Timeline of planned NGI Events and Outputs 2021 -> end

To plan the efforts spend in Ethnography, CM and Outreach more effectively during the remainder of the project there has been the request for a list of planned/upcoming events.

This list initiated by @marina exists: List of NGI events 2019-2020-2021 but is more focused on reporting than planning.

Please add here events that are still planned to happen with approximate or definite dates as possible (some details will be added here during the Biweekly call this Wednesday, WIP):

For the last few months of the project, we will focus more inward with the events still happening being connected to requests for focus points from partners, AMA format development and core/planned events like the Masters of networks with some short time iterative collaborations reactions thrown in. However, the focus of the ethnographic research team will be on coding just what is planned on if there is not a reason to include something new.


  • 20/1 - Data And Policy
    Type: Seminar + Workshops
    Category: public
    Location: online
    Partners: Rob van Kraneburg, Edgeryders, https://www.theinternetofthings.eu
    Stakeholders: Entrepreneurs, Investors, Funders, Internet Changemakers. Policymakers, Nesta
    Edgeyders role: Set up onboarding form for participants to connect, offer and moderate platform before during and after the workshops. Producing and sharing outreach material. Running one of the workshops actively. Data and Policy - Seminar - 20th January
  • 21/1 - The Overweb Challenge
    Category: public
    Location: online
    Partners: The Overweb foundation, Bridgit.ie, The Forbes Funds, Fundingbox, weTech Belgiu,
    Skööl, Umi
    Stakeholders: Entrepreneurs, Investors, Funders, Internet Changemakers
    Edgeyders role: @nadia participated in a Panel, on request of the organiser ( member of the community) we set up and hosted a community platform for event participants to meet, build project teams and engage in debate around NGI topics. (Connect! - Introduce yourself and your project)
  • 27/1 - The Future of Search
    Type: Seminar + Workshops
    Category: public
    Location: online
    Partners: Rob van Kraneburg, Edgeryders, https://www.theinternetofthings.eu
    Stakeholders: Entrepreneurs, Investors, Funders, Internet Changemakers. Policymakers, Nesta
    Edgeyders role: Set up onboarding form for participants to connect, offer and moderate platform before during and after the workshops. Producing and sharing outreach material. The Future of Search - Workshop - 27th January






  • Delab Hackathon





  • Final conference



Events that are mentioned without timeslot:

Outputs (Deliverable or Desired)

  • Final Ethnography Report

  • Journal Article

I would love a meeting on this… the complexity is high enough, and the time horizon short enough, to warrant one.

Can we discuss it at tomorrow’s bi-weekly?