free’ Printing.

If there’s something ready by Thursday next week, I can print a substantial amount and bring with. LMK



Thanks Ben - let’s see how quick we are. Will PDF print versions be fine?

b/w or color

Great! We are working on some more prints and wanted to ask if you can also print in colour (RGB or CMYK?). Thanks for a quick sign, C

what possible format(s)?

Hi Ben,

Another question would be can you print A3?

In what possible format?

 thank you! ;- )

Some printing is paid for!

Guys, the MT2019 people are asking for designs that they would print on their own money for two things:

  • totems (!)
  • postcards (which I think can be replaced with stickers).

Check out this task for measurements. It seems they did a GHangout on this: I did not quite understand whether [pacheca] and [Rita O] and [Caroline Paulick-Thiel] ended up producing some designs, and where they are… this is getting urgent now. :frowning:

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Let’s collect

Alberto, thank you for the link that I wasn’t aware of! We haven’t produce anything yet but gathered the existing stuff (layouts and logos to start asap)! Today we spoke about the general idea, what we want the material to do. The next step is to collect what we actually need. The task says about badges/stickers that serve as flyers and entry tickets to the conference. It would be very helpful if we could gather the content very quickly: which items do we need: poster, programm, flyers, feedback cards, badges and what should be written on them?

I will compile a first version for feedback cards and circles. Who can provide content for programm and flyer? Does anybody have a “final” version of the programm? Concerning the flyer, who is the main target group (people who know about the event or people who don’t know about the eventor both)? When’s the deadline?

totem and postcards

hi guys, ty so much for this further effort!

Unfortunately we don’t have much time! as [Alberto] has underlined, the MT2019 Committee is asking URGENTLY for TOTEM (cm (75x197) width x height)  and POSTCARDS (10x15 cm or A5). On the Totem there should be primarly the programm (italian version) with some claims(?), and on the postcards we should evaluate which kind of contents we would like to share. I would just remember you that the main goal is to involve the local community and let her know what will happen (actually almost noone knows it!): in addition, even if this is a “free” meeting and we should feel free to express whatever we want, the Director of MT2019 Committee needs to see the materials in advance and make some revision.

They want us to submit graphics with contents within TOMORROW so that they can print on Monday and have an entire week in advance to give the right prominence to LOTE. let’s keep in touch!

[Nadia] [pacheca] [Caroline Paulick-Thiel] hey girls I don’t know if I can help! I’m not a graphic but, in case, I can make some layout (I’d had similar experiences)

Design files for Totems (roll ups) and Post cards, please adapt!

1. Postcards: Here are design files for A5 postcards The above is an example of possible design for the a5 flyer/postcard, it but should include lote3 and instead of the url down there now). Also it should contain logos for Mt2019 + Edgeryders + unMonastery. Also on the back it should have a text

  • Text on the back in English: 

Living on the Edge (lote3) is a 4 day event in October 2013 where we learn how to build great things together and scale the impact of our projects. There’s never been anything like it and you can come, too!

lote3 is a no-spectator event. We keep lote3 free of charge so anyone can afford to attend, and participants are expected to contribute to building a meaningful and generative experience for everyone involved. Everyone can contribute something, whether it is curating a track at the event, facilitating a session, doing fundraising or social media outreach, making a video or helping to coordinate rideshares.  Learn more and get involved at:

  • Text on the back in Italian :

2. Totems: So here are design files for rollups (or totems) that you can adapt. Ask them to print 6 of these. Please include:

  • One with logos for Mt2019 + Edgeryders + unMonastery
  • Two with Schedule in Italian
  • Two with Schedule in English

going for postcards | MT2019 logos files?

Great Nadia, very usefull!

[@ritao] Can you send the MT2019 high resolution logo files: white, blue and brown?

(I believe there are this 3 options) thanks!

@caroline I’m going for the postcards, if that’s allrigth with you, ok?

Can anyone translate it to Italian?

Can anyone translate it to Italian?


  • Text on the back in Italian :

​  …

  • Text on the back in English: 

Living on the Edge (lote3) is a 4 day event in October 2013 where we learn how to build great things together and scale the impact of our projects. There’s never been anything like it and you can come, too!

lote3 is a no-spectator event. We keep lote3 free of charge so anyone can afford to attend, and participants are expected to contribute to building a meaningful and generative experience for everyone involved. Everyone can contribute something, whether it is curating a track at the event, facilitating a session, doing fundraising or social media outreach, making a video or helping to coordinate rideshares.  Learn more and get involved at:

Translating now + LOGOS ALERT

[pacheca] and [Rita O], great work. Thanks for your generosity! I am translating the text now, uploading in 5 minutes.

Meanwhile: please please [Rita O] double check with Rossella all logos are there. LOTE3 has been gathering momentum, support, and allies. All logos really need to be there, this is the sort of stuff that offends people who are, generously, supporting our conference.

  • ER
  • uM
  • MT2019
  • Dutch Embassy to Italy
  • Sviluppo Basilicata (almost sure)
  • City of Matera? (not sure at all)
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yes [Alberto] the Logo of City of Matera has to be  inlaid too. I’m waiting for them to send an high resolution file to me and then I’ll mail to [pacheca]

create an arquive, or dropbox folder, with all logos to be used

Ok, Can anyone do this?

I don’t have any logo with high resolution

It would be very usefull to create an arquive, or dropbox folder with all logos to be used in high resolution.

For instance, the logo of the dutch embassy, the ones I had before are not in high resolution. ( [Noemi] [Rita O] )

( big difference between online graphics and printed…)

(I believe @caroline has the unMon logo 300px, right? )

  • (Ok Caroline, just saw your comment about working from 12.00.

You can go for the Totem strait! :wink: )

ps. As for the schedule being or not printed…

how ever you feel it makes sense with you guys!

1. “roll up - Totem”? but what to announce, then?

it might hight light some of the sessions, not revealing the exact schedule… or reveal the structure in any way?


every day ioga sseions at 7.30am

day 1 . track 1 . sessions about X and Y ?..

day 2.

If any one could structure the content, it would help a lot…

2. in the postcards not considering it.

Was thinking about some key enthusiastic phrases,

describing ideas refering to what one might aspect to encounter at lote environment…

feel free to send ​possible content, small expressive phrases! ;- )

what do you thing?

let´s keep working

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let’s make some order

[pacheca] in a while we should fix almost every content. I’m waiting for Alberto to reply on programm etc. I agree with you about everything! It shoud be clear to us that they pay prints and they need good contents (good for them!): on postcards I like the idea to have key words…but always consider that the goal is to involve persons that absolutely ignore the Edgeryders and could wonder “but who the hell are these and what the hell do they want?” :-)))

Rita O shared dropbox folder with the logos

here it it


[pacheca], can I ask you to add two words at the very beginning of the English text? “Living On The Edge – the unPilgrimage (lote3)…”

Also note capital letters: Living On The Edge, instead of Living on the Edge.

Text in Italian:

Living On The Edge – the unPilgrimage (lote3) è una nonconferenza dove imparare come possiamo costruire insieme esperienze di cambiamento e scalare l’impatto dei nostri progetti. Non c’è mai stato niente di simile, e tutti sono invitati!

lote3 non vuole spettatori. È gratuito, perché tutti possano partecipare, ma ci aspettiamo che i partecipanti contribuiscano a costruirlo insieme a noi. A ciascuno chiediamo di contribuire nel modo che preferisce e che gli o le riesce meglio: come speaker, aiutando nella documentazione, nella comunicazione sui social media, nella logistica. Info e contatti:

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Ok, done!


Printing the schedule not such a great idea, it’s changing by the minute…!

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[Noemi]you’re right but we need to display a programm! how can we fix it? We do need Materani know what will happen and share the contents…[Alberto] help!