Hi @all,
here is the update of the main activities run and storified on opencare and wemake website in the last months.
The activities are categorised as: a) openrampette; b) MIR; c) ethnography at WeMake.
open rampette arrivano i prototipi (in italian)
local newsletter update about open rampette (in italian) .
open rampette | la procedura | incontro 23.05 @ LaStecca3.0
open rampette | la chiamata | Questionario utilizzo della rampa mobile a chiamata
b) MIR
Maker in Residence | Welcome teams! (ER)
c) #notes from wemake
Design thinking, Design making… a big difference!
Opening the dimensions of access by openrampette
Openrampette makes questions about co-designing