Hello to All
In the matter of the technical IT tools to be adopted, I believe it is appropriate to make some considerations that can help us to better understand the scope of our needs and the consequences of our choices.
I would therefore like to draw your attention to issues such as operational flexibility, support for industry standards aimed at data interoperability, the ability to integrate with other systems or platforms, the opportunity to scale the size of information processing and functions related to their sharing and, above all, the possibility of developing an organically functional infrastructure by the tools that we should adopt. With these particular attention from a purely technical point of view, it is necessary to evaluate the human resources (from the Community or not) and instrumental resources that Edgeryders actually has the possibility to put in place in order to allow the whole infrastructure to grow harmoniously and in compliance with its own aims.
As far as the choice of the database is concerned, rather than supporting the application of a specific product, it seems to me at the moment more interesting to reflect on the approach and the technological solutions that can better respond to both the Platform’s urgency and its medium-long development term (eg big data, data mining, machine learning, semantic data, tagging date, blob data, etc.).
In this regard, I would like to suggest reading the following resources, with particular care not to overlook the projects and / or the open source initiatives:
Regarding the choice of tools for management and cooperation within and outside the Platform, considering that the current solution implemented with Discourse can not respond to these next venture needs, I think it is appropriate to consider all those solutions technology thoughts and constructs around the paradigms of user interaction and cross-platform cooperation.
In this sense, I still want to point out some of the solutions that have attracted my attention in recent years, always with the utmost care not to overlook the projects and / or the open source initiatives, but referring to an interesting page (https: // en .wikipedia.org / wiki / List_of_collaborative_software):
Finally, it would be the question of the ict service infrastructure that, in PaaS or SaaS mode, should guarantee the overall operation of the Platform in the light of the choices made in the first two points.
The solutions are different, of course, and I think you deserve a different decision-making moment.
I close this my (long) intervention arguing how choosing a technical solution necessarily involves building an organizational system that plasms and affinates the built-up infrastructure in turn. In addition, as I write, I reflect on the opportunity to think at least of an external communication platform strategy that illustrates the ways in which it is to be adopted and the goals to be achieved both in the analytical field of data generated by ethnographic tools in the most exquisite management sector.
I guess a sort of campaign for resource and skills connectivity that is complementary to what can be organically found in Edgeryders. And I think this might be possible by proposing reciprocity between the Community and the solutions providers and service providers.
Thanks for the patient reading!