What I'm working on this week

Last week we (@owen @anon82932460 @noemi and me) focussed a lot of our time to finalize the campaign landing pages (funnels). We’re almost there! We’ll be able to go online this week.

But, as it took quite a lot more of my time, I had to postpone other content work to this week. We’re having our content curation call tonight, but ahead of it, let me summarize what I am working on, so you can see if I’ve missed something, if we need to prioritize other issues, if something is not as relevant.

And note re my schedule: I’ll be working in the mornings, somewhere between 6AM and 1PM Tbilisi time, monday to fridays. After 1PM I will be offline - and I can get to any questions, requests the next morning. I’ll, of course, make an exception for the content curation calls and other calls where I am needed.


  • Finalizing campaign landing pages POPREBEL
  • Work on ABOUT pages for different projects’ landing pages/create wiki
  • Copy write IoH and POPREBEL intro texts to make them more easy to understand and more engaging (@MariaEuler helps me with IoH part)
  • Start working on Edgeryders Festival in November (campaign plan, what needs to be done for comms)
  • Create list/strategy on how to campaign around events
  • Revisit Deep green Tech campaign plan - continue working on long form profiles of founders & campaign structure (in the post: “We need to create a new Fellowship Call post with a new deadline and pin to top of IOH category. In it we should mention that we are especially interested in people working at the intersections of tech and climate change. Can @johncoate or @MariaEuler set this up?” any updates on this?)
  • Work on the interview with @matthias for our Deep green campaign in which we promote our environment related topics (delayed to give Matthias time to answer due to other responsibilities needing his attention, set date for Aug 8)
  • Turn Peter Bihr’s community call into serialized editorial


  • Edit call for speakers for the tech & inequalities event
  • Creating an influencer lists posts, to ask community to share who they think we should approach
  • Write a blog post about book published


  • Work on visuals - find illustrator - to illustrate the questions we are asking in a distinct style (eg upgrading technology is leading to downgrading humans)

General work:


I’m editing 2 interviews/calls currently. Doing the text of the call Peter did with Jon Rogers. And the audio for the call we did with Christian. That’s a long one. Takes time. Zenna starts her Fellowship later this week. I’ll be talking with her soon.


Setting up in this case meaning to write a new fellowship call and post it? If yes, would the parameters are similar to the current one in IOH?

@MariaEuler I think this is a question for @nadia when she’s back as she proposed it. but i’ll keep taps on it

or perhaps @alberto and @hugi?