Internet Forum Tbilisi 2014

Internet Forum Tbilisi is a one-day event that aims to gather bloggers, internet activists, developers and all internet enthusiasts at the same venue.

Despite the fact that most of the people use Facebook for entertainment or communicate with friends there are online activists who use it for activism, for example Guerrilla Gardening Tbilisi organizes its activities and reaches out to public via Facebook. Internet Forum Tbilisi gives these people a venue to talk about their projects and ideas.

People from different backgrounds and interests will talk about their blogs, projects and ideas for 10-15 minutes after what there will be a Q&A session.


Wow Tbilisi is on fire

Hi Mirian, and welcome to Edgeryders, it’s great to see so many Georgian initiatives popping up, especially following the twitterstorm we did on Monday to talk about Futurespotters and the international event in Tbilisi, June 24-26…

I’m Noemi, one of Edgeryders co-founders and highly involved in community organising initiatives. One of the things we are pursuing across the different countries (over 30!) where members are based is collaboration to help each other, with a focus on building projects that make a difference in our communities. I’m wondering if the Internet Forum has a component of helping people work together, beyond networking, and how this will happen? especially in the follow up, since 1 day is barely enough to get down to details. from Vake Park, whom I see is one of the speakers at your event, is also here on Edgeryders, and the question he’s been asking is how to get more international support to gain traction & support from decisionmakers…  Are you exploring something similar with your event, or something where Edgeryders can come in and help?

By the way hope to meet you in person this June!

Internet Forum Tbilisi 2014

Hi Naomi!

Thanks for writing, I have not checked the twitterstorm, we’ll take a look now.

As of the Internet Forum Tbilisi 2014 - it is the beginning of an annual event that will gather bloggers, online activists, developers and all internet enthusiasts. The theme of this year is ‘Blogging and Online Activism in Georgia’ despite the fact that a lot of people say online activism in Georgia is dead, it is not. This event is a proof that people are eager to help communities using technologies. The event is a registration-only and all 100 sits were occupied in less than 12 hours, which is another proof of that.

The sessions range from Open Government and Guerrilla Gardening to Online Satire and Food Blogging. Participants will have enough time (as it is full-day event) to mingle, network and set new projects and ideas

Most of the sessions are discussions with 3-4 panelists and a few are similar to TED Talks 15 minutes presentations with Q&As.

The goal for next year is to make it international.

See you in June!



Going international huh?

Sounds good, I’m sure you’ll get to grow your pool of international speakers if you’re coming to Futurespotters event. By the way don’t forget to register on the event page: press Attend or leave a comment? If you have a bit of spare time, feel free to get more involved - you can lead a session, help by offering accommodation to someone traveling from Armenia or Egypt, spread the word, organise a party etc :slight_smile:

@Inge is coordinating the Georgian group and can give you more details. Actually there’s a meetup at 5pm at Bauhaus today, you’re welcome to drop by!