Increasing our meeting frequency

Hello @reef-full,

We have discussed the plenary meeting frequency a couple of times now, and we concluded that we’ll need more frequent meetings.


Here’s the challenges that I think we need to throw in the mix:

  • We don’t have enough time in the plenary meetings to tackle all subjects we need to discuss, and some of us also experience the meetings as too dense / intense.

  • According to Mark we’ll need weekly meetings to discuss building-related issues, so that we can finalise the “avant projet” stage (i.e. being ready to launch the building permit).

  • We need more space to discuss things among Full Members only.

  • There is also a concern about getting a burn-out because we are having too many meetings.


Meeting frequency
  • We keep the plenary meeting frequency at every three weeks.

  • We add extra Full Member “working meetings” in between (exactly like a plenary, but with FMs only), about every 10 days, and we organise about half of them during the weekend.

  • We change the frequency of the Full Members dinners from every six to every eight weeks, and we change the focus of these dinners back to what they used to be, i.e. on connection and on meta-things that are important to us (see Full Members meeting: refining its aim and organisation?)

More concretely this could like something like this:

  • Week 1: plenary meeting
  • Week 2: FM working meeting (weekend)
  • Week 3: rest
  • Week 4: plenary meeting
  • Week 5: FM working meeting
  • Week 6: rest
  • Week 7: plenary meeting
  • Week 8: FM working meeting (weekend)
  • Week 9: FM dinner

Given that we’ll depend on the architects for input, we will probably need some flexibility and re-planning, but trying to fix the dates to increase availability can only add value. In case of need we can also organise or add the occasional FM working meeting online.


I’m not sure where everybody stands with regard to organising meeting during the weekend, so I like to organise a poll to check.

So in the proposal we are looking at FM working meetings during the weekend about every 6 weeks. Can you please tell me about your preference?

  • I am really in favour of FM during the weekend
  • I’m ok
  • If yes: Friday evenings are ok
  • If yes: Saturday mornings (10:30) are ok
  • If yes: Sunday mornings are ok
  • If yes: afternoons are ok too
  • If yes: I’d rather not have them in the afternoon
  • If yes: evenings are ok too
  • If yes: I’d rather not have them in the evening
  • I would rather not have FM meetings during the weekend
0 voters

Let’s review how we are feeling about this say by the beginning of October?

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Hey @reeflings/@reef-full,

Here comes the draft schedule for our meetings until the end of the year (I have tried to keep the dates that we had already agreed upon as much as possible). I have been staring at this for some time now, so let me know if any date doesn’t make any sense, collides with another meeting etc.
If I don’t hear anything until 9 August, I’ll put them in the calendar :slight_smile:

  1. 14.8 Plenary (Wed)

  2. 20.8 FM working meeting (instead of 27.8) (Tue)

  3. 29.8 Plenary (Thu)

  4. rest

  5. 15.9 FM working meeting (weekend) (instead of plenary) (Sun)

  6. 19.9 Plenary (Thu)

  7. rest

  8. 30.9 FM working meeting (instead of plenary) (Mon)

  9. 9.10 FM dinner (Wed)

  10. 15.10 plenary (Tue)

  11. 26.10 FM working meeting (weekend) (Sat)

  12. rest

  13. 5.11 plenary (Tue)

  14. 13.11 FM working meeting (Wed)

  15. 21.11 plenary (instead of FM) (Thu)

  16. rest

  17. 8.12 FM working meeting (weekend) (Sun)

  18. 13.12 FM dinner (Fri)

  19. 16.12 plenary (Mon)