Coordination Group

Fixed. The problem was in the “Interaction” settings of the group. The option “Who can tag this group?” was set to “nobody”, which is too restrictive.


Hi @reef-coordination
Not sure this is the right place to write this, but i look forward to our meeting tonight, but will be able to attend it for 1hours max only, so if need be, i can start sharing first when we do a round of updates. Manuel got stuck in Estonia so not sure he will make it tonight, but hopefully yes.


I posted the minutes.
I realized going through them again that we didn’t talk about the last point (preparing for reefling day)… :expressionless: not sure what we do with that…


Hello @reef-coordination,

Can I please have your advise on what to do with the next plenary meeting?

I see the following topics that we could schedule, but which may not be interesting enough to convey so many people for:

  • The Reef’s building budget: clarification by Alberto
  • Transparency about financial data: clarification by Alberto
  • Next recruitment round: decision to be made based on a proposal from Team Recruitment and Onboarding

Then from what I can see Teams may not have enough time to finish the following topics:

  • Choice of the notary: @alberto can you confirm?
  • Organigram: @ChrisM and @Sarah, in the absence of a meeting of Team Conflict Management, am I correct in assuming this would benefit from a bit more time?

So based on this I see two options:

  • Cancel the plenary meeting
  • Organise one online but shorten the duration

0 voters

The advantage of the second option is that it shortens the list of topics for the 22nd of February (currently 11, so priorities will have to be set).

Happy to get your input in words or through a vote!

Also: welcome on board to @JolanWuyts!


Actually, still aiming to have this proposal ready for the plenary next Wednesday. It should be written this weekend, leading to an Edgeryders post with a link to it on Sunday evening. It’ll be addressed to all Reeflings, but we’ll ping individual members of Team Governance and Team Conflict Management to make sure they’re aware of it. I don’t think it’s a particularly controversial proposal, so not expecting too many edits or critiques (he said optimistically:). Anyone attending the plenary will be expected to have read it, so we should be good for a discussion and potential consent round. @Lee - will you have the second aspect of the organigram review ready to be part of the same discussion?

Personally, I’m in favour of a shorter online meeting next week. Addressing all these less pressing issues now will mean that we have more valuable time in March to address the significant issues that are likely to be raised…



@ChrisM: on it. I just published a little post. Will check in on Sunday evening.

@ all: Team Finance seems to be ready with quite some proposals (enough for a full plenary meeting), so it is probably better to meet in person.

Hey, not sure where to put this info, but seems most relevant to the team coordinators, hence dropping it here: I really enjoyed proof-reading Chris’ and Sarah’s proposal for this week’s plenary and some people approached me telling me I also did a good job. So, I’m volunteering for any proof reading that needs to be done on future proposals. If your team’s ever in need of an extra set of eyes on a proposal: I’m your man/woman/whatever :raising_hand_man:t2:


Hello @reef-coordination,

We have our next meeting scheduled for the 13th of March, which seems a bit far in time, given that we’ve got so many things going on, and also that we have a pressing deadline coming up shortline.

Therefore I would like to propose to have a quick meeting to go over the state-of-play after the next plenary meeting.

Can you please let me know your availabilities by Wednesday COB? No need to worry if you can’t make it. If you can send a team mate that’s also good.

  • Monday 27/02 8 pm
  • Tuesday 28/02 8 pm
  • I can’t make it on those days

0 voters

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Hello @reef-coordination,

There is one more person who can make it on the 28th, but then there is also a Team Finance meeting on the 28th and so I think it would be better to hold the meeting on the 27th. Shall we say 7 pm?

If you can’t make it, can you please send a team mate? I’ll post a draft agenda in the course next week.



Hello @reef-coordination,

See you tonight? I updated the draft agenda in the usual place, it’s mostly the same as always. Key points would be an update from the teams, planning topics for the plenaries (setting deadlines) and clarifying who does what for the Reeflings weekend. If you have any other points these can of course also be added the agenda.


Hi Coordination Group!

I was the 25% of the poll that couldn’t make it this evening, so I won’t be joining. Because both Team Facilitation and Team Conflict Management have been in a bit of a flux recently, I talked to Lie about writing up a report rather than sending replacements. So the report, which I have tried to keep brief and to the point, is attached.

Have a great meeting!


Report - Team Facilitation and Team Conflict Management.pdf (20.8 KB)


heyo :slight_smile: luckily I just got an answer from the architects about the survey yesterday evening, so I’ve incorporated their feedback in the survey and have posted a topic on edgeryders to ask people to fill it in. Thanks for your help on this task during the coordination meeting Monday!


Great news! Will let team finance know as we needed some input on this.


I was just scrolling through the decision log, and I realised I forgot to mention the next budget, which is due the beginning of April. Can you please ask somebody in your team to take care of this?

What needs to be done is this:

  1. Report on the previous budget: how much money did we actually spend?
  2. Ask all Teams to estimate their expenses, say from April until the end of September?



Hi @Lee , indeed, i was thinking this should come shortly. Ok, will add it on the list and follow up.
Thanks for the reminder.

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Hello @reef-coordination,

We have a meeting scheduled on Monday, but I personally don’t think we need it. We agreed on the list of topics for the next two plenaries, and I’ll follow up on Sunday on each and every one of them.

Shall we cancel this meeting and schedule one after the Reeflings weekend, so that we can discuss our next moves?

Here’s a quick poll:

  • Monday 27 March 8 pm
  • Thursday 30 March 8 pm
  • I can’t make it on those dates but I’ll send somebody else

0 voters

Noting that we have the next plenary on 3 April, I think the 27th is the better option, but I prefer to see whether enough people can make it.


Thanks, @Lee .
Agree and vote for 27th March.

Hi all @reef-coordination
Because it seems we won’t have our coordination meeting upcoming Monday, could i kindly ask you to get the following information for me:

  • your team’s budget provision from April 2023 to September 2023 (inclusive).



@ugne - I feel embarrassed asking this, but where is the budget provision document? I can find the one we did until March/April '23, but not a new one :-/

Also, when is the deadline for this? I’m hoping to sort out some training for both Team Conflict Management and Team Facilitation in the near future, but I don’t yet know how much either will cost? On a related note, are you the person to ask if something like training seems reasonably priced and within our budget?

And finally, while I’m in ‘asking stupid questions that I should know by now’ mode, do we need to inform anyone when we put a Reef-related invoice that we’ve paid ourselves in the ‘Invoices’ file?


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Hi @ChrisM
no stupid questions, don’t worry! actually, your questions make me think and it’s great. I haven’t yet put any new doc for fiscal year 24, that’s for sure. as for the deadline, we still have 2 weeks till April, but let me talk to the @reef-finance this Wednesday to define the deadline.
RE “are you the person to ask if something like training seems reasonably priced and within our budget?”, - i don’t think I am the person. Not sure, though. I would understand it’s the facilitation team that decides and these expenses could be possibly envisaged, right? pinging @Lee & @alberto here.

RE “should know by now’ mode, do we need to inform anyone when we put a Reef-related invoice that we’ve paid ourselves in the ‘Invoices’ file”: @alberto , would you know whether this was the process before? I have never done it myself.

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