Festival + Fellowship + Workshop - Intensive Outreach

Workshop & Fellowship Recruitment

As discussed with Nadia, we need quite a heavy focus on workshop recruiting, selling festival tickets and fellowships - how do we get these across to people outside of the Edgeryders community?

We have sites for the tour of [workshops] (Open Village | Workshops) and fellowships now - they provide an overview of the basic information and requirements for applying.

The festival page has information on tickets too.

We touched briefly on advertising - but before going there, what about sponsorships with our fellow community sites, whose interests broadly overlap with ours? Do we have a list of sites to contact for potential link sharing or banner placement?

Second thing - Nadia mentioned sharing on our networks and through the event organisers profiles with header/footer images - including perhaps a link in their bio (completely voluntary of course) to festival tickets page.

Third thing was using LinkedIn combined with DuxSoup - this is a lead generator that sends follow up messages to people who visited your profile. I am not on Linked In - I should be, but can we get all our festival curators / participants to consider this and the above? (@gehan, @hazem, @winnieponcelet, @woodbinehealth, @nicole, @natalia_skoczylas…) The lead message can be something along the lines of:

YOU’RE INVITED - openvillage FESTIVAL, 19th OCTOBER 2017
A new health and social care system powered by open source, community-driven solutions.
Three days of open space conversations, DIY science workshops, environmental photo exhibitions, advocacy project screenings, exercising for health. With good food and extraordinary company.

Feel free to modify the wording in any way…

For the workshops we are sending invitations to a list of Facebook groups Nadia has put together, drafted in French, English and Arabic. There is still a lot of translation work to do for the Workshop and Fellowship pages in Arabic and French, which I can help with.

Are there more options here for pushing sales (I know it’s not an easy or attractive topic) that we have not mentioned? Are there particular venues for advertising that would make sense?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts



We also have some banners you are invited to share here:


And here:


I’ve shared the calls for fellowships on our Twitter and Facebook channels. We can also place stuff on website or newsletter, but as we’re in transition now I can’t promise when that will be.

I can also do banners in profile etc. Maybe we can quickly go over it in the community call tonight?


Here’s some examples of materials people can use to put in on their website their headers on FB, Twitter etc. Original design files for modification are available here

Maybe we should make this the one call in the next newsletter, count on me letter and on social media - Coming to OpenVillage Festival? Let your freak flag fly :)) @owen @woodbinehealth @gehan @winnieponcelet @noemi @alberto @johncoate @matthias @MurielAboulrouss

Try one or more of these on for size. If you need them modified, @susa made them and can maybe help to make some changes…e.g. the domain name now being festival.edgeryders.eu :slight_smile: The other one works too so it’s not a big deal…

Indesign File.

Indesign File

Indesign File


I’ve sent these out in our CountOnMe letter with updated links


Super - next thing is to get this out through the mailing list and social media accounts all week Coming to the workshops? Help us plan by answering 5 questions!

@hazem and @zmorda if you can help Owen with making flyers in Arabic and French for reaching more people with the calls for help it would be great!

BTW: We still need a lot of outreach and help with Morocco so it would be great to get word out to them about the fellowship and workshops…

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Done with updating social media profiles… will do a heavier push this week as people are coming back from holidays! Thanks for the updates Owen. Did you have a chance to discuss the twitterstorm or should we do it during one of the workshops in September?

I’d say the choice is between a light version ahead of the festival to get everyone on the same page as to what to expect, and a bigger one for greater exposure and spotlight on how the festival and workshops build the new MENA space.

Thanks Noemi - it makes sense to plan two separately, one focused on the festival as you say and the other that builds on the broader plans for MENA using ideas from the workshops & festival… It would be good to discuss this on Monday if you are free for a call?

Yes @owen , I would like to have a call for sure, can we do 10 AM please?
Summarizing some ideas ahead of the call to save us time.

  • #OpenVillage Twitter Fest event to happen on 16th of September when we are releasing the final version of the Program as per @woodbine’s schedule.

  • An invitation should contain Call for Action/ RSVP and can be included by @natalia_skoczylas in next week’s email to participants: We ask absolutely everyone to prepare tweets about the sessions they lead and or like - insert them in a spreadsheet ahead, so we can roll with them.

  • We ask curators to prepare ahead a set of 10-15 tweets about their experience - in a story format.

  • We prepare a comprehensive list of Brussels organisations, collectives, European institutions etc to invite - the goal would be to call for support of openvillage as the next “opencare” iteration.

  • At least a third of the twitter event should be focused on outcomes I think - what happens next / #openvillage houses…
    @Nadia @hazem & co can take the opportunity to announce the first openvillage MENA house.

  • The cherry on top: we sync the twitterstorm with the workshop in Morocco on Sep 16th!!

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So after a conversation with @owen earlier today we agreed on the above!!

We will receive an invite to the twitterstorm: What we want is not so much to recruit new people to the festival (we only have 20 spots left) but to inspire more people to support openvillage. For that, we use the twitterstorm to get on the same page about the grand vision and what we are building.

and that will be the basis for our work next week: @natalia_skoczylas to include instructions in the Countdown email + we work to put together a list of orgs where we send the invite, @woodbinehealth, @winnieponcelet & @gehan to put together a set of tweets describing most interesting things in our journey - you can each break your update posts into tweet format.
Owen will send us all a shared spreadsheet where we will be collecting everything ahead… to see how the first 30 mins fit together. The last part covers faqs about the festival and updates from OpenVillage MENA.

Hope this works for you all?


Everything noted, Noemi, works absolutely;) Will prepare the next letter to be sent around 14 of September, so people have two days to prepare, but also don’t forget - or better the day before?

I love that you do this in between climbing tropical volcanoes…

Thanks @natalia_skoczylas - here is the post RSVP - Tweetstorm for OpenVillage festival - September 16th 2017

If you can send it out this weekend or beginning next week it would give us more time to coordinate - the 14th only leaves two days which is cutting it a bit fine.

I agree! the RSVP email today + late reminder with instructions on saturday morning? @natalia_skoczylas.