Possible speakers and their talks/activities

Add as needed. Please indicate if the possible speaker has already been contacted, and what his/her reaction was.

On care:

  • Ezio Manzini, contacted, will be there. Workshop on designing care collaborative services.
  • Marco Manca, contacted, will be there. Talk on "healthonomics": massive market failures on pricing drugs and health care in general. Maybe pair with Italian health comptroller Simona Ferlini.
  • Guy Melançon, contacted, will be there. A care-themed Masters of Networks, a hackathon on network data. 
  • City of Milano, possibly @Luciascopelliti, on the concrete challenges of welfare policy-making. Interesting to pair her with @Lakomaa as discussant.

On development:

  • Giulio Quaggiotto, contacted, will be there. Talk on "the irrational causes of failure in development". Not confirmed. Trip should be covered by ER.
  • Marek Hudon, contacted. He is a ULB microfinance professor that can shade some light on the Banana skin microfinance report. Confirmed.
  • Piotr Dzialak, confirmed. Hosts two workshops. Trip should be covered by ER.
  • Omar Shehabi, confirmed. Talk on failure in the peace industry. Trip should be covered by ER.
  • Benjamin Kumpf, 90% chance of coming. Possible doing a back to back talk with Millie.

On culture

  • Bob Palmer, confirmed Trip should be covered by ER.
  • Ilaria d'Auria, Matera 2019. confirmed. Presentation on failures from European Capitals of Culture
  • Roxana Bedrule, Bucharest 2021, tbc. Presentation on hardships/ failures from European Capitals of Culture
  • Mons 2015, tbc. 

On finance, policy and other misc (?!?)

  • Vinay Gupta, contacted, will be there. Talk on failures in finance, and how blockchain technology can unfail them. Email and twitter ping about session - no response.
  • Fabrizio Sestini, contacted, will be there. Confirmation delayed due to leave of absence from the office.
  • Meredith Patterson, confirmed. Talk on Interoperability or death?
  • Millie Begovic, confirmed. Talk about Talking in tongues: what disruptive financing models mean for development and policy making, on Saturday 27th. 
  • Walter van Holst, confirmed. Talk about Europe and its people; a Fail in Democracy. Trip should be covered by ER.
  • Geraldine de Bastion, no confirmation. Trip should be covered by ER. 
  • John Coate, tbc. Trip should be covered by ER.

More proposals


Maybe get in touch with Frances Coppola? @KiraVde this is your alley as you are already talking to banks about finance fails… :slight_smile:


Kat Borlongan has been doing some work around OpenData in development contexts. I bet she has a lot of stories to tell :))

Rebecca J. Parsons at Thoughtworks.They have a lot of experience on the field and have an interesting perspective because they are not a development org, but do a lot of relevant work. Let me know if you want me to get in touch with her.

Did you manage to have a chat with Geraldine De Bastion @Natalia_Skoczylas?

Also, it would be good to learn from Elena’s experiences from UNDP, what do you think @Alberto?

Katell Le Goulven, head of policy planning at Unicef is another person who will have a lot of experience. I can contact her.

Marcin De Kaminsky, Lina Palmer and others at SIDA (Swedish International Develoment Cooperation Agency). I can contact them.


Maria, one of the doctors at the Clinic at Helliniko. I can contact her.

Maybe get in touch with Philippe Narval at Forum Alpbach about their work with Austrian Mayors in building effective response to the “refugee crisis”.

Maybe get in touch with this crowd who were involved in making this video/featured in it.  I think a perspective that connectsSouth-North is valuable here.

I can do a talk here too about the failure of our care systems to support people rebuilding their lives after crises. And a proposal for how to unfail this.


@Nadia @Alberto I am also ready to talk about the failure of care systems helping the Syrian refugees here in Armenia.

Since September I’m working for Armenian Redwood Project, helping several newly arrived vulnerable families to integrate, acting like a social worker, finding them accommodation, placing the kids at schools and orientation/training for the adults to find jobs to become sustainable in the long run.I am also writing blog posts for ARP about the process of integration and possible paths to sustainability as well as success stories of the Syrian refugees in Armenia.

I also focus on the facilitation of information communication for the refugees(available services, employment, etc) in order to create a social system of communication through an online platform. There are many organisations claiming they help the refugees but the impact is non-existent so most of the times the newly arrived refugees are not aware about available services and assistance which results in the majority of them leaving the country in disappointment and failure to find a job/accommodation (the ones that manage to get a visa go to Europe and the ones who don’t have money go back to Syria).

We currently work on a new fundraising campaign(here’s the link to last’s years campaign ) which will be out this Christmas. The founder of ARP(we are not an organisation but solely a coordinating platform) has a large network of Armenian Diaspora that supports the cause but we need to act quick now as UN considers cutting the subsidies for the refugees in 2016, and if we don’t raise enough money some 10.000 refugees will be left without financial aid here in Armenia.

By the way Armenia is the third European country with the biggest number of displaced people from Syria.

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Btw here’s my latest blog post about one of the families I’m helping to integrate.

Let me know if you’d like me to speak at LOTE5 about the failure of refugee policies.

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I am trying to schedule it;) hopefully this week it will finally work out. And some more people contacted.

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A scheduling suggestion

Given the quality of speakers and the very novel themes in this year’s Lote, as well as the number of new Edgeryders we are expecting - it seems we’ll need to make an effort to provide contexts for each theme and offer participants the opportunity to connect with each and find common threads. I suggest we allocate the first half of each conference day for a number of selected talks in order to:

  1. shed light on the theme in a consistent way so there is a sense of collective learning: one morning for Open Care, one morning for Development, at a minimum.

2) speakers to get maximum exposure and increase the return on their investment (a need that is being worked on already)

Then the afternoon sessions can happen in parallel, per each track. How does this sound? I know previous LOTEs were entirely action based, but the feeling I’m getting is that now we’ll have more people who don’t know of each other’s backgrounds and also a greater need for the event to result in concrete partnerships (exhibit A being Open Care).

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Irene’s planned session

Trying to get off email. @ireinga are these for Friday, 26th Feb? Anyone from these online on Edgeryders so we can ping them?

10:30-12:00 Systemic failures in traditional monetary ecosystems (Talk, Bernard Lietaer tbc)

14:00 -15:00 Global failures in complementary currencies: a Belgian community panel (Keynote and panel discussion: Marek Hudon and representatives of Belgian community currencies and sharing economy)

15:30-17:00 SenseFiction: unfailing community currencies and the sharing economy. (Workshop by MakeSense)

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UNDP headquarters

Just spoke with Benjamin Kumpf who is working with Millie and Marc LePage in the innovation dpt of UNDP, and he’s 90% of coming, as he’s in Europe at the time. Will probably host a talk back to back with Millie’s, so no changes in the program required.