Call for participation: #Futurespotters Bucharest Int’l Workshop, 9-10 July

Finally Bucharest

Very much looking forward to learning with and from you guys.


Yeah it will be great if I participate

nice to meet you virtually for now!

Hi @ahmed_rashed, welcome to Edgeryders! Tell us more… what interests you about Bucharest and the project we’re doing here? Are you around or know someone or a project here that you are working on?

Lovely! Will spread the word and try to attend!


I will certainly participate to Futurespotters Bucharest!

I would be interested in leading a session on participatory and open democracy.



Thanks @manu_babele ! I’ve added the session in our collaborative wiki where we gather the info and responses we’ve had so far - also from personal communications outside the platform… there’s a lot of interest, but busier folks will need to bring themselves here and write about their sessions. Until then, we’re curating this a bit like making a puzzle. Would you be OK with a lightning talk - 5-10 mins? We’ll agree on the exact day and hours after we have the higher level program set.

I would like to participate and present a project

Hi everyone,

I am coordinating a project called Support culture in education, we aim to bring together cultural people and educators (teachers from primary to highschool) to discuss and colaborate in order to bring arts in schools. We were inspired by the Cultural Rucksack in Norway, we started testing the idea in Romania in 2013, organised aprox 10 meetings so far, wrote a project, got a grant and now are in the middle of the implementation of the project. Already had 4 trainings for teachers (80 people) and 4 meetings and plan to do 6 more trainings in the autumn, this time for artists and cultural professionals.

It would be great if we had the chance to present our project as part of this event :slight_smile:

More info about it, here:


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Noted, with thanks!

Hi @raluca_Iacob_Pop, it was great meeting you in person last night, I see you already found your way here on the platform. As for the program, @alex_stef and I are collecting all proposals this week and will make up a draft agenda as soon as possible to share here so we can adjust it collectively.

Ethical ways free culture artists can support their work

“Free” doesn’t mean gratis, it means having freedom and “open” is not enough. In this talk I will explain what free culture really means and I will give examples of how particular artists earn money for their works while not imposing restrictions on their public, and culture itself. Join Ceata for the advancement of the Romanian free culture movement.


Will be there

Hi there,

As I have already said, it would be great to meet all of you at the workshop and I’m also looking forward to exchanging ideas and knowledge with you guys.



I’ll be there

I heard about this at a Global Shapers event and really got my attention. I know how hard is to organise a project with limited or no resources, so I’m looking forward to learning new things. In future I can find some locations for trainings, and I’m also gonna recommend my friends and I’m gonna share on facebook. The project that I mentioned: Facebook , basically it was a sort of TEDx.


I’m in

Hello guys :slight_smile: Do you happen to need a photographer? I’d like to participate and this is sort of my only marketable skill :stuck_out_tongue:



Welcome onboard, Ioana! We have a volunteer photographer but another lens is very welcome, indeed, thank you for being up for it!

Yes, I’m coming!


As I discovered, the workshop will give me the opportunity to meet persons who want to make the city more friendly for the people, so I’m looking forward to be there.

See you soon!


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Im into this! :smiley:


First of all, I want to thank you, @noemi, for the welcome message. I am really glad I came across this platform because it is really nice to see so many active and creative people in just one place.

At this get-together, I am looking forward to meeting you all, to know more about your projects and activities, to exchange knowledge and ideas, and also to see how can we join forces to make things happen.

See you soon! :slight_smile:

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My pleasure

We do hope to learn more about you until next week, Elena. I would be curious to know how you landed here and what is your take on collaboration. Manu, for example, makes an interesting point about Bucharest being hip and progressive but collaborative movements needing more of an entrepreneurial mindset.

I know Edgeryders from Babele/NOD

I really do agree with Manu, and that is one of the main reason for attending this event. We need to join our forces and have more visible actions in order to attract the attention of local communities and also for mobilizing others, and for that to happen we must show them we are able to make a change regardless of what material resources we have, but only by working together, sharing knowledge and resources, and also having a entrepreneurial approach for monetizing the ideas.

A few words on what I do: In the day, I am a Marketing Manager at a software company, and at night, I am working at starting an NGO to support electronic/alternative music industry in Romania, and also I am trying to build a co-working space for the music community in Bucharest. That’s how I discovered that we have a pretty small community and that others only see their own interest…

On how can I help at this workshop, I can make a video montage with all the videos we will have after the workshop. I was also thinking at video streaming the workshop, but here we will need a good internet connection and also some help, because I’m not really sure how to do this. In general, I can help with not very complex graphic design and Wordpress websites, audio-video editing, helping in organizing and promoting events. I will also start promoting this workshop how much I can :slight_smile:

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NGO to support music community sounds great!

What would be your needs at this point? We’re trying to get a sense of both needs and skills of the people/projects in the community, to understand the potential for collaboration.

Your video montage and audio-editing skills sound awesome, since we were just thinking about how to make the most out of what @gabi_copoeru will document on video at the workshop. We were thinking of a short teaser to post immediately after the workshop + a 4 min video on what went on at the workshop and where we’re heading with the Edgeryders community in Bucharest. Any thoughts are very welcome, especially on the graphic design side.


In the beginning I will need a lot of advices on managing an NGO, and also maybe someone can help me with a censor and an accountant . Would be perfect if they can collaborate pro bono

That’s the spirit!

“We must show them we are able to make a change regardless of what material resources we have, but only by working together, sharing knowledge and resources, and also having a entrepreneurial approach for monetizing the ideas.”

What is there left to add? Well said, @elena_oglinda!