(DRAFT) Crews

(UNDER CONSTRUCTION) - Please feel free to edit the information on this wiki! This is going into a set of resources to help people orient their way around Edgeryders.

A crew is a group of indivuduals who have committed to travel on shared journey of “open” collaboration towards some shared goal. Beyond the boundaries of any one project.

Why crews, rather than teams?

Edgeryders is a home to many “free radicals” as John puts it. We are continuously doing experimental work in the form of projects driven by different teams. This includes the large, community organised events that bring everyone together.

Many are ephemeral projects that dissolve once project deliverables are over. Over time relationships form between people who choose to continue working with one another towards a shared goal. They become crews.

For more information: Create an account on edgeryders.eu and say hi to the community by posting a short introduction in the community forum. Our community managers will then welcome you in person and help connect you to to the right people, projects and conversations in edgeryders.

Edgeryders Research Network: Coordination space for members to build meaningful research partnerships and pursue funding. Designs and deploys edgeryders R&D activities inc our stack of open source tech for computational social science. Lead by @alberto @marina.

Example activities:

  • Economic Science Fiction Seminars: A meeting of minds where we can learn from each other what future economies might look, like inspired by science fiction.
  • OpenCare.
  • NGI

Edgeryders Earth OS: A set of projects assembling community and diverse institutional partners to apply solutions to climate change and sustainability challenges in today’s world as a house on fire. Led by @alberto @noemi @matthias @ilaria.

Example activities:

Culture squad: Connects and equips artists, producers, researchers to use culture as a tool for social change, and digital technology as a way to accelerate it. Lead by @noemi @matteo_uguzzoni @alex_levene @bob @marina @natalia_skoczylas.

OpenVillage: We build a meaningful, productive and enjoyable work-and-life environment. It combines business incubation, P2P learning, socialisation and communal spaces.
Lead by @zmorda @sohayeb @hugi @matthias @nadia @clairedvn

Next Gen Organising : Equipping our own and other organisations to better support good work. Different activities lead by different people including @bob @alberto @noemi @hugi @nadia @matthias @inge @anon82932460 @owen

  • Research Activities
  • Consultancy for public and third sector organisations
  • House Blivande: a center for participatory art, culture and organizations in Stockholm
  • Training, workshops and festival
  • Development lab to build Software and methodology for decentralized organizations and co-created culture.
  • Storytelling & communication

Edgeryders Stewardship
@alberto @nadia @noemi @matthias founded the Edgeryders organisation and drive the organisation together with @johncoate and @hugi.