Challenge Intro: The quest for paid work

In most European countries, young people and those with odd professional profiles find it hard to get paid for what they are good at or interested in. Youth unemployment is higher than across-age unemployment everywhere: in some Southern European countries it reaches 40%; to make things worse, some jobs that are available to young people are underpaid and repetitive “mcjobs”. most of us have to be creative to be allowed into any kind of employment: some brace for fierce competition, some combine day jobs (best described by the great French expression travaux alimentaires), others take the leap into entrepreneurship. Many accept sacrifices in return for the opportunity to do “something meaningful”. Tell Edgeryders where you are in this picture!

  • What do you look for when you look for work? Money, obviously. Security? The opportunity to contribute to society, to build something useful? A feeling of belonging?
  • What concrete efforts are you making to achieve these objectives?
  • What are the roadblocks standing in your way?

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  • State your experience (what are you doing in practice) as well as the reasoning behind it (why you are doing it)
  • You can write as much as you want. We suggest about 400 words.
  • you can write in any language.