Documentation / harvesting of LOTE5: what? why? how?

There's a reason you want to come to Brussels ... so where will all the gold nuggets we collectively dig out go to after LOTE5?

Have you ever been involved in a conversation or event where you solve all the challenges of the world (or at least the most important ones) - particularly late at night at the pub? Your head explodes with fireworks, you find all the solutions and you know exactly what to do - then you wake up the next morning and you’ve forgotten everything?

Harvesting (which is a term from “The Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter”) is an attempt to collect and make sense of our collective conversation and the patterns that emerge from them. Documenting what you learned helps other participants, who either couldn’t attend the very session, because they attend one happening parallely, and it lowers everyones fomo. And you create a lot of value for those who can’t attend LOTE5 at all - how does that sound? So here we go …

The Self Organisation Tool for Documentation and Harvesting

Topic/ Session Who's documenting Where to find the notes/ video/ photo other material
Day 1 - Thursday
Preflections: Exploration into the social soil of LOTE5 - what brings you to Bxl? Kaja

Why the hell am I going to Bxl?

(discussion link so far, definite link with summary of answers will be provided later)

Fuck up night Brussels, let's get into the groove! Pictures album here on facebook and here.
whatever else you'd like to document that happened on thursday (chose your own title and erase my blabber below)
possibility: pictures of what happened on thursday
possibility 2: my travel fails
possibility 3: what I learned already on day 1 and happily want to share with the LOTE crowd
LOTE5. First impressions. "Am I staying?" Hannes tbc
Day 2 - Friday
Session your name + contact link to the material

How to cope with meltdowns in communities (John Coate)



John’s speaker notes

Collaborative inclusion.

How migrants-residents collaboration can produce social values. A reflexive design exercise. (Ezio Manzini et al.)


Session Documentation by @alberto

Collaborative inclusion. Part 2


Collaborative inclusion. Part 3

OpenCare files: system failures in health and social care and how to go about it (tba) @Nadia Hackpad
F I N A N C E / C U L T U R E

unFailing Massive Collaboration: Open-Sourcing Everything (Tom Markam)

@Darren Hackpad

Interoperability Or Death? (Meredith Patterson)


How can we dare to fail more? workshop with Daniel Kerrigan


Hackpad: How can we…


The pedagogy of development in the Global South, workshop by Piotr Dzialak

@Briller_loin76 to be determined

Failure of Israeli - Palestinian negotiations: the peace industry and the endless peace process, discussion with Omar Shehabi

Diana Dan ?

unFailing to improve the refugee care system in Armenia, talk by Anna Kamay

@iriedawta On Edgeryders platform

The Tyranny of Benevolence - Moving beyond charity based approaches in reception and inclusion of refugees (Nadia EL-Imam

Failures in development in Colombia - sneak preview and talk with the director (Jochem Casier)

Diana Dan


Hackpad (by N.)

Soirée Molenbeek
whatever else you'd like to write about
please add your own title as in "what the birds told me on the way to the venue", "my interview with person X" or whatever
Day 3 - Saturday
Session your name + contact link to the material


MASTERS OF NETWORKS: NETWORKS OF CARE hackathon for network scientists, doctors and patients to make sense of collective intelligence using network science and data (Led by Guy Melançon and the University of Bordeaux)

@RossellaB Hackpad: Masters of Networks
Open Care Files On Edgeryders


The EU and its people: a failure in democracy, talk by Walter van Holst and Kirsten Fiedler

@wpet (Wolfgang)

Death and the organisation - stories from beyond the grave, sharing session with Patrick Andrews

@Kaja to be defined

Fail lessons from European Capitals of Culture. An open discussion with Robert Palmer, Ilaria d’Auria, Raluca Ciuta, Niall O’Hara, Magda Bucur

Noemi, Alberto

Session Notes: unFailing European Capitals of Culture (includes unconference session)


Let’s build a damn dam! workshop by Piotr Dzialak

Shark Infested Waters: Publicizing Failures in Development. Talk and discussion with Christine Pu

Living in a megacity: Cairo as a patchwork of individual solutions. Workshop with Hegazy Mohamed

Glocal bottlenecks in complementary currencies, panel discussion: Marek Hudon and representatives of Belgian sharing economy

Disco Soup & Burn Your FuckUps
Day 4 - Sunday

Storytelling workshop: Narratives of Care 2016 (all day)

Nadia, Pauline On Edgeryders
more space for participants' reflections of "Narratives of Care"
more space for participants' reflections of "Narratives of Care"

'Destroy Your Idea - Can You Change Your Mind’ workshop by Kira Van den Ende

Hannes tbc, intenting to document one session 'properly'
Failure in Doing Good - Effective Altruism’ talk and workshop by Kris Martens, KULeuven
Distributed architectures for decentralized data governance Fabrizio Sestini Post
LOTE5 - Eating McKinsey's Breakfast Jimmy's personal reflections Post
After \#lote5: Where do we even begin to talk about failures in care? Nadia's personal reflections Post
"What was LOTE5 for me?" Hannes tbc
Merel tbc

Hello and welcome to the "Harvesting and Documentation Department" of LOTE 5!

You will find out sooner or later, so I can as well tell you right away: I love questions and the power they carry. I thought the documentation/harvesting process could benefit from the following ones, before we dive deeper into “how? who? when?”:

  • What would be useful for me to remember from the time we spend together and learn?

  • What is useful for us as a community to remember from the 3,5 day that we are going to spend together?

  • What do we need to share/feed-back and to whom?

  • What is useful for our longer term learning and what would be useful to share with others / similar networks etc.?

  • How widely could our learnings serve?

In this wiki you will find some information (and a little instruction on how the data collection is going to be organised, please read below) about how we’re going to capture what’s going to happen in Brussels. Harvesting can happen on the level of creating a record or memory (the purpose of this wiki, mostly) - as well as looking for emerging patterns and meaning (will happen on site, primarily).

I’m excited to harvest the crops we’ve been tending to and will water and nurture in the course of the following weeks!

Possible Roles

The roles are suggestions. Find your own and preferred way to document - and let us participate in each others learnings! If you have an idea for another role - please share. This is just the beginning and I’m eager for (and we are dependent on) your input. :slight_smile:

*session journalist

(got it, he? You document one or several sessions that you attend. Everyone who couldn’t come, but is interested in the material, will be a grateful bunny and love you forever.)

*day journalist, who captures the flow and what happened besides the sessions/talks

(This event isn’t only about what’s been talked about during the sessions. So much happens in between, and it would be wonderful to have a couple of people who would like to write a little bit about the flow of the day. Yes, it’s cool to go back to the sessions’ material after some weeks, but it’s also very valuable to read through the flow again and remember the moments in between. Isn’t that what un-conferences are about …?)


*video journalist

*investigative interviewer of someone who caught your interest during the event

Bios of participants will be made available on site. Pick someone and ask them what you’d like to investigate on further. If you’re into trying out something new: Pick someone you’re least likely to talk to, normally.

*seekers for questions, patterns and nuggets

The Art of Powerful Questions - very worth reading: click me!

If you’re in a hurry and just want an idea on the power of good questions: just a little something on questions

*whatever other way you’re going to come up with and whatever you feel called to collect

(I have seen harvesting in form of poems, songs, best dirty jokes from the smokers corners … whatever you find worth spreading / adding to the information pool / being remembered and carried forth. Remember to have fun and look for what inspires you. If you get bored by what you’re documenting, you should probably pick another point to look from. Another question that really calls you. Something that iches and wants to be explored. Find your own point to look from and let us participate in what you see.)

How to collect the harvest?

1. attend LOTE. That would help.

2. takes notes/record things in whatever format that works for you best (written, pictures, video footage …)

3. upload your harvest in whatever form you prefer:

The upside of creating a posting/document and link it: The discussion of the sessions can continue in the very thread, add their gold nuggets etc., so the pool of wisdom (ha, how does that sound?!) can potentially grow. If you document one of the sessions, please make sure the session title is also part of the post title.

4. document with others in realtime: (you may need to create an account to see the full list of pads in the lote5 collaction)

When is this due?

It can be tough for some people (like me) to juggle being fully present at the event and delivering the outcome asap. So don’t stress out during LOTE itself. The goal would be to have the material uploaded until approx. 2 weeks after the event.

Please add yourself to the wiki!

If you’d like to document a session (woohoooo!!), please add your name next to the session title. In case more session are being added and aren’t on the wiki yet, add it! (if the wiki runs out of rows at some point and you don’t know how to edit, give @Kaja a shout.)

If you’d like to document something that is no session, please find a title for it yourself, add it and also write down your name. This is not a binding contract. Play with it and be courageous. Add your shiny selves and dare to share your learnings. Worst case: You fail. Which would be good, especially if you share it, so the rest of us can get a bit of relief from our own fears of fucking things up. You’d do me a favour, at least. And you’d earn the courage crown! :slight_smile:

Thank you for joining the documentation and harvesting team! It would be wonderful if you filled your name in as early as possible, so us documentation and reflection freaks can chill out about this. Thanks! :slight_smile:

علاج الصداععلاج الزكام طبيعيا في المنزل يقول البعض انه ليس هنالك علاج الزكام بطريقة طبيعية في المنزل ولكن هذا ليس صحيحا هناك طرق طبيعية تعالج الزكام بسهولة علاج وجع الراس علاج الكحهطبيعيا في المنزل الكحة او السعال هي واحدة من أكثر المشكلات الصحية شيوعا عندما يكون هناك انسداد في الحلق أو الممرات الهوائية العليا علاج الحمىعلاج الحمى في المنزل الحمى هي ارتفاع درجة حرارة الجسم أعلى من المعدل الطبيع لحرارة الجسم . درجة حرارة الجسم الطبيعية هي مختلفة عن الأطفال من البالغين علاج القرحة علاج قرحة المعدة طبيعيا في المنزل قرحة المعدة هي قرحة أو آفة تتطور في بطانة المعدة ويمكن أن يحدث أيضا في الجزء العلوي من الأمعاء. تخفيف الوزن طريقة صنع عصير الليمون والشاي لتخفيف الوزن الناس أصبحوا الان أكثر وعيا من الآثار الصحية تجاة الوزن الزائد ويبحثون عن وصفات مبتكرة يمكن أن تساعدهم على فقد بعض من الوزن علاج الزكامعلاج الزكام طبيعيا في المنزل يقول البعض انه ليس هنالك علاج الزكام بطريقة طبيعية في المنزل ولكن هذا ليس صحيحا هناك طرق طبيعية تعالج الزكام بسهولة

Collaborative real-time note taking

Hello @Kaja, thanks for this. I will definitely be part of the documentation effort.

I would like to suggest a way to organize the session journalism. I will definitely use it when I document – I guess I might start with John Coate’s session. Let’s see if you like it.

  1. Create a Hackpad with the same title as the session (like this). Do this well ahead of time. Hackpads are a mix betweeen a word processor and a wiki. You write into it as you would in a word processor; it has revision history and supports multiple authorship like wikis. The difference is that many people can edit it at the same time. There are many such tools: Google Docs, PiratePads, TitanPads etc. They are all OK, though ideally it's best to use just one for the whole conference. We used Hackpads at LOTE4 and it went quite well. If you want, I can elaborate on why I think it turned out to be an appropriate tool.
  2. When the session starts, point the documentation team people in the room to the Hackpad. If there is more than one person, we can take notes together on the same document. That's a lot of fun, because you see the notes grow before your eyes: people intuitively synchronize (if you are already writing something I leave it alone and add something else I had not had the time to note before, etc.)
  3. Connect all Hackpads so that it is easier to navigate from one to the other, I need to look better into their data model: maybe this can be done by making a collection; or maybe, like at LOTE4, you can have a single Hackpad per conference day, with pre-made headers for each session. 

LOTE5 workspace on hackpad

The collection @Alberto mentions, I set it up:

It is public, but in order to edit it people need to log in. Some try and ask for an invite?

@Kaja, beautiful work and very clear instructions. Let me know if I can be of more help.

Hack that pad …

Hello @Alberto and @Noemi

I like the suggestion, since I guess you’re suggesting it, because worked at previous LOTEs, so go ahead! Why change a running system. Just some comments & questions:

  1. Sounds good, will you post every single link to the wiki then in advance, too (or is it one link for all sessions, referring to #3?)? Will there be a little time in the very beginning of the event when everyone is gathered so that you could walk people through a short introduction into Hackpad? I expect lots of people to join the documentation team kinda spontaneously on the spot, so they might appreciate a short “how to”, if they never heard of Hackpad (the name alone can be a bit intimidating, as it slightly implies you gotta be techy). I’m thinking of the pen and paper crowd here and of how to best invite people in case this is a new form of doing things for them.

  2. Good idea for people who like the communal documenting idea. I’d like to add that people should still be encouraged to find a good balance between trying this if they like, but not feel pushed if they prefer to do it in another way. For me, it would be very distracting to listen to the session while co-documenting with others. I would easily get lost in trying to read other people’s contributions - and have a lot of fun doing it - but get distracted. So yes, point to the Hackpad, and leave space for alternatives, so that people can do it the way they do it best.

Who would do this “pointing out”, then? Can the speakers be asked to refer to the Hackpad link / Documentation thread in the beginning? No one of us will be around at every session, so how can this work best for all?

Would it help to have a “how to document / Hackpad” poster in the room as a backup plan, so people can look up the basics there? Like this, for example:

  • Like co-documenting with others? Go to: and find the session. Group Hackpad on!

  • Like to document individually? Enjoy. After you’re done, please upload this here: “link in forum to be defined where the postings about sessions will be set up” and find the session you’d like to contribute your documentation to.

Or so …? Don’t know. How did you do it in the past so that it was clear where the documentation goes to? Before every session? Once at the very beginning of the event?

  1. Would that mean that it’s one large hackpack-document in the end? Would it then still be possible to link to individual parts of it, for example to add a link to the hackpad for session X to thread about session X?

More on general documentation/harvesting questions/coordination in next comment.



Ok, bullet pointing

UPDATED: Or we could set up a new group on Edgeryders “LOTE5 Harvest”?

I love how thorough you are. Ok so:

  • I've asked Alex to put the link to the hackpad on the back of nametags. The LOTE5 hackpad is a collection of pads (documents). One is able to create a different pad for each session, with its own link and content about the session. Its individual link we can add here in your table afterwards.
  • We'll be explaining documentation at the beginning of the event + ask the people who volunteered here to remind others in the individual sessions (we should have a small gathering earlier on Thursday before LOTE starts and it gets crowded).
  • Great idea for How To posters in each room, it's on my to do list..!

on time (thursday)

Hey Noemi

regarding: “We’ll be explaining documentation at the beginning of the event + ask the people who volunteered here to remind others in the individual sessions (we should have a small gathering earlier on Thursday before LOTE starts and it gets crowded).”

Just for the planning of when to explain documentation (and the harvesting aspects): I will have to attend a organisational call for an Art of Hosting event between 7 and 8:30 pm on thursday,

so I won’t be available during those 1,5 hours.

Looking at the programm, the general introduction is between 5 and 6 pm. If we gather the docu crowd right afterwards, we can well be finished with that before 7 pm. Works? Or anytime before that, of course.

And if day wasn’t full enough already, of course, I cook on thursday :wink: (but hope to do it as early as possible, preferably even before the afternoon.).

Between 6 and 7 sounds OK

@Kaja, thanks for the suggestion, i think it will work to gather after the opening, if we manage not to disperse too much in the general frenziness. By then we’ll have people signed up for this as they check in.

Sorry I havent answered your last email, have been drowning a bit trying to answer other stuff. @ireinga and I will be working all Wednesday and running around getting stuff ready, so maybe we can all meet at SmartBe around 10? let’s wait for Irene to confirm…

drowning too …

sigh And see, how good I am at staying away from the forum in order to get some rest? :wink: Damn!!

Wednesday at 10 sounds good for me! Just on a note that doesn’t belong here, but if you talk to Ireinga about times anyway …

if it’s more practical that one dish gets cooked on Wednesday evening, I can also do that, if enough help is around.

on space and sharing learning

Hey again

Two questions (for the moment), ping @noemi:

On space:

I read that the venue is a maze :slight_smile: It would be very good to have a big wall for the things that will be written on post-its etc., so this now is about the pen and paper side of the game …

It would be perfect if there was enough space next to that wall so people could form - more or less spontaneous - chair circles if they feel like sharing something (or if someone like to invite, which I for example like doing, sometimes, but it can of course also be opened by anybody else). It is nice to have a space for these things. Is that something you happened to planned for? Like a retreat area or so?

On sharing the learning:

In the program it says “share your learning”, at the end of the day. What did you plan to do there? I mean … will it be hosted in any way or will people be given time to socialize and things will happen on their own? Just curious what that programm point means :slight_smile: If you don’t want to spoil the mystery, that’s okay, too :wink: I like surprises.

Have a good evening, everyone!



@Kaja: I hear there are plenty of corners for people to gather spontaneously. Come next week on Wed, we’ll be able to go and check it out and see where such a wall could be placed? I’ve made a list of logistics still needed to be taken care of, feel free to add there no of postits + visual you showed us for documenting in analogue mode. We can print it Wed.

Share your learnings: nothing planned in particular, it’s usually that at the end of the day it makes sense to reconvene. We don’t have formal “curators” to round things up, but @Nadia is damn good at opening up discussions. Let’s see what we can come up with, if you have ideas bring them on.


Okay, thanks! See you on wednesday then.

Logistics wiki: So far, the link for uploading is the LOTE5 workspace, will there be a sub-section like “/docu” or so? Otherwise, I imagine the threads will be scattered all over the forum and it’ll be hard to find them.


I’d like to alter the wording a bit, because “enjoy” can be interpreted in the slightly cynical direction of “well, if you think that’s a good idea, enjoy yourself!” :slight_smile:

I didn’t mean it that way, when I wrote it, and I’d like to be clear and apprechiative about what people chose to do. What I meant was to encourage people to

do what they want, so please change to “That’s great, too!” instead of “Enjoy.”

Suggestion for wording:

"Like to document in another way? That’s great, too! After you’re done, please upload your material here: LOTE5 workspace

Look whether a post for the session already exist there.

If so, add you material to the post.

If not, open one and start the documentation of that session.


Tadaah probably optional, but I hope you get the idea. :wink: Intention: make process as easy and clear for everybody, also those who either weren’t present

at introduction or couldn’t be bothered then, but then get interested in contributing afterwards and can’t remember what was said about the “how to”.

Or am I making this more complicated than necessary? Previous lote experiece based feedback welcome!

Logistics # 2: Since you liked the posters idea … For the overview of what is being documented and making things as easy as possible:

Would it be possible to also have a printed version of the documentation wiki excel where people add their names to the sessions?

That would be hanging somewhere on a well visible wall and people can walk up there and add themselves spontaneously. Again, for the pen and paper crowd

who’re not into checking everything online all the time.

The “worst” thing that can happen is that we have people parallely signing up online and on the paper version.

Better than subsection of LOTE5…

…a new group: LOTE5 Harvest. Basically when clicking there all posts/wikis/documents will be documentation only. I also assigned this wiki to that group. So we have a clean slate. Works? @Kaja.

you are the pro reg. the techy side of things …

… so I think a group is perfect. I most probably meant that when writing “sub section”, hehe. Still not totally getting the forum’s structure.

One request @Noemi: please don’t call the new group “Harvest” ok? Rather “Documentation” or something the like.

There is a difference, which I don’t expect to be clear yet (because I didn’t break it down in detail probably, and it’s a little tough to

find the right words right now due to time shortage), but it’s important for me to rather point to the documentation side for now,

even though it might seem I’m splitting hair. :slight_smile:

In a nutshell: how to document is on track already and it seems like it’s going to work.

Harvesting, on the other hand, is a process that is not going to happen in its full potential at LOTE (as I had to realize), due

to different reasons (number of people present at LOTE with AoH harvesting experience, process design compatibility …).

So what’s going to happen are some sprinkles of harvesting. It will rather be flower picking than harvesting the entire field,

if that allegory helps. Yes, I know, I called it “harvesting” myself, in a moment of overestimating (ignoring?) possibilities.

Typical utopians trap! sigh

Therefore, I expect the amount of documentation threads to dominate - so it would be more correct to call the group accordingly.

I’m not be able to explain this in more detail right now, sorry, even though I’d love to. Looking forward to talking about this to you in person.



HOw to add myself?

Hi, I’d like to help document the Master of Networks session, but I can’t edit above. How do I do it?

Edit button above the menu

Hey, hope this helps:

1 Like


Thanks Noemi, it worked! Now I still have to figure out the hackpad thingy. I’m a little confused, can you confirm me that it is going to be part of the edgeryder group?

Hackpad also figured out


Thanks for joining the session journalists :slight_smile: Looking forward to reading all about that session, which I probably won’t be able to join, myself.

You’re actively lowering my fomo - phew!

My contribution

Hello all,

Nice to meet you. I just joined, and would like to let you know that I am willing to document (let me say I will be a session journalist, but also seeking questions, patterns and the flow of) the workshop on “The pedagogy of development in the Global South”.  I hope that doesn’t coincide with the “Collaborative inclusion” session, as that was my main reason to attend.  But we shall see when we come to that.

Looking forward to see you on Thursday.


PS: sorry for posting it as a comment but I have no idea how to otherwise let you know what I can contribute here.

The Art of Powerful Question

I added it to the Wiki, but just in case there’s no notification:

If you’re interested in The Art of Powerful Questions, please this way.
