Make logistic arrangements for country visits

In the Youth Volunteering project @Alberto will be traveling in each of the six countries + Bonn and Istanbul, to meet with

1. UNDP/UNV teams working with national governments

2. relevant Ministries in the country that work on issues related to youth,

3. civil society organisations, informal groups, remote communities and anything else, depending on the local contexts.

We are currently setting up a calendar for these visits, looking at a period between June 1st and mid July.

Tentative dates so far (will be changing/ updating as soon as more information comes in, this is just to have an overview). @ireinga for all bookings Alberto will be in touch and having the final word. This is just for the rest of us to keep in mind.

  • 2-6 June to Egypt - workshop Sun-Tue (non-working days in Egypt are Fri & Sat)
  • 6-9 June to Morocco - workshop Wed-Fri (accounting for non-working days in Morroco)  
  • June 15th to Bonn

Superseeded by this calendar.


Weekend in Egypt is Friday-Saturday. This means I can (and should) schedule meetings all day Sunday! Workweek and weekend - Wikipedia

oh, yes!

Sorry, logic +link were good, text came out wrong. Made the change.

Updating with changes:

  • 2 - 4 June: Alberto's meetings in Cairo
  • 4 June afternoon: small community event in Cairo
  • 6 June fly out to Rabat
  • 8 - 10 June: Alberto's meetings in Rabat. Small community event (Casablanca?) tba
  • 11 fly out


any idea yet when you are going to be in Georgia? My tandem Masha is going to The Hague for a seminar mid July (I thought you would come here mid/end June).

Low chances for mid-end June

Alberto is elsewhere during that time.

Same as last year, the mission in Georgia will be coupled with Armenia due to relative short distance between Tbilisi and Yerevan.

It will more likely be beginning of July, but we need to agree with the UNDP teams first. works?

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Georgia dates

I also asked somewhere else, but are the dates now confirmed? If so, II am not sure if @masha is in Tbilisi on those dates, which means I would have to find someone else to be my tandem. In that case, I was thinking of my partner George, as it will be easiest for me and he will def be in town, but I am not sure if this is something you guys are comfortable with? Please let me know as soon as possible, so I can discus it with Masha and arrange for a new tandem if necessary. @Alberto, @Noemi and @Nadia, thanks :). (So I can edit the contract and sign it)


I haven’t read the related documents yet, is a tandem necessary to facilitate the workshop?

Just me :slight_smile:

I don’t think so @Iriedawta, but because I have a newborn the would feel more safe if I would (since you never now what happens with a 1 month old I guess :slight_smile: ). Just someone who can step in those days in case I wont be able to make it.

Works for Armenia!

I’ll be in Armenia from June 4 to September 4! Let me know when the dates of Alberto’s visit are confirmed.



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So I’ve heard so far from:

  •  Eric Asmar - Director of Programs @ Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship  which is a platform that acts for social change in Morocco through Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship. They are motivated to meet you in Morocco and discuss the possibilities of collaboration.
  • Fatim Zahra Biaz a good friend and a brilliant mind who is the founder/Managing director of the New Work Lab /Pitch Lab in Casablanca where I had the pleasure to be working from last year. She would love to meet up and learn more about Edgeryders and the project

@Alberto Please keep me posted about your availability in Morocco so that i can schedule meetings for you in Casa/Rabat. I know that all these people are busy and it is going to be a short notice for them, so the earlier we set up appointments the more are the chances that they would be available.

p.s. I have also asked them to spread the word about the Engagement manager position in Morocco.

An update

Just received an email from CAPEE - an interface between the members of the Collective and public institutions, businesses, donors, organized groups of civil society, media and other partners.
CAPEE aims to help improve methods and conditions for learning; to raise awareness and mobilize the entrepreneurial network for involvement in education and entrepreneurship and to inform and promote the commitments of the Association and the various actions.
Asmaa Benyahia of CAPEE says their chairman would be happy to meet Alberto at 10AM on June 09 in Casablanca.
Please, let me know if I can go ahead and confirm this meeting.
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