Our Projects


  • Distributed Work (“remote work”, “teleworking”, “smart working”, “virtual coworking”) . We offer tools, training and change management for better, happier online or semi-online teamwork. Client: EIT Climate Kic (More here and here).

Event Planning

  • Intelligent Events Kit. Using documentation and ethnographic techniques to increase the impact of events. Client: Nesta (More)


  • SenseStack: Technologies for turning online conversations into collective wisdom and action. (More)

  • Technology for co-creation . Building experimental software and methodology for decentralized organizations and co-created culture. (More)

  • Catalyst . Testing two software applications for collective intelligence, Assembl and Edgesense. Client: the CATALYST consortium.


  • Capacity building for climate action. We mobilize alternative actors and engineer public/private partnerships to discover solid, transmissible, system-level understandings of the sort of transformation we, as a civilization, are trying to achieve. (More )
  • The Science Fiction Economics Lab: A meeting of minds where we can learn from each other what future economies might look, like inspired by science fiction. (More)


  • The Reef. Green, beautiful spaces for the 99%. The reef is an experiment for redefining urban living to achieve instances of radical decarbonization through new housing models i.e. green urban living. (More).
  • EarthOS. Handbooks and learning programs for green housing, working and socialising. (More)
  • NGI Forward . An online community platform to further the Next Generation Internet as the key European entity and space for radical new thinking on the future internet (More)
  • The unMonastery . A semi-permanent residency for hackers and social innovators, drawing inspiration from early Western monasticism, living in the service of a local community. (More)


  • POPREBEL . An inter-disciplinary research project focused on explaining and contextualising the recent rise of populism in Central and Eastern Europe. (More)
  • Spot the Future . Scanning the horizon for trends in social innovation in Armenia, Egypt and Georgia. Client: United Nations Development Programme. (More )
  • European Capitals of Culture . Advising candidate cities to the title of European Capitals of Culture, and deploying projects to strengthen their bids. Clients so far: Matera, Italy (winner 2019); Galway, Ireland (winner 2020); and Bucharest, Romania (shortlisted 2021). (More)
  • OpenCare . Finding and assessing initiatives of community provided health and social care. Client: European Commission, DG CNECT. (More )
  • POPREBEL . A digital ethnography of European populism, with special focus on Eastern European countries. Client: European Commission.
  • NGI Forward . A digital ethnography on the societal implications of technical choices in developing the Next Generation Internet. Client: European Commission.
  • MENA Regional Youth Platform . A platform for collaborative livelihood and business development by young people from the Middle East / North African region. Client: World Bank. (More )
  • Design thinking for policy innovation . New methods to design and evaluate innovation in public policy. Client: European Commission Joint Research Council, Innovation Policy Unit (in collaboration with Namahn. (More)
  • Future Makers . Prototyping the city as a wiki. Client: United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Volunteers. (More )
  • Collective intelligence in events . Using documentation and ethnographic techniques to increase the impact of events. Clients: UNESCO, Digital Festival. (More)
  • Trust in Play School for Urban Game Designers
  • 21 Ro Community Platform Platform created for the civic community in Timisoara (https://team2121.ro/)
  • Biennale of Design Ljubljana - integration of the platform as a research tool in the project that was commisioned by the curatorial team for the BIO26