Working out loud: Great meetup yesterday and what we'll be doing next week, together

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Hi everyone,

At @Petru_Ioan's proposal, yesterday we had our first informal get together as an emergent community of futurespotters. A bunch of us showed up: Petru, myself, @OanaT, @Alex_Stef, @Ana_Ungurianu, @Cristinas and a friend of hers (maybe Cristina, you can invite him to join us on the platform?). The photo above is of the space we visited made entirely our of recycled materials and pallets, called Intrarea violoncelului, by folks at Great space!

Putting a face to user profiles we had seen online was not hard (some of us instantly recognised each other!) but we’ve seen how dynamics change when going offline. We had a chance to chat about the purpose of Spot the Future as an opportunity to join resources to support members’ initiatives already under way. Here would be the steps to follow during the next week:

  1. Summarize the main questions raised so far by community members in Spot the Future and see where the overlaps are.

  2. Create a simple visualization of initiatives mentioned to see where we connect with each other in experience, fields of activity and outer networks.

  3. Come up with a theme or key question for the workshop in July that we want to answer together in the runup to the event and during the two days when we take action.

  4. Set the date for the workshop. Cristina and Oana advised to host it during the week, preferably on a Thursday & Friday. How does everyone feel about 2nd-3rd of July? Or 9-10?

Me and Alex Stef are taking responsibility for the points above, as Alex is the new community connector following the Open call we launched 2 weeks ago; but I’ll let her introduce herself properly in a different post. I am very thankful to the incredible honest accounts of living and working in Bucharest that came in, and looking forward to work with you all!

We need all the help we can get… It starts by letting others here know: What is it that you would like to see the workshop achieving? What should we do together to increase the impact of everyone’s work? Example by @RazvanZamfirabring together all of these grassroots initiatives not in a classic conference room or indoor space but in a public space of the city which is in many ways closer to their working environment and more open to outsiders wanting to get to know more about what’s happening in their cities and maybe getting involved (source)

Call to action: Would you be up for a collaborative video-making session where we, together, launch an invitation to the rest of the world to join us? We could even do it in the beautiful garden where we were yesterday, will check with Georgiana Cremene from the team there. I would aim for next Thursday, what do you think?

We got an invitation from Cristina’s friend to host weekly workshop design meetups in a newly to-be-opened space near Piata Unirii (anyone got address?) - an incubator for projects aiming to achieve sustainability and helped by people with experience in very specific areas - from social entrepreneurship consultants, accounting, marketing etc. It’s called NGO HUB.


Despre propunerea unor intalniri ciclice

Salutare, eu sunt “Cristina’s friend”, Bogdan!

Sunt bucuros ca ne-am cunoscut si, de asemenea, mi-a placut tare mult scurta intalnire pe care am avut-o, fiind surprins sa observ similaritati conceptuale intre cele doua initiative, a platformei online si a noastra cu spatiul de activitati si interrelationare intre organizatii si grupuri de lucru, micul ONG Hub.

Am propus ca intalnirile sa fie deja de grup / grupuri de initiativa iar in cadrul acestora sa se indrepte discutiile si schimbul de idei catre subiecte / tematici specifice zonelor de interes relevate de catre participanti.

Asadar, ca noi tot vrem sa incepem din iunie cu activitati in cadrul ONG Hub, am propus sa se desfasoare aceste intalniri in casuta ONG Hub-ului.

Casa este localizata pe langa Hala Traian inspre Foisorul de Foc.

Daca stabilim impreuna un calendar, ne vom pregati si va asteptam cu drag.

Spor si voie buna!


Generos din partea ta!

Salut Bogdan, cu scuzele de rigoare ca ti-am uitat prenumele! A fost un deliciu sa stam de vorba, si multumim pentru propunere, venim in vizita cu siguranta si sper sa lucram impreuna pe workshopul asta.

Ce am retinut din discutia noastra e ca mentalitatea ong-stilor are nevoie de un upgrade - si anume de a privi dincolo de un proiect de durata fixa, “finantabil” prin sursele clasice. Alexandra zicea acum cateva zile ceva similar: “starting a larger conversation about how social innovation can find funding without appealing to the charity argument. We must do better than that”Si atunci intrebarea devine: cum invatam rapid aptitudini noi asa incat sa construim in jurul unui proiect abilitatea de a se auto sustine pe termen lung? E nevoie de consultanta pe asta, sau mai degraba de punere in comun de resurse?

Looks really cool

Check this out @SamarAli @Hazem @Iriedawta @Hegazy @Inge :) Maybe something for the Community News Calendar wiki? What do you think?



definitely! :slight_smile: