Working Out Loud: What we're all doing ahead of the twitterstorm

Hi all, just back from our weekly Spot the Future meeting with Edgeryders and UNDP teams.

Our shared task this week is to catch up on ongoing twitterstorm preparations and reach out to the networks - community, institutions, organisations, journalists. Every day until Monday. The only way our twitterstorm will be a success is if we mobilize everyone we know to show up.

Here are the writeups we have so far which could serve as a basis for invitations, please use them, adapt anything you think is needed:

1.Save the Date: Futurespotters International event, June 24-26

2.Twitterstorm: why, what and how we are doing it ( the instructions to join are there; have included the UNDP logo and twitter accounts;)

3.Twitterstorm Press release (can be modified based on your organisation’s needs)

For country office leaders, can you brief whoever is manning UNDP twitter accounts in each country? If needed, we can send them a list of tweets in advance or they can fill in their own. It’s better if they do some work in advance for synchronization.

If you don’t have time to send out invitations, do you know of anyone who we should reach out to or who you would like to see involved in the conversation in Armenia, Egypt or Georgia? Add their name and url to their twitter account: Armenia | Egypt | Georgia | International

At @Inge’s feedback and request, here is what people can do in the storm, if it hasn’t been clear so far:

  • tweet about initiatives they know, like or run in Georgia, Armenia, Egypt & get them global exposure
  • ask questions directly to the protagonists of initiatives we know already and will showcase
  • connect with each other across countries, join the community of \#futurespotters
  • register for the June event

See it as an opportunity to get an overview of what futurespotters is about and how anyone can get involved at this stage.

Next week’s Wednesday meeting : discussing event budget and what support is available from UNDP Georgia office. @ArthurD, @Alberto, @Nadia, can some of you attend?

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Yes but no

Sorry, I am reading this just now. I was not able to attend the weekly call, obviously. :slight_smile: