- Total runtime including production of book: 2015-06-30 to 2015-09-30
I | Submit 3 Interviews studies/person |
@Inge, @Iriedawta, @SamarAli, @Hegazy, @Driss, @nataliegryvnyak |
16/06/2015 |
I | Submit 3 Case studies/person |
@Inge, @Iriedawta, @SamarAli, @Hegazy, @Driss, @nataliegryvnyak |
18/06/2015 |
I | Complete Campaign design and call to action | @Nadia | 18/06/2015 |
I | tbc | tbc | tbc |
II | tbc | tbc | tbc |
II | tbc | tbc | tbc |
III | tbc | tbc | tbc |
III | tbc | tbc | tbc |
III | tbc | tbc | tbc |
Core tasks
To see the detailed tasks which make up the core tasks below, see the tasks in this project and use the task manager.
- Assemble Campaign team (Recruitment of Engagement Managers - status: completed in Armenia, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Morocco, Nepal and Ukraine )
- Build the repository of Case Studies (minimum 8 in-depth stories per country about existing, relevant, initiatives! Please follow the interview framework! Post your work in progress here)
- Produce the Campaign Design (design the engagement engine, social contract and communication materials for drawing participation of project protagonists in 6 countries, and broader community, into Future Makers Campaign Design here )
- Produce campaign materials (video, texts, flyers/banners, stickers)
- Community building and management (launch and facilitate online conversation around scale and sustainability of existing initiatives)
- Driving the social media and communications heartbeat (Design the Communication Plan here )
- Facilitating and documenting the online event (hangouts) sessions
- Reporting (distributed over the whole project runtime!)
- Stewarding knowledge, relationships and collaborations generated (what happens after project?)