đź“— The Reef - Community Building Plan

Ok, I submitted the test. You’ll find some xyz answers just to see if it works. Here are my feedback:

  1. I would change the first occurrence of “opportunity” with “chance”:

    An opportunity to meet and design with others an opportunity for communal, green, urban living.

  2. I think we always have to use “EIT Climate-KIC”:

    The Reef is an open project which Edgeryders, in partnership with Climate KIC, offer to Brussels.




done! looks great. ping me when you need support on the promo of the workshops.


FYI Save the dates! Calendar for events:

24 October @Lamab or @Smart 18:00 - 21:00
14 November @Allee du Kaai 18:00 - 21:00
28 November @Metrolab 16:00 - 21:00

Thanks Isabelle for helping set them up!
The next steps are to publish them along with invitations to register and start reaching out to people to join. Important: how good outreach we can do depends on what we can show - a website, video pitch, imagery and visuals of what the Reef is, and conveying it as best as we can. hopefully all of that will be in place by early October.

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@BaobabUrbain @manuelpueyo check the tasks above in the wiki and see if we are aligned?

@alberto @ilaria @chantal_vanoeteren @matthias
If you send personal invites to people in your network, please use these kinds of texts (and adapt them to your own style!) :

Call for Participation (EN) | Appel a participation (FR)

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@BaobabUrbain please add your notes from Thursday in the post below.
After that, share the link on the facebook events (Workshop 1 and on the page of the upcoming workshop on 14 November!), thanking everyone for attending and inviting them to add their reflections in a comment on our community platform.

As we discussed previously, this needs to be done today! I want to reach out to everyone personally, but can’t unless the content is there… :frowning: This can’t wait.

PS I can’t access Riot momentarily, so that;s why I wrote here.

check :slight_smile:

hey hey @Noemi, for the second story. I said I would deliver today. Unfortunately Marie Ange just called me, we talked for 1 h. she wants to wait till mid november. she is a bit hesitant . she wants to know more about The Reef before publishing [her story] and continue working on it(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bTyqGHfyO__h8O9i1XVg2AEM2hOCOdgMEh41plZnkOo/edit?usp=sharing) (not finished yet)
We need to talk on how i can advance now since this project is on a halt.

Bummer… I am not sure, what do you propose? I am more than happy to meet her, or we could invite her to a co-work day? Mid Nov is ok during the circumstances, but not later.
We are expecting 1 story from @BaobabUrbain, but I don’t know when? For her, it is not an official deliverable though.

I am not sure since it does not depend on me anymore. I invited her to the community event 14 nov. Maybe after that we can continue the work. But i will keep in touch with her next week to see if she changes her view

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@BaobabUrbain @manuelpueyo @matthias:

I added the next steps up in the wiki. Please have a look and add your own, if anything.

Are you available on November 11th noon time to go visit a space that Isabelle identified as a candidate building?
We want to go and film it + our statements about the project. The materials will be part of the final workshops - the tech sprint on 25th Nov and workshop on 28th, and part of the final video production.

Isabelle: we need to get permission to film in the space - do you think it is possible?

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yes! i would like to come

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Great. Works for me!

Do we have all the necessary photo and film equipment for that already?

Yes, we have the equipment. Gazelle who is our video maker will come prepared. She is making 2 small intermediary vids and one final production early December. A site visit is included in her contract.

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Photos from Workshop 24 October are available here, feel free to use them, both @BaobabUrbain for outreach and @matthias for the website.

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@manuelpueyo I checked the interview. I think it could use more in depth information about sharing with others.

Anyway: please have her confirm her presence for the 14th - she can even skip the Signup form we have!
You can also send her the existing stories and video for her to get to know us better…
More importantly, you can propose to her to anonymize the story: remove the info of her professional affiliation, and upload it using a pseudonym for her name.


I just talked to her. she confirms she will come on the 14th. however she is not yet ok to publish. Not even with pseudonym. hopefully after that

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she just wrote to me again. she is not coming on the 14 :confused:. she is not very consistent. i am realizing. anyway. in order to finish delivery, i suggest i will create an imaginary profile mixing her story with other data from the workshops. what do you think?

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that works for me, for sure!

I am collecting here everything I have in terms of Content, maybe add?
Then you can remix: