Hello all, the Edgeryders team are happy to meet you!
We are an international team and community, and our goal in 2020 is to connect people in constructive conversations about how to overcome the corona crises, how to rebuild our lives and communities, and how to be more resilient together. Ideally, to build new projects together which can support all of us! Events are a big part of these conversations.
Ahead of the events, this is where we collect expressions of interest, your personal motivations, and why this matters for your community.
Step 1. Make sure you register for an event organised by Edgeryders where we can get to know you.
Step 2. Meet other participants here in the comments and join the conversation to help us better prepare for the events!
Step 3. Become an EdgeRyders partner and co-organiser of a webinar
Click here to read detailed information
The Terms below are meant to give you an idea of the work following a partnership agreement. They will be adapted to reflect the expectations of all partners.
Following the event, let’s explore together how to partner up to co-host other events to explore a topic in depth together with the community. Here are some ideas and expectations to make the collaboration more concrete:
Your organisation would be responsible for:
Task 1: Launch Event Invitations - targeted/ open calls in your own language. The event should aim to bring together people from your city and from other parts of your country to meet and share personal experiences on the event TOPIC.
Think about the event program: what is an interactive format you will implement? who in your community is going to open the conversation? who in your team is going to take notes and ensure extensive documentation?
Tasks 2: Engage 30 people from different backgrounds in your village, town, city, country to register to the event and post an introduction about the event TOPIC on the edgeryders.eu online community forum.
Task 2.1: Disseminate the invitation and collaborate with the Edgeryders social media manager to do online promotion of the physical event.
Task 2.2: Collect participant registrations using the process defined by the Edgeryders team. We convert registration information into posts on edgeryders.eu authored by participants. Follow the process defined by the Edgeryders team for regular dissemination of participant-submitted posts, stories and discussions happening on the platform. Edgeryders will provide assistance with community management.
Task 3: Publish the program and other relevant information about the event. Work together with the people who you have engaged to ensure that the event is interactive. Make sure everyone is kept informed and knows how they can contribute.
Task 4: Host the event and make sure it is fully documented, following the guidelines by the Edgeryders team.
Task 4.1: Ensure participation of individuals from different socio-economic groups, educational levels, professions, ages, geographic locations
Task 4.2: Ensure each participant submit their personal reflections in a written article no later than 1 week after the event. A good measure for active participation is: 1 personal story and 3 comments per participant.
Task 4.3: Participate in the online discussions on the online form, starting by sharing your own answers to the questions, and reading and commenting on what others write.
Task 5: Produce an engaging event report: summary of what was discussed, photos and highlights from social media. Keep the participants list, their usernames and links to their platform contributions. They will be needed for your invoicing.
Task 6: Recommend two of the most active participants for entry in the POPREBEL Exchange Program that will happen in 2021. In the Exchange program, event participants with an ongoing project or research interest that is conducive to improving the situation in their local communities will be matched with a co-working, co-living or other event organisation in the Edgeryders network in a European country. Selected participants will be granted a fellowship to spend 1 week with the organisation and engage in deep learning. They will be mentored by the host organisation. The purpose of the exchange is to create a practical roadmap for improving an aspect of community life. The roadmap will act as a practical tool for the participant to accelerate their work upon returning to their country.
Edgeryders is responsible for:
Task 1: Make available all the information regarding POPREBEL background and previous stories on the event TOPIC(S).
Task 2: Ensure coordination of events across the Edgeryders network: collect input from organisers and produce weekly summaries to support all event organisers.
Task 3: Produce Participant Registration page for the event to ensure registrations are recorded on edgeryders.eu community forum.
Task 4: Disseminate the invitation and call for participation on the Edgeryders social media channels and its network of 6000 forum users.
Task 5: Community management: Welcome everyone who signs up to the platform, engages them to contribute, selects the best posts and threads from the platform and summarises them into weekly overviews.
Task 6: Produce guidelines for events documentation.
Task 7: Produce guidelines about how organisers can perform open reporting online.
Task 8: Ensure fair remuneration of event organisers (as per the Contract to be signed).
Task 9: Coordinate the Exchange Program in 2021. Support event organisers with recruiting participants for the POPREBEL Exchange Program. Match participants with Edgeryders host organisations and onboard them.
How is this all financed?
This event is part of the POPREBEL initiative, funded by the European Commission under grant agreement number 822682 from 2019-2021. This conversation is hosted by Edgeryders, in partnership with University College London (United Kingdom), University Karlova (the Czech Republic), University Jagiellonski (Poland), University of Belgrade (Serbia). Learn more about the project here.
These are the planned events at the moment. Which ones do you wish to attend? Webinar: Localisation of Food - 30 October from 18:00-20:00
What is your name? Sonia
Are you part of a project or an organisation? What does the project/organisation do? Yes we have an organization that works on biodiversity and food sovereignty www.agrinatura.pl
Let’s get to know each other. Which of the following topics is the most relevant to you? Sustainability in agriculture or food
Think about the topic(s) and let us know: What do you see happening around you that is important for your community’s wellbeing? How is your government helping this, or not?
People look forward to create new communities that will be based on new values or maybe old values that have been too long forgotten or completely misunderstood and misused. Among them are topics like sovereignty, community empowerment, sustainability, family life, freedom and others.
I do not see any government right now that is helping this process on the contrary.
Are you interested to co-host an event with EdgeRyders in the next month? If so, do you have ideas to engage others near you to participate? not in the next months maybe later
Welcome to Edgeryders, @Sonia! And congratulations for being the first official participant at our event!
I’m Noemi, one of the co-founders of Edgeryders and a Romanian living in Belgium. This is my story, in case you are interested… And recently I also started a food production project to support people to eat more high quality local food.
What would you most like to learn about at the event? Is Agrinatura doing alright in these pandemic times, or are you struggling with something? Many food projects are having a hard time, we hosted another food event a few weeks back and this is what some restaurateurs and caterers said, if you are interested to read.
P.S. If you prefer to write in Polish, you are more than welcome!
Hello Noemi
Nice to meet you online
Read your story and this whole edgeryders initiative is interesting. I am quite busy so no time to write a lot.
We are much more involved into organic farming and food sovereignty issues than catering or gastronomy but of course all this is related.
Not sure if I want to learn something, maybe I can contribute somehow, I will try to attend.
We are not struggling more than others I guess, I would say the worst hit for the work we do is to not be able to travel freely in Europe as a lot of our projects are about connecting people and exchange experience between countries and especially related to family farming. No on-line connection will ever replace the practical fieldwork and in person experience.
I would be happy to learn a bit more about the edgeryders initiative which is not so obvious from the website. I do understand there is an idea behind it to oppose the current populist and conservative trends? I would just stay very cautious about any political analysis done according to the old analysis grids in the actual global crisis, and I also do not identify myself personally neither our work as a Foundation with any existing political movement or trend at that point.
This said we are happy to exchange knowledge and experience
These are the planned events at the moment. Which ones do you wish to attend? Webinar: Localisation of Food - 30 October from 18:00-20:00
What is your name? Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart
Are you part of a project or an organisation? What does the project/organisation do? I am president of Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, Green political foundation. We are member of many coalitions of civil society advocating and mobilising around green values: climate, biodiversity, food & agriculture, health & environment, democracy, solidarity, peace, feminism, human rights. We co-founded the Polish coalition for another food & agriculture system in EU - Koalicja Żywa Ziemia (Living Earth Coalition).
Let’s get to know each other. Which of the following topics is the most relevant to you? Sustainability in agriculture or food
Think about the topic(s) and let us know: What do you see happening around you that is important for your community’s wellbeing? How is your government helping this, or not? Poland is developing very quickly industrial farming and breeding. Organic farming is declining since 2014 by 6% each year.
Are you interested to co-host an event with EdgeRyders in the next month? If so, do you have ideas to engage others near you to participate? no, I have no time
Hi Sonia, something very valuable you could contribute is present or share a little bit about a project you have or are planning and ask the others present to offer advice or maybe make some connections.
Edgeryders is a community oriented towards collaboration, and all of our funded projects get to happen because of events and connections like these (we do EU research, but also more practical projects funded by intergovernmental organisations - ex acceleration of youth entrepreneurship).
In this project, since you ask, we are doing the community building and connecting people with each other. There is a team of researchers from university partners who study populism and analyse the conversations to understand how people’s real lives are affected by politics, but it is not at all militant. @Jan who is our principal investigator can tell you more. In no way your full/real name or the organisation will be analysed to make political statements.
I’m happy to tell you more, and if you have some time I would propose a short zoom call to see how to best prepare for the event so that it serves you and your work. We have a lot of flexibility!
Hi @EwaSJ, welcome to Edgeryders and the event,
I’m one of the hosts, and to prepare it well it would be very helpful if you let us know what, if anything, is being done by competent institutions to prevent this decline in organic farming… is there support available? For example here in Edgeryders, some of us in Belgium and Western Europe are very hopeful about the opportunities of the Green New Deal…
@angelo who will open the conversation at the webinar will tell us more about it I hope…
Thank you for the clarification. I had a talk with a community manager for Poland yesterday but I am happy o have another zoom with you before the event. However it would be nice to do it just in the week before so we can reschedule it then.
Kind Regards
Sonia Priwieziencew
Foundation AgriNatura for Agricultural Biodiversity www.agrinatura.pl
thank you for your conversation on Thursday, I tried to do my best with Polish, and it is so difficult. What questions about the Edgeryders do you have? Please send me the text with our conversation in Word format, I was not able to open the application. What date for another zoom will suit you?
These are the planned events at the moment. Which ones do you wish to attend? Webinar: Localisation of Food - 30 October from 18:00-20:00
What is your name? Michał Trzęsimiech
Are you part of a project or an organisation? What does the project/organisation do, and why? Effective Altruism, a global movement to determine the most effective ways to improve the world and then follow them. Former leader of one of the founding entities and the founder of the Polish Foundation for Effective Altruism that educates on the priorities for doing good globally, starting with Poland and its region.
Also the founder of the Policy Entrepreneurship Network, an international NGO focused on accelerating innovation in important, yet neglected areas of health policy (2019 grantee of Charity Entrepreneurship).
Let’s get to know each other. Which of the following topics is the most relevant to you? Other
Think about the topic… and tell us: What do you see happening around you that is important for your community’s wellbeing? How is your government helping this, or not helping? To prepare our communities for global catastrophic events (as in pandemics), especially in the context or rising geopolitical tensions and the current trajectory of the US’ role in that context (as in conflicts); also in the context of climate change (as in extreme weather events) and the results of that change (as in migrations). To secure access to (nutrient dense) food and drinking water globally. To restore democracies in the North and rule of law globally. To increase governments’ programmatic (as in program selection and implementation) and non-programmatic capabilities. To improve governance (as in election monitoring and anti-corruption). To increase economic growth and redistribution. To regulate public health according to the best available evidence. To reduce the cost of health commodities. To push forward the global effort to improve mental health. To reduce the suffering of farmed animals.
Are you interested to co-host an event with EdgeRyders in the next months? If so, do you have ideas to engage others near you to participate? Yes, we’re hosting several events every month and would love to work together.
Edgeryders – to jest społeczność internetowa, która gromadzi aktywistów, naukowców, hackerów i artystów z całego świata. Korzystamy z kolektywnej inteligencji, wierząc, że co dwie (wiele) głowy, to nie jedna. Tak samo jak Fundacja Effective Altruism zajmujemy się obserwacją zmian i chcemy zmian na lepsze.
Czego najbardziej chciałbyś się dowiedzieć na tym wydarzeniu? Czy Effective Altruism radzi sobie dobrze w tych czasach pandemii, czy też walczysz z czymś jak wielu z organizacyj pozarządowych w Polsce? Który z naszych tematów jest dla Ciebie najbardziej interesujący?
These are the planned events at the moment. Which ones do you wish to attend? Webinar: Localisation of Food - 30 October from 18:00-20:00
What is your name? Jürgen Vangeyte
Are you part of a project or an organisation? What does the project/organisation do, and why? We are ILVO, research and innovation in food, fisheries and agriculture, our department is focussing on digital agri-food
Let’s get to know each other. Which of the following topics is the most relevant to you? Work and employment
Think about the topic… and tell us: What do you see happening around you that is important for your community’s wellbeing? How is your government helping this, or not helping? bringing the potential of digital tech to real value for farmers
Are you interested to co-host an event with EdgeRyders in the next months? If so, do you have ideas to engage others near you to participate? yes, we organise events on digital agri food so we see options to cooperate
Cześć i dziękuję za ciepłe przyjęcie! Na to spotkanie zaprosiliśmy zaprzyjaźnionych ekspertów ds. rolnictwa i produkcji żywności. Poproszę ich o podesłanie ich oczekiwań. Jeżeli chodzi o naszą organizację, radzimy sobie nieźle. W Polsce szykujemy się do fundraisingu dla zapełnienia luki budżetowej na rok 2021. Jesteśmy bardzo otwarci na pomoc w zebraniu funduszy.
Hello @jvangeyte, welcome on board! From what I know about ILVO and for others here who don’t know it, it is an Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research in Belgium (website here) and is a research partner in several regional cooperation projects. Do you also work in projects in Central/Eastern Europe or is it mostly Belgium focused? No problem there, just to umderstand better.
We would be looking for two things:
what are practical problems that you encounter in your work…?
what are you now working on (personally) which will benefit from engaging actors from across the borders - a project in the making, an ongoing project with potential to scale… a new project proposal we could work on together, it could be anything.
Any one of these two questions that speaks to you? Feel free to also share links to your work so we can prepare before we meet, it will save us time!
These are the planned events at the moment. Which ones do you wish to attend? Webinar: Localisation of Food - 30 October from 18:00-20:00
What is your name? Alex
Are you part of a project or an organisation? What does the project/organisation do, and why? albower.com
In flux
Rebalancer. Holistic Changemaker.
Realigned to use expertise in New Media, Animation, Motion Design, Storytelling - Marketing and Advertising - With Heart and Guts.
Future Tech ups and downs.
Manchester Native
Local Social advocate.
Mental Health, Trauma Informed.
Organiser of Local food initiatives via Land Reform and ‘repurposing’ to Balanced Ecological Habitats that happen to provide food for all.
Kids Are Nature - Experiential Learning - Grow Food.
Slowness. Softness. Curiosity. More time and space needed.
Dot linker and Joiner. A Mirror. A Bridge.
Connector and Unifier of disparate ideas. Systems thinker.
I love to discuss and listen and use dialectics to reach Cognitive Collective Coherence.
Let’s get to know each other. Which of the following topics is the most relevant to you? Other
Think about the topic… and tell us: What is a practical problem that you have in your work/projects or personal life? They are all interlinked to me.
This is why concepts and categories are so difficult in a box checking world. They all span. Crossect. Laterally. Obliquely.
This limits larger vision I find and therefore limits understanding of the holistic root cause f the problem and then gets harder to solve.
My/Our problem is Disconnection.
I aim to bridge gaps of deficits. Creatively and Imaginatively.
Through Play and Exploration.
How is your government helping this, or not helping? Negatively for a very very long time.
Chaos means to get off the fence. (not before surveying the land)
Awareness is key.
Are you interested to co-host an event with EdgeRyders in the next months? If so, do you have ideas to engage others near you to participate? I’m not sure. Maybe
These are the planned events at the moment. Which ones do you wish to attend? Webinar: Localisation of Food - 30 October from 18:00-20:00
What is your name? Dragan M. Jonić
Are you part of a project or an organisation? What does the project/organisation do, and why? I’m a member of Ama Center for the Care of People and Nature, non-profit civil association for the development and implementation of innovating programs within
sustainable development, environmental protection and organic agriculture.
Let’s get to know each other. Which of the following topics is the most relevant to you? Sustainability in agriculture or food
Think about the topic… and tell us: What is a practical problem that you have in your work/projects or personal life? Tremendous challenge with making local producers aware of the harmful effect of monoculture and heavy use of herbicides and pesticides.
Promotion of food sovereignty vs. food colonialism.
Raising awareness aboout toxic effects of additivies in hard and soft plastics (BPA and phthalates) that migrate into water we drink and food we eat.
How is your government helping this, or not helping? We don’t expect any assistance from the government, on the contrary. They are selling out arable land in Serbia to foreign corporations, which immediatelly start growing industrial crops in monoculture instead of diversified, autochthonous local varieties.
Are you interested to co-host an event with EdgeRyders in the next months? If so, do you have ideas to engage others near you to participate? We are. It is very important to motivate small farmers into growing local, traditional foods. More to come…
Welcome to the event Puja,
So you have been in Edgeryders for some time and wrote about food waste and our individual conscious behavior (lovely post here, for those who haven’t read it yet!).
What would be new to tell others who are new here is: what do you see as a practical problem when it comes to the food supply around you? If you have access to locally produced food, and if so, how are the suppliers work together or with others to make this more central in the public agenda? Any experience you have, it will help us a lot to prepare the event. Thank you!
Nice to meet you Alex @albow7! And thanks for your detailed list of things that you do - I think the more practical ones are easier to grasp, so I will connect to those…
What is a local food initiative which you organised, and are you happy with the results? By the way @Puja here is in Exeter and very involved in the food movement in the UK but also internationally, you two should connect.
Myself, a few years ago I was very much involved in organising community dinners with food waste, with a local NGO in Romania where I used to live. Now I’m producing a plant based protein food in Belgium, and I am sad to see a market full of fake meats which maybe contribute to solving the CO2 big problem, but bring on other problems. Feel free to ask me more.
I’m curious about this, would you mind offering more information about this?
These are the planned events at the moment. Which ones do you wish to attend? Webinar: Localisation of Food - 30 October from 18:00-20:00
What is your name? Daniel Convents
Are you part of a project or an organisation? What does the project/organisation do, and why? Owner of Jiedi - specialist in qual research & insights development. Extensive experience, and interest, in foods innovation
Let’s get to know each other. Which of the following topics is the most relevant to you? Sustainability in agriculture or food
Think about the topic… and tell us: What is a practical problem that you have in your work/projects or personal life? Access to diversity of local food ingredients, directly from producer, or at least traceble to producer
How is your government helping this, or not helping? all ‘food systems’ are geared towards upscaling, difficult for downscaling to become rewarding
Are you interested to co-host an event with EdgeRyders in the next months? If so, do you have ideas to engage others near you to participate?