Notes from today’s call
we will start with who we talked to this week, one minute each, who wants to start?
Natalie: this week I have been talking to 3 different organizations, one is a group of kyiv active citizens who are trying to reform and renovate kyiv with different means, it’s quite unique, they monitor social changes that are done by local government. By citizens, volunteers, this is not supported financially. Only have some partnrrships with municipality and other organizations. They give people a change to renovate their environment, better understanding of what the city can be, they have a website that shows urban development in other countries; the group is called dream kyiv.
The other organization I talked to is called magnificant, these people are ttrying to involve active yoth communities to participate in small things around their cities, to do little nice tings for everyone, aa spread of kindness around ukraine, they do projects to help elderly, support street art, brining joy to people, nice design inelevators, or to going and seeing elderly and orphanages, painting yards, lots and lots of social events, whch bring smiles on poeples faces, they are not supported by anyone, its just young people who are trying to benefit others.
Nadia wants to know how do they get people involved, do they use gaming approach? check out serious games like urgent evoke and ask them to compare their approach?
Also and
Problems in Egypt, Belarus, Armenia
people are not willing to share as they do in Ukraine (and Georgia)
Hegazy had an interviewee asking him to take the interview down
Armenia: people/organizations are not willing, because they don’t understand why it is useful for them, they are not open to joining. engagement is difficult “we don’t have time” etc. We dont really need this, we dont really care” it is difficult to engage them. people/organizations are not willing, because they don’t understand why it is useful for them, they are not open to joining. engagement is difficult
Matthias tip from Nepal:
Matthias: “the point about interviews and getting them to be interviewed, they do like to share, but they do need to find the time, but it is a quite workable approach, we have now 8 tot 10 interviews online, as a dialogue starter on the platform, but it is difficult to get people away from facebook, and get them to the edgeryders platform, they are not doing it yet. Facebook is the social network online, and also they dont really like to have everything out in the open, so public. Meetings are only in khatmandu, and they are meeting face to face, so its not in europe where it is less easy to meet face to face. What works however is to take over paradigm, and see it as a media/press space, and how this worked is online.We are now planning for a writing competition, which is what is workable, you get a lot of motivated submissions.Writer’s competition. Prizes.”
Hegazy wants to know if we have logs to see if there is heavier traffic at the book wiki?
Nadia mentions how in cairo we set up this follow up email and there are two new projects on the platform, submitted by others
And what to share to mention the book is this:
Nadia will set up a google analytics dashboard for all 7 countries so we can easily see traffic.
This week we will start setting up our mini-site, similar to: /t/lote4-the-stewardship/359
when you do online engagement, it is good to have content there, cognitively this starts a process with people. It is not about you to get your existing network to engage, but also to reach out to people who are not in our networks about the campaign and see what is going on and contribute interesting case studies themselves. Part what makes it attractive is to see what is already out there.
Nadia: for the book,what we have in mind, we work on these case studies and in parallel we will work on setting up the mini-site It is always hardest in the very beginning, seed content is difficult. We need to organize this, for example 10 tweets every day, we experiment with it: 10 different tweets, or same but in different languages.
CONTRIBUTIONS:1. you can contribute interview, 2. you can contribute case study, 3. you can contribute your comments on existing content
communication plan design but we have a lot from last year we can repurpose. We need flyers and posters, timeline, we need to engage people and organizations to push out.
After june 30 many more case studies can contributed, by others or by engagement managers self. Book we don’t finish till august/september
especially designing rewards, creating campaign video, communitcation
campaign video is very important, less than 1 minute
- Monday = rewards, if you do X you get Y = rewards, 1. you can contribute interview, 2. you can contribute case study, 3. you can contribute your comments on existing content, what are the rewards: how much do they 'cost'
- Tuesday = campaign video,, important is WHY question.
- Wednesday = communication plan
- Thursday = timeline and activity plan
- Friday = network with people and organizations
How? writing back and forth, summarize it
next week’s call we can close loose ends there are
concept: how to engage people in your country: learn while going
have a hypothesis: what we think about communication, low effort versions, to test each one, we test it for a week with social media, see what reaction is, see what works and we will know, it may be different depending on country
Education: how to write articles (training for things you never learn in school, e.g. structuring your thoughts and putting in text). Outcomes we publish what they produce during the workshop, collaborative writing of their contribution
- do presentation 2) write by yourself 3) open-write together with others including brainstorming and others help with expertise
citizen journalism or grassroots media project ask them to do a bit of teaching
Inge will create as task: what should case study look like, like what style guide do we use.
We need both layers for the book: the case study like hegazy and the poetic transcripts inge typed