Team Building meetings: debrief and preparing the next one

Thanks @Lee :slight_smile:
Ok for me, though my weekends are likely to be more filled than my week days… But if we could find a date, yes, would be nice maybe to see each other life for once as well.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Team Building: scheduling meetings

Hi @Caro

Could you please add the meeting notes in our document? I would need them to prepare for the Coordination Group meeting tomorrow, and for the Team Building meeting agenda on Friday.

Many thanks!

Hello @reef-building,

Somebody seemed to have prepared bits of the agenda, and I added a couple of points to the list.

See you tomorrow!

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Updated financial estimate

A post was merged into an existing topic: Scouting strategy helping circle

Hello @reef-building,

Looking at the backlog and the minutes of the last meeting, it’s not obvious to me how to structure the agenda for the next meeting.

Here’s a proposal or some options:

  • Everybody adds the points they would like to discuss in the agenda, being very precise on the objective to be reached in the meeting
  • We focus most of our attention to very concrete discussions on which sites have the most potential, and what we can do to move them one step further in the Fiche Factory.

Cancelling the meeting if there is not enough substance or not enough people is also an option of course.


Hi @Lee ,
added items in the agenda…

  • it would be nice to have some clarity on the unavailibility of Sebastien (@anon78992831 : could you let us know till when you are on a break?).
  • as architects are now continuing on MOL-26, i think it would be nice to have some things cleared out before we receive the FS (and maybe not to be done in TB)
    – presentation of the FS: how: Life (going along with excluding people), conf call (which the architects prefer not to), or life for those who can make it and via conf call for those who cannot?
    – constitution of the helping circle MOL-26 : who from TB/who from team finance

Hi all, sorry for that, i will be back after the EU elections (09/06). I can take care of AND-28 as the owner text me yesterday that his wife is back from hospital and he has time now for us.


Hi @reef-building !

Minutes of the last TB meeting are available here :

Here is a sum-up of our action points :

  • put Caro as 4th keyholder to facilitate the communication with the archis (TB)
  • About scouting strategy : Els + Caro form a Scouting Pool, Caro organizes next one, (proposal to make it 1st for Anderlecht) (Caro+Els)*
  • create a helping circle for contacting owners still on the pipe, after we get new Reeflings + coordinate the task of reaching owners (when Sarah, Seb are off) (Caro)
  • about talking sites :
    – AND 42b : check with the owner what price they offer (task to be assigned)
    – BER-07 : check with the owner what price they offer + have a deeper look (caro)
    – MOL-26 : ask who from Team Finance joins helping circle + create helping circle (caro)
    – AND-28 : look up for the existing PFS, if it exists, post on ER to request a FS (Els)
  • make sure the presentation is ready for next time and coordinate with Alberto’s brochure and Lie’s presentation, to coordinate with Team Communication (Caro)
  • go through the list of questions to the archis and prioritize them, organize a 1hr talk with them to ask everything (paid) (+removed the question about AND 42a, this belong to PFS request) (Caro+Els)
  • ask the archis to communicate even negative feedbacks from PFS, so that we can learn from it (task to be assigned)

@caro, i took up the last AP and got feedback from the architects today when phoning them. I will post the answer to sarah’s post (if i can find it back :-))

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@Lee : a question that came up in last TB’s meeting. We defined quite some action points, knowing that we (mainly caro and me) won’t have time to pick them up right away.
I thought maybe of adding them to the backlog, but i have the impression, the backlog is more with points that need to be discussed. Here i am talking about tasks to be taken up.
=> what do you propose: adding in the backlog or in a seperate document?

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I think it’s more efficient to have everything in the same document, so I would suggest creating a new heading “tasks to be taken up”. Would that work?

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Hello @reef-building,

We have a meeting planned for this Tuesday, and I am wondering what to do with it.

Here are a couple of considerations:

  • I personally don’t have time to prepare the agenda or to attend the meeting, because I have too many other things I need to prioritise.

  • Els and Caro have taken on a lot of task in the JET-14 helping circle with Team Finance, which should for now also take priority.

  • If JET-14 would go through, the entire situation changes: no more scouting, and most probably also new team members.

In that light, this would be my proposal:

  • Either we cancel the meeting altogether, and we use the time either to just take a breather or else to work on some of the urgent tasks

  • Either those who would like to meet, meet. In that case what we would need for the sake of transparency is that you note down your points in the agenda, and make some concise meeting notes.

For the sake of efficiency, shall we consider the meeting to be cancelled unless somebody replies to this post that they would like meet?



  • will next wednesday’s team building meeting be kept?

  • fyi: i’ve started a new document ‘potential questions for architects’ added ‘_since JET-14’ in the name.
    I went quickly through the questions from the old file (which in renamed ‘_before JET-14’) and only found one question still relevant, which i copied to the new file.
    (if ever JET-14 gets a ‘No’ vote, then I’ll need to undo this)

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I would propose to cancel the meeting for the following reasons:

  • There are no real urgent items to be discussed (but that’s my view)

  • There’s already a lot of Reef meetings these days, and we need to use our energy for the most urgent things

How about we aim for the meeting on 30/05, where we can pick up things with a loud bang?

Either JET-14 didn’t go through, and then we’ll be speaking scouting and Fiche Factory. Either it did, and then we’ll need to focus on the next version of “le programme”, i.e. wishes for individual units and the common spaces. We should also have a selection process for a new Coordinator.


I agree with your proposition
(i won’t make it the 30th, but can pass my vote for coordinator to sb…)

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Agree - I’ve deleted it from the calendar.

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@els would you have space to set up a meeting with Team Building and the architects? The purpose of the meeting I think would be to gain more clarity on the things we need to do and deliver them in terms of “programme” (units + common spaces), plus everything else in terms of next steps.

For the sake of speed and efficiency I would organise this meeting online. It’s something we included in our working methods so that more people can be present. When things get more technical we can of course organise some meetings in presence.

@reef-building : could you indicate your availability for an online meeting with the architects? (see post of lee just above)
Ideally to be done before the team building meeting of next Thursday, so we can discuss the output of this meeting with the architects in the Team building meeting…
Here is a link do a document with questions to ask the architects, for those who won’t be able to join… Login – Nextcloud

sth went wrong with the poll and cannot recreate one , can you bring you your votes in this doc (vote vor meeting with architects + vote whether you can make it for next TB meeting next week): Login – Nextcloud

I am having an issue creating polls, @reef-it : i don’t have the option to create a poll any more: see image
poll 2