Resources for Crowdstorming on twitter

Here’s what you need to know if you’re organising a crowdstorm. Consider following these steps to announce, prepare, engage, document, follow up on the event.

Call for participation

Save the Hashtag: openvillage Crowdstorm xxth of Month at xx:xx CET

As part of the preparation and increasing the buzz for the OpenVillage event we would like to invite everyone to a crowdstorm, the @edgeryders alternative to a press conference on social media: an online event at a set date and time.

Usually crowdstorms, exciting and special events for our community, allow us to involve very distant ideas, reach up to hundreds o thousands of people in many languages, communicate the news, improve and grow.

Our aim is to let the Internets know openandchange is happening and how open collaboration across initiatives and locations is a way forward to making ourselves and our communities thrive.

We did it before and know it works. We love it because it’s an easy, fun way in for more communities and groups to get involved in helping shape our next steps, at low coordination costs. A couple of tweets by everyone joining, in their own languages(!), and think how much we can achieve.

One hour. All together online. Not your usual press conference, right?

Send out instructions

A useful model we used previously is here.


Planning tweets:, tweeting in different languages

Other channels we used:, nodexl for social graph visualization,

Followup and learnings

An exemplary writeup with deep insights is this one.

Another one is this.