read and understood! I did indeed delete the former document and then renamed the new one I uploaded to the old name. When the onlyoffice server is back online this should pose less issues, but until then I’ll take care to reupload documents under the same name so version history is kept!
Yes, will do so
@reef-building following up on the doodle it seems like February 2nd from 6PM-7PM CET works for everyone who voted, just checking in to see if @MariaClaudia is available? I’ll put this meeting in our calendar tentatively for now, and when Maria Claudia confirms her availability we’ll go ahead with the agenda. Keep in mind that one of the main topics for next meeting will be appointing a new coordinator for Team Building, so take some time to think about who would fit this role well and what you’d like your own involvement in Team Building to be moving forward.
amazing, thank you for the swift response! @reef-building so 02 February 6PM on Jitsi is now confirmed to be our next Team Building meeting. I’ve put this meeting in the nextcloud calendar, and I’ve started on a draft agenda (internal link). Please take a look at the agenda when you can, I can imagine that this agenda will change a bit after our Plenary Tuesday so let’s see what will be said there
Hello @reef-building,
I have a couple of non-related things that I wanted to ask you or share with you:
Do you have an update on the survey on people’s wishes for their units / le programme? Alberto (Team Finance) needs the data on the surface to calculate people’s contributions to the option, so it would be good to know about the timing.
Would it please be possible to ask the architects 1) the cost of 1 feasibility study, and 2) whether they can start preparing for some sort of contract? (or however else this works)
To inspire / complement the scouting exercise I would like to take an appointment with a professional property hunter, to see what they think about our parameters, what advise they may have, and also to get an indication of how much they would charge us. Given that the latter may be the beginning of a negotiation (if ever we would hire them) I think it would be good if the appointment could be taken by one person from Team Building plus one financially well versed senior Reefling. Would that work with you, and if yes, who would be interested to come along?
Hi Lee!
To answer your questions:
- The survey is currently still with the architects, they are going to send it back to us today with their feedback/edits, along with a new adapted-for-the-reef spreadsheet that will help people calculate their surface. If we indeed get this back today, I’d like to announce at our plenary on Wednesday that the survey is now ready and ask everyone to fill it in + a post on edgeryders about this
- I’ll ask about the cost of the feasibility study (and I’ll CC you in that email). What exactly do you mean with a contract?
- I’m happy to volunteer for this task, unless anyone in @reef-building would like to take this on?
Hi @JolanWuyts, thanks for the updates.
On my side and also related to one comment from @Lee, I’m having some personal reflections on the fact that we might need to look for some professionals to help us supervise and oversee the different processes, requirements and checklists to make sure we don’t forget important things that could end up costing us a lot in the long run. This is the goal of team building (together with the other ones), but at the same time, I see here the clear need for such specific and continue support, not just ad hoc and not silos based. I don’t know what is in scope with our architects and I’m wondering if they work in combination with other associate professionals that can help us.
The contract would be a document that sets out the specifics of the feasibility studies: how much they cost, that they will be deducted from their fee if we decide to build the cohousing with them etc. I figure they must have a standard contract like that in their drawer.
Any news about the survey? If not, can it be an option to move forward without them?
For the property hunter I’ll initiate the contact and I’ll keep you posted.
Hi @Lee and @MariaClaudia ,
Thanks for your replies
- the architects haven’t gotten back to me about the survey yet, I’m sending them a reminder email today to ask for an update. I personally don’t think we can move forward without the survey, ‘Le Programme’ is a crucial piece of info we need to be able to go out and start finding a site, not only for Team Building but also for Team Finance and other teams. That said, I’m happy to consider any proposed alternatives.
- thanks for clarifying your point about the contract, in my email to Stekke and Fraas today I’ll ask about that specifically.
- and thank you for starting the convo with a property hunter! Is this what you meant in your message about having a professional support us, Maria Claudia?
Hi @JolanWuyts,
What I meant to say is: your survey is close to perfect, it’s based on input from the architects, so if they are not coming through in time with their feedback, my preference would be to send the survey to the Reeflings, so that they get sufficient time. What do you think?
Ahh I see, thanks for clarifying! I haven’t heard back from the architects yet, so I do agree that if we don’t have an answer by tomorrow we can go ahead and send the ‘unchecked’ survey to everyone, to at least get as much info as we can before the end of March. If we need additional info we can always ask for it later down the line.
Great! Just a question: can it be an option to put the deadline around mid-March?
The reason for this is that Alberto needs data on the size of the units to estimate how we can differentiate people’s contribution to the option. He already presented the basic reasoning in a separate post (warning: if you have a strong inner nerd, it may be easily get dragged in ), and he realised he needs more concrete data to be able to finish the job.
Well, the real reason for this is that we cannot do anything at all without le programme, that gives us the specs of the site we need to buy. But indeed, one of the things this unlocks is that particular decision.
Hiya! Here are the answers from the architects to the questions you posed in the above post:
- cost of a feasibility study: between 8 and 12 hours of work at the cost of 60 EUR/hour excluding VAT. so the ‘worst case’ there is a cost of 871 EUR including 21% VAT for 12 hours of work.
- the architects have no standard contract they use for feasibility studies. They’re going to look into adapting a different standard contract they have to share with us.
Hey @reef-building, @Sarah, @ugne and (potentially?) @Dave_Starhawk,
As you know or have seen in this post, we had a coordination group meeting last Wednesday where we discussed the priority tasks for April and May. The scouting exercise is, obviously, very high on the list and Team Building has considerably shrunk over the past weeks. As some other teams are dormant or not very active at the moment, we figured it would be useful to focus on important tasks and not stick to one’s assigned team.
My question therefore is if you’d be happy to have a few (temporary) additional members. From the coordination group, Ugne, Sarah and myself would be happy to help. If anybody else from @reef-associate would like to join - poll below
I understand, that you, @MariaAM, are very busy until 19/04 but maybe you would have time for a quick meeting - and if not, I guess we can make it work after that date as the proposal on the scouting exercise has been postponed to the plenary on 02/05 which gives us enough time to schedule a meeting to discuss the Team’s set-up and distribute the different tasks.
So here is the poll:
- 12/04 (8pm)
- 13/04 (8pm)
- 14/04 (8pm)
- 15/04 (8pm)
- 16/04 (8pm)
- 18/04 (8pm)
- 19/04 (8pm)
- 20/04 (8pm)
- 21/04 (8pm)
- 22/04 (8pm)
- 23/04 (8pm)
Take care,
I haven’t put any date before the 21/04 since maria is not available. Which means I don’t have much availability, sorry. If it does not happen on the day when I can definetly join, I’ll see whether I can make it work last mn.
Thanks @MariaAM, @Sarah and @ugne for filling in the poll. @MariaClaudia and @Dave_Starhawk - does the 21/04 and/or the 23/04 work for you?
Also, thanks to @Lee, we already have a draft agenda with possible items to discuss Feel free to add to it!
Looks like it’s going to be the 4 of us, @MariaAM, @Sarah and @ugne.
@Sarah is there any chance you could be available for a meeting on 21/04 - maybe earlier if that works for the others? I’ll be on a train all day on 23/04 unfortunately, and I think it would be really important to get everyone together