DRAFT / EdgeRyders hiring a local connector: mobilize your community and host a participatory event about citizen wellbeing in Europe

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Help us to build a network of active contributors who share personal experiences on our online platform! We are looking for a local connector to set up a community event in November 2019.

Europe is not well. In several countries, as many as 2 out of 5 young people are unemployed. Despite improved standards of living, poverty continues to be our reality - for youth and elderly, those living in cities and those on the countryside.

The economic and political reality of the generations before us has significantly changed and continues to change.

We feel anxious and unstable, resulting in a rise of alternative spiritual movements to help people cope.

We struggle with access to good, affordable care. We canā€™t afford housing, and we canā€™t afford to start a family.

We need to talk about it.

Wellbeing in Europe is a community effort where people from different countries meet and share ways to being well in this day and age.

We need your help to set up a community event in November 2019 in the Czech Republic, which is part of a series of events happening at the same time in Poland, Serbia, Germany.

Youā€™ll organize, facilitate and attract participants from different socio-economic groups, educational levels, professions, ages to discuss matters important to their wellbeing and the state of their city, country, neighborhood, family.

In order to be successful, the event uses a methodology for online/ offline community building developed by Edgeryders: in short, connectors need to ensure that all the participants share stories on the projectā€™s community forum and interact with each other through the comments before and after the event. This creates an authentic and constructive debate to lead to a wide community research analysis, and will help us build a long standing network across different European countries.

Your tasks will be:


  • Engage 50 people from different backgrounds in your village, town, city, country to join the community on http://edgeryders.eu, to share and post their stories on the community forum. The key topics for stories are: Healthcare and Social care services, Work and Prosperity, Spirituality and Morality.
  • Host a series of Virtual Cafes - online gatherings where people from other parts of your country and from other countries can meet and discuss together what they have learned from the stories that have been posted on the online community forum. The Cafes are announced on Facebook/ Edgeryders and other relevant channels, and the notes are posted to the forum.
  • Together with the people who you have brought into the online community and Virtual Cafes, produce the program for the local event.


  • Ensure that the event is documented in writing and with video following the method and format you will learn by working with our international team.
  • Collect all the documentation material in one place and structure it well so that it is easy for those who could not come in person to participate in the discussion.


  • Engage the participants to share their experiences of the event on the online platform
  • Write one article to summarise what happened, what was learned and your thoughts on the next steps, based on your experience.

How to apply

  1. Create an account on edgeryders.eu
  2. Introduce yourself to the community by sharing a personal experience: Add a New Topic here.
  3. Leave a comment to 3 community stories which are interesting and relevant to you.
  4. Register for our summer tour to meet the team and other community members and local partners: July 15th in Brno; July 17th in Prague /ADD FACEBOOK EVENT LINKS /

We will let you know about the results of your application by July 10th.

Estimated work time and remuneration

The contract is from July 2019 - January 2020, with 5000 EUR remuneration based on your deliverables. We estimate up to 3 days of work needed every week, depending on your own rhythm.

Who are we?

Edgeryders is a non-profit organisation living in symbiosis with an online community of thousands of activists, researchers, innovators, radical thinkers and doers, and just normal people that want to make a difference. We believe that a smart community outperforms any of its members; this is the result of people working together, improving on each otherā€™s work.

Wellbeing in Europe is part of a Horizon 2020 funded Research and Innovation Action under the official name POPREBEL. The project focuses on explaining and contextualising the recent rise of populism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The research considers content collected through http://edgeryders.eu, subject to online ethnographic analysis and semantic social network analysis.

The project is funded by the European Commission under grant agreement number 822682 from 2019-2021. Other partners are University College London (UK), University Karlova, University Jagiellonski (Poland), University of Belgrade (Serbia).

How we will select connectors

We are looking for someone who speaks both Czech and basic English.

We will consider individuals who demonstrate an interest in Wellbeing in Europe; who are empathetic, curious and able to engage people from different walks of life in an authentic, constructive and respectful discussion about important topics.

Most important, the connector is willing to collaborate with an international team and use online tools such as video chats for communication, engagement, documentation of work.

What happens if I am selected?

You will be working closely with the Edgeryders team to build the Wellbeing in Europe community conversation and the event series in your country.

What happens if I am not selected?

You could get a 200 Eur reward for the story that you have contributed as part of the application process. More information about this here: http://bit.ly/2LbQvyD 6

For more information

Join an Online Gathering in Czech.

The call is subject to modifications.

Next steps (before June 15th)

  • Translare it into Czech and publish it in the Czech forum
  • Share it with people and organisations mapped here

@nadia @natalia_skoczylas does this work for you? Can you insert links to the events?
Then we can translate and ask the comms team to spread it.

Yes, I also think we donā€™t need a tour in Poland anymore - only in the Czech Republic, as I have enough great candidates. Btw, have you seen all the applications for the Polish candidate? Maybe we can have a short call to discuss them? @Nadia @noemi (Sorry, my riot still doesnā€™t work so it has to be here)

I am going throuhg the latest stories now, and will let you knowā€¦ They are really good stories I think!
But is there a fb event for the Czech tour?

I have no idea, I donā€™t even know why this post went out already as we didnā€™t work on the host yet and finalize the descriptions, but I think Inge is creating the events or maybe Filip.

The stories are great and candidates are wonderful, so I want to hire someone tomorrow ideally and get Poland really rolling. Then I can move on to building Czech, as Serbia is slowly building itself (I found one more candidate who will apply within 12 days)

Yes it does, when @natalia_skoczylas and @inge adds the event links it is ready to go. Can you guys work together to get this done in the next day or so?

OK, Iā€™m here all day, letā€™s see when Inge is around. What about the call about the connector? @Nadia, do you want to be involved in the selection or youā€™re leaving it to me? Thatā€™s not a problem, I just want to know

I want to have the process happen in the open on the platform. So that others can hop in and ask questions as we always do. Then you and I discuss and make a decision together.

hey, here :slight_smile: ! so, how can I help? (also, can I edit the wording a little bit?)

Please add suggestions, sure! @inge

Where is the Czech translation?

I think Iā€™d like your help with creating the fb events and then sending them out to the org we found - but first, let me know when the edited version is ready

I added the remuneration and time estimated for work. We will translate it all into Czech when this DRAFT is final!

just to get it clear: fb event pages for edgeryders FB, correct?

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Yes, for the Czech locations- see here: POPRebel Tour

If you put together the texts in English we can send you the translation in Czech, with @Jirka_Kocian.
(they can have a bilingual description).

In those event pages we can then share stories from the platform, the connector call etc.

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Hey, I think the text is good (even though I am not the most relevant personto evaluate it:) just to make sure, we agreed I will not be translating the call, right?

Iā€™ve run it through the app, can you check and correct please inthis document?
Thank you!

I am basically done editing it, we only need to add the links. One point for discussion - I am not sure about using ā€œkonektorā€ as anglicism. It is valid as we explain what it means, nevertheless, would you think about an English synonym we could use as base of translation of the jobā€™s denomination:)?

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If you find a word in Czech that is more suitable thatā€™s perfect. Think ā€˜mobilizerā€™, ā€˜energiserā€™, ā€˜emgagerā€™, outreach person, community event planner. Although planner is maybe not enoughā€¦ It needs to signal that they will bring people in.

So, I am done, I tried to comply with the original formatting, links, etc. There are three more things I commented on in the doc before we go out with it.

I maybe found an alternative for ā€œkontektorā€ being ā€œmediĆ”torā€ (it means exactly what you think:), do you find it acceptable? The rest in the doc, ready to finalize it today.

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