So LOTE4 is upon us, having launched publicly last week, we’re ready to move forward towards the next steps. If you haven’t already read over this years theme,this is a good place to start, once you’ve got a sense of where we’re heading with the theme, you might want to join a team or if you’re feeling bold propose a session.
In a community call the other week we discussed the idea of case studies, finding out about initiatives that match the objectives and theme that we’re working towards. So far making call outs online we haven’t managed to garner as many examples as we’d like - so we thought the best route would be to go out and meet the projects and people face to face.
And so, the Case Study Adventures begin. Starting next week myself and @lauren will begin travelling Europe in order to experience the projects and initiatives that matter most to this years LOTE first hand but we need your help - where do we go? who should we speak to? what are the questions that we should be asking?
We want to engage projects that we think exemplify notions of Stewardship, whether they be concerned with stewarding physical, immaterial, digital assets or building new infrastructure. We’d like to find the initiatives that are confronting the difficult questions head on, both newly started and those with a long history. Despite our work over the last couple of years within EdgeRyders and the unMonastery project we recognise that our perspectives are still limited by the networks we’re most familiar with, we’d like to take this opportunity to broaden our horizons.
So how is this going to work? To start, we’ve set up this spreadsheet that anyone can add to, to decide on the locations we’ll be visiting and route we’ll take between projects, obviously this can change on the fly but it’d be good to have some structure. We’d like you to contribute and share this as widely as possible, so we can find out about as many projects and individuals as possible.
With each visit we plan to record a short interview, asking questions that are relevant to LOTE4 but also deeper questions that we’re likely to face together over the next few decades, such as; What does Stewardship of the commons mean in this moment? / What are the fundamental lessons from the past that we can learn from now? / What is an example of a heroic act in this moment? / We’re beginning to pull together questions for the interviews in this wiki, feel free to add yours.
Once we know where we’re going and who we’re meeting, we’ll need some places to stay and eat - hospitality is always welcome, so if you know of interesting projects in your city and have a place to stay let us know in the comments of the spreadsheet or leave us a message on this thread.
Next there’s the race to get everything online quickly, as we go, myself, Lauren and hopefully others who will join us on this adventure we be moving between locations rapidly, recording interviews with each encounter - uploading what we have at every possible moment. We’re hoping that @SamM and @NicoBis will be pitching in to edit the content into something that makes sense - if you’re reading this and have video editing skills feel free to help out (@mariabyck?)
The core objectives of this adventure is to learn from existing initiatives, to spread the word and invite people to LOTE4, generate a debate around the concept of ‘Stewardship’ and see where serendipity takes us. If you want to get involved or help, you can:
- Go and interview people running projects, join the adventure, this can be in your own city or places you’re already travelling to
- Add to the list
- Add questions
- Offer help in editing video
- Offer places to stay