January deadline, organisation of the webinar

The project that was going to be set in Avantgrid didn’t get funded so it’s a little on ice, basically, the development that happened is what I wrote already. Do you think it’s still cool to have in there, even though it’s maybe not tying into anything? If so, I can put up some notes - I just need to convert them from the bullet points and half-finished sentences they are currently in.

Absolutely! If you look at the Assembly (The Assembly of People) you will note that it’s right next to Avantgrid, which meant it was formed after Avantgrid arrived and docked:

… CTRL+ALT+REVOLUTION announced a “mass walkout” which would have led a mob of some three thousand into Distrikt 1 territory and to the grounds of Newton’s Folly, the building that was now serving as both Denton’s office and meeting grounds for various exchanges between Distrikt 1, 2, 3 and Avantgrid. The walkout was instead turned into a founding expedition when the State Machine sanctioned a new microDistrikt next to the Avantgrid infrastructure and the newly-formed Libria.

It would be very cool to have Avantgrid in - because it would represent that kind of energy-frugal all-sustainable living that may turn out far more resilient in the long run. I’ve been watching videos like these (and planning my own off-grid house) to get a handle on the challenges that people might face:

So yes. Please scribble down whatever you’ve got and let’s make it a thing.

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I know well the original ivan. I Asked him if I could change his username, and he agreed. So now you can log in to communities.edgeryders.eu and change your own username to ivan.

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Works for me

A short agenda:

Purpose: touch base with the team & organisation of the worldbuilding webinar :

  • end February, beginning March
  • prepare promotional campaign:
    • outreach lists and material – booklets, graphic novel, Joriam a new video

@yudhanjaya’s ideas:

  • stitch materials, art and the booklet together as a Tourist Guide to Witness - wikitravel for backpackers
  • look for ideas we got from the participants of the first webinar, create clusters of similar ideas. Show them at the webinar as microDistrikts,invite participants to start imagining them and how they might grow

other things to add?

updates and plans:


and talks with FdcM and FEBEA A possibility of collaboration ER - FdCM - FEBEA

Thank you all (@yudhanjaya, @joriam, @alberto, @nadia, @hugi, @bojanbobic, @MariaEuler, @lidiazuin) for the yesterday’s meeting.

Here are the bullet points & things we have agreed on :

Where we are : Covenant, Assembly & Libria – shaped, Hygge needs polishing, Avantgrid in arrival, booklet & graphic novel ready

What we need to do:

  • prepare “History of Wintess” in the wiki form
  • conclude the other articles
  • prepare the presentation of the material and the mini website

Presentation of the material:

Webinar to be organised on 9 March 2021 (almost on the Ides, Caesar will not mind)

  • shaped as an introduction to the process and not its conclusion – purpose: get the community in the common mindspace (@joriam)
  • invitations to the participants and people who have already expressed interest plus widen the range

It provides an entry point to the world and produces a clear call to action:

We need to:

  • create a conclusive funnel with clear references and contacts («call a human» principle). Its proposed tasks:
  1. Introduce oneself topic : helps to get a grip on what skills people have
  2. Witnesspedia entry edits
  3. Comments to Witnesspedia entries : debate on the existing entries, proposal of new entries, distrikt and non distrikt proposals
  4. Put an accent on currencies (might become a big deal – worth playing around a bit)
  5. Non-text contributions : illustrations, videos, music, data visualisations, fictional economics papers
    References here.
  • produce a landing page with the explanantions – connects directly to the History of Witness and includes a paragraph on why of the project (@alberto)
  • prepare the wiki with illustrations
  • define the aspects of the promotional campaign (@nadia and @IvanC)
  • use the contributions already on the platform and provide feedback to ideas and questions of the community


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I’m working on this website right now, which will be ready tonight, but still need these texts and materials.

I made the category public now since I need it for the website, which will show the articles, using the Discourse topics as a CMS. However, I still need the text for this which I thing @alberto or @yudhanjaya were going to write if I’m not mistaken?

Basically, the content that will go on the landing page of the Witnesspedia & Worldbuilding sessions website.

@IvanC, can you give me access to the folder with all illustrations that went into the graphic novel pdf? I want to use them for the website.

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@IvanC, @alberto, @yudhanjaya, @Joriam - there is a slight bug that is preventing the website from going up. Basically, we need to take care of a few edge-cases for formatting between Discourse and the website generator. Should not take too long, and also leaves us time to come up with that text for the landingsite.

@yudhanjaya - you might have noticed that I have added some additional syntax to The History of Witness. This is to prepare that post to be served to the website generator that turns Discourse posts into minisites. Stand by while we are working it out.

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(Moved the topic to the workspace, so we can keep the Witnesspedia cat for, well, the Witnesspedia).

On it today.

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Screenshot 2021-02-03 at 03.08.03

It’s coming along. Still need to fix some bugs and issues - likely online on Wednesday night or Thursday morning if all goes well.

Screenshot 2021-02-03 at 03.11.07

I first thought that we would only have the History on the website, but I think we should add other pages too as they reach maturity.

This will also help us keep track of canon while still being very tolerant of new pages being posted in the Witnesspedia. What gets lifted up to the website is what is considered mature canon.


Its looking pretty :slight_smile:

you should check with @yudhanjaya the images he posted were not under some copywriting of sort

Looking good, @hugi. I’ll sort out images today (if I’m not mistaken, we have replacements for my Townscaper originals) and see where I can help out with Avantgrid and Hygge edits.

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I actually find those quite evocative and effective illustrations of Denton’s utopianism. If we can keep them, I think it would be cool.

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If you feel like we should keep them

a) I can make more
b) we have permission from the creator of Townscaper to use them for the project!


I think I have some friends in common with that guy!

Cool, we now have a religion entry (Witness: Religious Life). I’ve pushed some changes to Hygge. @joriam, @alberto, if you can give the changes a glance, we can sign off on that and focus on Avantgrid and sports.

We still have a little bit to go on the website, @owen is fixing bugs and I am formatting and adding pages. It’s going to be pretty sweet actually!

Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 00.51.46

It will be a really nice way to get people onboard. They will click around on the nice presentation website, until suddenly they click a wiki concept link that leads them to the article on the forum and they understand that what they have been reading can be directly influenced by participating in the conversation.


On it today.

@yudhanjaya, @Joriam, @lidiazuin, @hugi: can I ask you to leave a quick personal entry on the introductions topic? Philip (econ professor, American) has already found it. Go say hi!

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So, update:

Of the original plan:

The Covenant (religious, Benedictine worker economy): ready

The Assembly (communitarian-anarchist economy with an auto-decaying cryptocurrency): ready

Libria (Hayek-inspired libertarian cyberpunk, tinges of corporate dystopia): ready

Hygge (Central distrikt): ready, I think. We haven’t come to concensus on the underlying economic structure yet, but we have enough detail that we can leave that for other mind: ready

History of Witness: ready

New additions:

Avantgrid: ready
Aethnography: ready. Subtopics are REDR and the Pluriversity project.
Religion (this came together very fast): ready
Risk Bushido: ready

Future plans:

An entry on interDistrikt sport tournament, an event of massive social importantance. Cricket + an esport.
Entry on the Migrant Train

So we’re floating around 9/5 right now, 11/5 if you count REDR and the Pluriversity as individuals. I reckon we’re good to open the doors.

Well done, everyone. I’m going to pop up some Townscaper, put some music on, and see if anything I create feels like it could be more art for Witness.

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