A presentation where participants can learn about some of the things their peers are working on in other parts of the world, how spot the future works, and concrete calls to action for how they can get involved in making it awsome if they have 3 minutes,10 minutes or a couple of hours to spare.
Preparation required:
A landing page with instructions and the means to act on the call immediately, from that url. As well as a FB/twitter/print flyer that contains same information for them to take with them from the workshop and share with others.
Slides presenting 3 cool Edgeryders initiatives and a viualisation of how \#futurespotters works.
Prepare the documentation format and a form to sign up people for different things
A show and tell where people present their own work, and learn about some of the things their peers are working on in other parts of the world.
Preparation required:
If @Sam Muirhead and @Ahmed M Rabie put their heads together and agree on a nice format, what they need in terms of equipment, time etc. as well as where to post video documentation today.
Prepare instructions for participants and send it to them in the next day or so. We should not forget to ask them to rbing cameras, laptops and use \#futurespotters
Get a hold of the materials and equipment needed
Prepare the landing page for people to post, share and remix video, image and text materials for Spot The Future. NB: interaction needs to always drive participation here on the platform.
A creative concept to drive this.
Tools that can be embedded here on the Edgeryders platform (I haven't checked out popcorn or linklib.org, but they look promising)
A page on Edgeryders.eu platform where it all comes together. Like a less workintensive version of weneedtotalk.
Routine for uploading content into one account (vimeo and youtube)
Write a follow up blogpost *with some of this post recycked in it* and email a link to it within the next 24 hours. This time it's not just to the participants in Egypt, but to everyone.
Prepare twitterstorm instructions based on Ben's post and link to past successes. Engage workshop participants to join in.
Hi Guys I want to ask you three things today ahead of the call tomorrow
Update the documentation wiki with links to the posts from the sessions and handles of people who were in those sessions. If you see something is missing please add it.
Update the social media calendar for the week with the most interesting content
Propose a number of burning questions to build session proposals around for the big event in June.*Later we will go in and add tags each post in that wiki with keywords (so its searchable and more easily navigable)
Tomorrow we will finalise the date for the event as well as preparing next weeks twitterstorm.
I wanted to draw your attention to the ongoing twitterstorm preparations and the writeups we have so far which could serve as a basis for invitations going out this week to community members and influencers - journalists, organisations, twitter contacts with high traction, both in the Edgeryders and UNDP networks.
I shared the twitterstorm info on our social networks and will keep doing it before the actual storm. PDF is not particularly good for sharing, so I just cut the essential pieces.
Is there a synopsis of yesterday’s call so that we catch up, I understand Vahagn wasn’t on the call either? And Lurglomond is offline, he’s just married!!!
Hi Marina, I figured with George was not there, so no problem
Here is the summary, but essentially building on the twitterstorm communications and briefing ppl manning the twitter accounts. The press release works best if circulated on mailing list and inter-organisationally. The latest we’ve got is:
Also, @Vahagn might wanna start re-using your twitter account on this occasion? The social media calendar contains lots of twitter updates for Monday’s online event, in English, Georgian, Arabic, yet nothing in Armenian please translate at least a couple of them, or come up with your own that fit the length, to push out from @edgeryders account if your personal account is not so active! thanks, let’s give it a big push before Monday…
Yes i am conecting with new people on twitter now, in order to start re-using my twitter account, and I saw many people started following me recently, connected to the Edgeryders activity, so it makes more sense for me to use that account now. Let’s give it a push before Monday together.
@noemi I am happy to craft tweets, but I imagine others want to have a hand in this. I need to know what these tweets will say, so that I can add them to the twitterstorm page.
is here (first 30 rows- work in progress). I’ve been updating the list but missing links to Sam’s video (in preparation) and to some content about the June event. the rest I can keep updating tomorrow and you can go ahead and sharpen them a bit. Some of them - double check links please? are already ready to be put on the page you set up, THOSE IN ENGLISH ONLY, as the rest are not yet…
I am on the way to Berlin but will try to participate too
During the online hangout today I will still be in Moscow airport, waiting for my flight to Berlin. I may be able to take part in the meeting for a short time, like from 1PM CET to 1:30 PM CET maximum. Then I have to check in.