TIAGO, agility to break down barriers of the mind


Last week in Strasbourg, the Edgeryders team met with representatives of the Council of Europe. Four young Edgeryders participants were invited as "ambassadors" to talk about their experiences and contribute to the discussions. I saw a denominator thread among these four young people: an ABILITY TO BE AGILE (innate skills they have developed) that enable to get the information and the strategic there so that decisions can be backed up by the right organisational knowledge.

>>> TIAGO, agility to break down barriers of the mind

>>> ANDREI, agility to find the right thing to say

>>> ALESSIA, agility to reconsider everything

>>> GIACOMO, agility to measure discomfort situations

This is the first of a series of 4 posts highlighting the Edgeryders ambassadors Tiago Dias Miranda, Andrei Trubceac, Alessia Zabatino and Giacomo Neri.

Tiago, l’agilité qui fait tomber les barrières de l’esprit

Photo: Tiago Dias Miranda

(English version below)

Il a tellement de douceur dans les yeux qu’on a envie de se fondre dans ce havre d’empathie et savourer sans bouger la liberté de l’être. Le jeune Tiago Dias Miranda (@normaluser) aspire à la paix. Il se creuse la tête pour trouver des solutions qui permettraient d’adoucir les conflits entre les peuples. Si les autorités ne parviennent pas à un accord, qu’à cela ne tienne, cela n’arrête pas Tiago, qui a constaté que les civils sont prêts à tourner la page et n’aspirent qu’à vivre une vie de calme et d’harmonie. Il a concocté son «plan» d’intervention et il est prêt à le tester. Voir son rapport intitulé “I’ve got a plan!

Ce jeune designer pour le développement social au visage rayonnant est doué pour libérer les esprits et pousser les gens à la créativité. «Laissez-vous aller, n’ayez pas peur de rêver», vous dira-t-il. Car il a compris qu’il faut d’abord laisser œuvrer l’imagination pour que se réalisent des projets. Car c’est dans la volonté d’entrer dans l’inconnu qu’existe le champ de toutes les possibilités. Tiago aide les gens à s’abandonner à l’esprit créatif qui orchestre la danse de la vie. Je trouve cela plutôt remarquable que ce jeune Tiago, à un si jeune âge, ait développé la sagesse de l’incertitude. Il ne craint pas d’entraîner les autres à faire de l’incertitude leur chemin vers la liberté. Lisez son rapport intitulé “Life journey”.

En deux temps trois mouvements, il vous aidera à visualiser vos idées en esquissant rapidement des liens entre celles-ci. Confiez-lui quelques feutres de couleur et il vous couchera sur papier de façon claire et concise tout ce qui vous trotte dans la tête…

Tiago possède en lui l’essentiel de ce qu’il faut pour aider les gens à implanter le changement: la bonté et le souci de l’Autre, combinés à une grande capacité de rêver (et par le fait même de créer). Défenseurs de la paix et autres causes universelles, qu’attendez-vous? Venez le recruter!

P.S. Avis aux filles: Puisqu’il est capable d’amour universel, il vous aimera telle que vous êtes et pour ce que vous êtes. Celles qui ont peur d’aimer, s’abstenir…

Expliquez-nous ce qui vous plaît chez Tiago. Quelles pensées traversent votre esprit à la lecture de ses rapports de mission? Avez-vous des choses à partager avec Tiago?

(Voici mes autres rapports Shine some light, que vous pouvez commenter: Neal Gorenflo, John F Moore, Michel Filippi, Jean-François Gauthier, Marko Rakar, Ampat Koshy, Laye Kanté)

TIAGO, agility to break down barriers of the mind

He has so much sweetness in the eyes that we want to blend into this haven of empathy and enjoy without moving the freedom of being. The young Tiago Dias Miranda (@normaluser) longs for peace. He is looking for solutions that would alleviate conflicts between peoples. If the authorities fail to reach an agreement, never mind, it does not stop Tiago, who realized that civilians are ready to move on and aspire only to live a life of calm and harmony. He concocted his “plan” of action and he is ready to test it. See his report “I’ve got a plan!

This young designer for Social development with a beaming face is gifted to free spirits and push people to creativity. “Let yourself go, do not be afraid to dream,” he will tell you. Because he knows that one must first let the imagination work in order for projects to be realized, for it is in the willingness to enter into the unknown that exists the field of all possibilities. Tiago helps people to surrender to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of life. I find it rather remarkable that Tiago, at such a young age, has developed the wisdom of uncertainty. He is not afraid to lead others to make uncertainty their way to freedom. Read his report entitled “Life Journey”.

In a jiffy, he will quickly help you visualize your ideas by sketching links between them. Entrust him with some colored pens and he will lie down on paper, clearly and concisely, all that you have in mind…

Tiago has in him the essence of what it takes to help people implement change: kindness and concern for the Others, combined with a great capacity to dream (and thereby to create). Defenders of peace and other universal causes, what are you waiting for? Come and recruit him!

P.S. Note to girls: Since he is capable of universal love, he will love you as you are and for what you are. Those who are afraid to love, please refrain…

Tell us what you like about Tiago. What thoughts crossed your mind when reading his reports? Do you have something you would like to share with Tiago?

(Here are my other Shine some light mission reports, that you can comment: Neal Gorenflo, John F Moore, Michel Filippi, Jean-François Gauthier, Marko Rakar, Ampat Koshy, Laye Kanté)

What can I say

Lyne, this one of the most inspiring descriptions I have ever read… And it’s about me! Wow! Like Noemi said, I do feel loved at this point. Thank you so much for being able to ‘translate’ my person into beautiful words. Maybe because one is not conscious of such things it is always great to have an objective eye. Since this is what I seek for, I can then say I have achieved the first milestone.

Now for the next one!

New dimension

Oh my! You mean that you were not really aware that this is how you are?!!!

I see many things, that nobody sees. Most of the time, I don’t say a word, because I know that people are not aware, and probably will not understand. I keep it to myself. Most people do not see me.

The perceptual powers of the human mind are taken to a new dimension, Gopi Krishna says, where the objective world presents a new appearance to the observer’. There is a channel, aligned by nature, through which an individual consciousness merges with the universal consciousness.

I wonder how this ‘new dimension’ could serve, I still do not know how to apply these perceptual skills. I just know that I must serve…

The visuals

Wow, Tiago must really feel loved at this point, and no wonder.

Tiago, I particularly liked how you express ideas visually, starting with the presentation you gave last week in Strasbourg, about Edgeryders Persona and ending with putting us all to work and draw instead of talking one at a time (boring) :slight_smile:

For those who haven’t seen your presentation, I take the liberty to embedd it here. Thank you for enriching conversation both on Edgeryders platform and offline.

Edgeryders: Making a Living by Making a Difference