Team IT questions and updates

thanks. listening :ear:. I hope no work got lost

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Hello @reef-it,

Having lost all my bookmarks after my laptop died, I realised it’s not so straightforward to figure out how to find the entry point to Nextcloud :blush:.

Could you help me to clarify the exact “tabdigital 301 whatever” URL, so that I can add it to the Onboarding Manual and the Nextcloud manual?


i think it would be a good idea to ask if a custom URL is possible , something like

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Thanks a lot @manuelpueyo. Would you know whether there are any known compatibility problems between the Nextcloud desktop app and Windows 11?

Since I have a new computer it takes way too long to open a document. Half of the times it even generates an error message and I can’t open the document. And when I open a document, and somebody else opens it online, the syncing goes haywire.

Would you possibly know more?

@alberto, it’s nothing major, but there is time stamp on the banner on our website that seems to be a bit out of place. Can you maybe have a quick look?

We already – and from the start – have, that redirects to our Nextcloud instance. This is documented here: Understanding The Reef's digital assets.

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hey! that’s strage, i dont know about any compatibility problems but i dont think this is the cause. could you share the error message? another thing you could do is to uninstall the app and install it again.

It seems related to updates. So when you download it, you are not downloading the latest updates. I had to go through at least three rounds, but now everything works again.

Hello @reef-it,

In Team Building we have a need for an online meeting tool that 1) works well for people with less stable wifi connections, and 2) allows for good quality screen sharing.

We have tried Jitsi (in all its forms) umpty times, and it has cost us a lot of time (people dropping out, can’t see them, …). Team Inclusion had the same problem at the time.

We recently tried Google Meets, which seems to work a bit better, but then 1) there seems to be a maximum of 1 hour (?), and more importantly 2) the screen sharing is so small that you can barely see what is being shown.

Finally, for the sociocracy training courses, we would also need an online meeting tool that has the possibility to create break-out rooms.

Can we please consider getting a Zoom subscription? It’s sad that it’s an evil technology, but it really trumps all the misery that we have had with Jitsi and the like.

Hello Lie, sorry to hear you pain, it’s not nice.

Which instances of jisti did you use? just for the sake of knowing. honestly I have never used the ones referenced here with many people. ugne told me the other day that the komuniki one worked well with 5 people.

the difference with Jitsi is that it’s not a company offering a service. it’s an open source software. so depending on the instance of Jitsi you use, you will have more or less computer power (CPU) on the server that is hosting you. it also depends on the amount of people using it at that exact time of your call.

Hi Manuel,

We tried the Komuniki one several times. Frankly I don’t think I have had any Reef meeting on Jitsi that was not without problems. People with unstable connections drop out or can’t turn on their video. The screen sharing is also not fantastic.

I know it sucks, but I’d be really grateful if we could explore a Zoom subscription until a better alternative is found.

7 posts were split to a new topic: A functioning video conferencing tool: solving an urgent problem

Hi @reef-it, could you please create a Nextcloud account for our new Explorer Reefling @Lieven ? Thanks !

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Hello @alberto,

Would it be possible to give access to my father and/or all our social investor Reeflings to the “Reef sensitive content” space? Especially for my father it’s important to have access to important information.

User names are marcelh and KoenVanMeel.


This is done. Solution implemented: I created a new group, reef-investors, and added those two accounts to it. Next, I added the group to those who have access to the “sensitive content” category. Let me know if everything works.

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hi @alberto
i assume that creating a new group is not a lot of work.
If so, could you create a groupe ‘reef-onlinesearchers’, and add me and angelika in it for now.
It’s not urgent.
Could you also explain me who to contact/how to add/remove people from this group?

Thank you

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Done. You can find it here: The reef's online search team - Edgeryders, or navigate to it via the hamburger menu and then selecting “Groups”.

@els, you have been assigned as the group’s owner, so you can add other people to it, or remove them as needed.

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Hello @alberto,

We are finding it increasingly difficult to coordinate the communication with the architects, and so we were wondering whether we can try an experiment on Edgeryders. The idea would be to create a category that is only accessible for Reeflings and the architects, and that only the keyholders would interact with the architects in the dedicated threads.

Would that be sensible and feasible?

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Hi there!
I was self-indulging browsing through our website (I absolutely love looking at our photos and minibios!!), and I noticed a very minor thing: in Building the Reef, we say we take all our decision by consensus. Shall we add “and consent”?
Its not a big deal but I’m thinking it might make some people think we’re not very efficient…


Feasible, certainly. Sensible, depends on how comfortable the architects are with it.

If it helps, remember email integration:

  1. You can post on any category for which you have permission by replying to your email notifications.
  2. You can assign email addresses to Discourse categories, for people with no Edgeryders account to write to a group. For example, you could imagine an address for Team External. Incoming emails are distributed as forum direct messages.
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