Remote Work Website Texts (EN)

Landing Page

Remote work done right.

Remote collaboration can be hard. We have made all the mistakes and found good solutions so you don’t have to.

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  • Join our Community

Remote is different.

Our ability to function well as organisations and teams that rely on remote work is not fixed by downloading the next smart tool. We can help solve your complex remote work challenges and make sure you gain the competencies for continuing success. Our approach is tool-agnostic and grounded in 26+ years of hands-on experience.

  • Remote Onboarding

  • Communication Channels

  • Online Facilitation

  • Digital Wellbeing

  • Managing Remote Teams

  • Communicating

  • Collaboration

  • Socialising

  • Tools

  • Workflows & Scripts

  • Planning & Coordination

  • Productivity

  • Reporting

  • Evaluation

  • Administration

  • Behaviour Change

  • Physical Environment

  • Data Privacy & Security

  • Innovation

  • Organising Events

  • Running Meetings

  • Knowledge Management

  • Team Building & Motivation

  • Etiquette, Culture & Rules

  • Conflict & Trust

  • Training & Professional Development

  • Freelancers & Consultants

  • Performance review

  • One-on-ones and Reviews

  • Security & Compliance

  • Recruiting & Interviewing

  • Hiring & Onboarding

  • Firing, Layoffs & other departures

  • How not to work

What we offer

Our clients range from small startups to regional authorities to multinationals organisations. We offer empathetic, custom made support adapted to your context and language.


Get one-on-one consulting for orientation on telework policies and best practices, along with recommendations for your organisation. Designing and running Telework Training Courses Designing and writing Effective Telework Policies Strate…

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Get customizable training for small or large groups at your organisation on remote / telework best practices – from setup and security to communications and culture. Current Courses: Strategic Overview of Long-Term Telework for Busines…

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Get personalized coaching and implementation help for building effective distributed teams. This one-on-one coaching builds on previous training, and will help you with any agency specific implementation questions you might encounter whil…

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Our team of specialists is driven by a shared purpose: make working life as good for others as we have made it for ourselves. To meet our own needs as an organisation that relies on remote work, we developed a unique stack of work practices, skills and culture. Today, we are a community of people building, managing and working as remote teams across 80+ countries.

John O’ Duinn:

Author of “Distributed Teams - The Art and Practice of Working Together While Physically Apart.” He is a senior technologist, entrepreneur, and frequent international speaker on the benefits and strategies for remote work. John served in the U.S. Digital Service in the Obama White House and has provided workshops and mentorship to distributed teams around the world. He co-created the State of Vermont policy encouraging remote work to promote economic growth, and is now supporting the development of other economic development policies for multiple jurisdictions worldwide.",


  • Managing Teams
  • Communicating
  • Collaborating
  • Socialising
  • Building Distributed Organisations

Nadia E.N :

Edgeryders co-founder. She is an Engineer and User Experience designer, specialising in building platforms for supporting businesses and policymakers operating under challenging economic and political contexts. Nadia has designed programs for the World Bank and European Commission, and has provided workshops and mentorship to distributed teams of entrepreneurs around the world. She has stewarded the development of Edgeryders into a globally distributed organisation. ",


  • Managing Teams
  • Communicating
  • Collaborating
  • Socialising
  • Building Distributed Organisations

Hugi Asgeirsson

Creative producer, researcher, developer, and community builder. I create and evolve tools for participatory ways of working together and employ those methods in my own projects. My work has grown out of co-created events and participatory politics.",


Finding Connections
Rapid Prototyping
Distributed Collaboration
Managing Teams
Software Development
Participatory Processes

Alberto Cottica

Apostate economist & Network Scientist. World citizen. Runner. Ex-low grade rockstar."

Maria Kling

Interdisciplinary artist, information experience designer and researcher. Builder of bridges, electromagnetic sculptures and connections. Facilitator of conversations, workshops and quantum teleportations",


Finding Connections
Rapid Prototyping
Distributed Collaboration
Online and Offline Workshop Facilitation

Matthias Ansorg

Maker, software analyst, entrepreneur, German nerd trying to bring order and system to the world. 8+ years of experience building and running remote-only companies, where I especially care about IT, process development and documentation.",


  • Distributed Collaboration
  • Software Analysis and Design
  • Enterprise Process Management
  • Open Source Software
  • Technical Writing
  • Documentation Management

What if your organisation or team could work well together even when physically apart?

What if your organisation’s “work from home” policy could be a competitive advantage, while also helping address important social, diversity, urban planning and environmental issues?

What if you could have a meaningful, well-paid career without a daily commute to a physical office.

If you are starting, managing, working in, joining, or starting a distributed team, this is for you.

Get in touch

  • Call us

  • Email

  • Twitter

  • WhatsApp

Terms of Participation & Privacy Policy

The Edgeryders online platform and activities are intended for people to cooperate within and across projects trying to build a better world. The word “better” has here a fairly broad range of meaning. These Community Guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a member of Edgeryders. Don’t forget that your use of Edgeryders is subject to these Community Guidelines and our Terms of Service.

Level 2 Pages


Get personalized coaching and implementation help for building effective distributed teams.

This one-on-one coaching builds on previous training, and will help you with any implementation questions you might encounter while building effective distributed (remote / teleworking) teams. From team culture and communication issues to policy and operational headaches, we provide personalized support to help you overcome challenges and empower happy and productive teleworking teams.

Who it’s for

  • Anyone working in or leading a business or government team, seeking custom support with strategies and best practices for remote / telework


  • 30-minute discovery call to ascertain needs and desired outcomes
  • Individual one-on-one virtual coaching sessions as needed


Varies according to duration and complexity of engagement


  • John O Duinn
  • Nadia E.N.


Get customizable training for small or large groups at your organisation on remote / telework best practices – from setup and security to communications and culture.

Current Courses:


Get one-on-one consulting for orientation on telework policies and best practices, along with recommendations for your organisation.

Level 3 Pages

Strategic Overview of Long-Term Telework for Business and Government Leaders

Request this training


About this training

This online training introduces government leaders to the strategies, tools, and best practices for effectively leading in a distributed (remote/telework) model – and showcases the benefits of adopting telework as a viable long term strategy. The focus is on the unique challenges of leading, mentoring, and managing while physically apart from your team for prolonged periods of time.

Who it’s for

  • Anyone leading or managing a remote / teleworking team in business or government

What you learn

  • How telework helps staff deal with changing social norms and workforce diversity
  • Tools and processes to promote transparency and accountability
  • Tactics for helping staff address issues of isolation, loneliness and “Zoom fatigue”
  • Fostering team culture and trust while physically apart


  • One 90-minute virtual session
  • Q & A to address specific concerns within your your agency leadership team

Slide Deck

Distributed_Government_- DGS -_Trimmed.pdf|attachment (6.3 MB)

We value openness and share all our work under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. These slides from a recent client training are available for you to re-use or share with attribution.


  • In-depth training for managers - Managing Teleworkers in Business and Government
  • In-depth training for remote / telework teams - Effective Telework in Distributed Government Teams
  • In-depth training for remote / telework teams - Effective Telework in Business Teams
  • Coaching support - Working and Leading in Distributed Teams


€4,500 for up to 100 participants

MOOC on the essentials of distributed work and collaboration

All I don’t wanna do is zoom, zoom, zoom!

Remote collaboration can be hard. We have made all the mistakes and found good solutions so you don’t have to.

This course covers the essentials of remote work and collaboration. The lessons and the learning materials provide a mix of concrete examples, recommendations and general guidelines for changing work culture.

What you will learn about:

  • Collaboration Models: Guidelines and introductions for different collaboration models, from fully remote asynchronous work over online facilitated war room hangouts to prolonged colocation or co-living situations with your colleagues. Those will help you to become aware of possibilities and decide which collaboration form to choose for which project.

  • Remote Onboarding: We address how to develop your remote onboarding process for the best possible start. Do not lose crucial energy and motivation at the start. Establish an accessible, shareable system and the culture necessary to properly onboard new team members no matter where they are.

  • Communication Channels: An overview of possible Communication channels and the appropriate best practices for those different communication channels. With examples reaching from digital preparation and commitment culture to simple hand signs and checklist for choosing the right channel for you.

  • Online Facilitation: Tips and tricks for online facilitation, like how to use and moderate the chat during online call meetings to help you to activate and engage groups of different sizes and goals. Addressing questions like: What makes a good webinar? How can we have online workshops?

  • Data Privacy: Integrate daily practices to ensure the privacy and integrity of you and your colleague’s data. Understand the responsibility of shared resources and the importance of user privacy in a shared online workplace.

  • Event Management: Organise and promote collaborative events in different mediums and channels. You’ll learn how online event organising, when it works, can lead to a result as effective and dynamic as in person meetups.

  • Collaborative Research: Harness the collective intelligence of your platform to gain insight into your audience and the culture that surrounds your work.

  • Digital Wellbeing: Develop the ability to be aware of and balance social and work-related aspects of your and your colleagues’ everyday digital routines. Understand for example the role of cats and other positive noise to amplify social signals in digital communication.

  • Distributed Workflows: Learn clear structuring and sharing habits for common resources and the importance and methods of open communication of workload and ownership for distributed workflows.

Our collaborations, relationships and world are not fixed by turning back time or by downloading the next smart tool. This course supports you in the conscious effort to get socialised in the new distributed digital collaboration rooms open to us.


  1. What is the time/money investment for me to participate in this MOOC?
  2. How quickly can I download the info and get working / solve my problems? Is this a quick fix or long-term solution?
  3. My responsibility is to reach KPIs / OKRs and my company culture/structure/sector is traditional/conservative. I’m not sure how the 3 advantages (saving CO2, inclusive for different lifestyles, building truly international teams) fit our corporate priorities. Why would I invest in this course?
  4. What concrete problems has Edgeryders taken and solved in the past?
  5. Are there any examples of who and how Edgeryders has helped?
  6. Who would take the course, who would have to sign off for the costs?

Designing and running Telework Training Courses

About this consulting

Many organisations need to train their teams and managers in practical remote / telework skills in the event of prolonged government office closures or scaling telework opportunities to build a more resilient and modern workforce. Developing specialized in-house training programs like this is time consuming, and requires in-depth knowledge of industry best practices as well as agency-specific needs. We consult with executives, stakeholders, and in-house trainers to help them develop training materials and online delivery methods to meet their agency’s specific needs. These customized telework training programs help improve team performance and coordination whether your team is already physically distributed, or transitioning out from an office.

Who it’s for

  • Executives and stakeholders who need to scale telework capacity at their organisation
  • In-house training teams who will be tasked with teaching telework skills to employees

What you learn

  • Identify and evaluate your agency specific training needs
  • Incorporate industry best practices for telework and distributed teams
  • Evaluate and highlight economic, environmental and workforce diversity improvements


  • Discovery to identify your goals and desired outcomes
  • One-on-one and small group virtual consulting sessions with stakeholders, curriculum developers, and trainers
  • Eight hours per week, for 6 weeks


Varies according to complexity of engagement and agency needs. To speed up this complex, custom process, we use common patterns and established best practices wherever applicable.

Designing and writing Effective Telework Policies

Design of teleworking policies, and policies for teleworking. Book Sprint, Survey, Self-Evaluation. Recommendation

Strategic Briefing: Teleworking at Scale

About this consulting

For organisations that are adopting telework for immediate safety considerations — or considering the benefits of extended teleworking at scale — there are many practical questions about operations, communications, and implementation. We apply years of experience with distributed teams and serving government to provide personalized recommendations for your organisation’s telework goals and next steps. Ask us anything!

Who it’s for

  • Business and Government executives
  • Stakeholders
  • Team leaders

What you learn

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of your telework policy
  • Strategies for re-thinking your office space usage
  • Best practices for working and leading in distributed teams
  • Cultural changes during transitions to distributed teams
  • Common teleworking pitfalls to avoid
  • How distributed teams benefit workforce diversity, economic growth, and disaster planning
  • Identify what training or tools are needed to accomplish your goals


  • Book a 2-hour call for strategic briefing
  • One-on-one discussion of your agency’s telework situation and challenges
  • Personalized recommendations for achieving your desired outcomes


€2800 for a two hour session

@nadia, @owen
here is the complete French text: remote work - FR.odt (29.1 KB)

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