Learning to live and work together with technology - Conversation overview autumn 2020

Dear community,

Seeing the way conversations and topics develop overtime on this platform of ours I decided to go to a seasonal schedule with the conversation overviews as I think this actually allows us to present you a better overview.

That said, I would like to invite you to check out the discussions ongoing this autumn. Recently it is all about learning:

What do we teach our children about technology while working from home? We had an event together with freelancer week on the topic of Freelancing, Remote Work, Technology and ... Childcare? which touched on many interesting topics from workspace/time boundaries, over shifting perceptions to use of technology by children. This discussion on
Children using technology - polarising potential - What do you think? does now follow up on one of those points. Please, share your thoughts on experiences on the topic of children and technology, especially if you yourself are an avid technology user!
Connected to the topics of children education and technology I would also like to highlight two more posts: Media and Information Literacy and Open Learning in public libraries and Assorted thoughts about IT that I wish I knew when growing up.

Not only children need to learn. Remote workers and freelancer need to learn how to collaborate and unite. In another event with freelancer week we discussed What freelancers really need - How can technology help freelancers to thrive and where do we desperately need to improve?. Our panellists raised great points about how you can now learn new skills online, good starter programs for new freelancers, networking and they all stressed one thing: The future of freelancing is in collaboration. We now need to go from “one can do it all” to “everyone can work with everyone” and the need for new tools designed to enable collaboration between multiple freelancers. Read the summary of the panel discussion here: "Collaboration over Competition" - freelancer technology event follow up article #1
Also in reaction to the topics raised during the freelancers and technology event, @johncoate raise the topic of internet monopolies which is very relevant. Do you feel threatened by "Internet Monopolies"?

What can we learn about dealing with technology that could learn itself? Anton Ekker won the first case in the EU against the sue of an AI algorithmic decision-making system and joined us for an AMA: Hi, I’m Anton Ekker and I won the first case in the EU against government use of an algorithmic decision-making system. AMA!

And finally, we would like to invite you to join us to see what we can learn about economics from science fiction in our webinar about the progress of our Worldbuilding Academy and the 7th of December: How to build a world: a webinar with the Worldbuilding Academy's core team

Have an educational autum and thank you for being a great community!


ping @marina, @LauraRoddy, @Markus_D

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